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Showing results for tags 'Insistent Non-English Posts'.
- Cenzzura reporting people for using non english in post, but he is doing same
Many players continually speaking non-english in post. I honestly could've taken a lot more screenshots but honestly how many does it take?
Hello all, I did not know what topic to put (because it's not listed there in the whole list, so I selected a random one just for the sake of argument) I have also posted in your general chat of your official discord, but no one ever gives a duck about our opinion. I will post the evidence here, cause there are people to be helped, people that play on this server, people that feel ignored until the "moderator" decides to reply to their answers/complains/requests whenever he feels like: Therefore, @ADMIN @Gion i request please a rule that for every request / issue / complaint ever raised, to receive at least a response within 24 hours since it was risen, because it's inadmissible to wait up to 49-72 hours to receive a response which was done in the same day. P.S: I can understand we all have our personal lives, but to take 30 minutes to at least check the complaints received on the same day they were submitted (and not wait 3 days for punishment) is a decent thing to ask as a mutual respect move. I am kind of tired to submit tickets to forum (or hear issues of others sending you messages in OldSquad Community) and no one takes any action. Please do the needful and at least show interest for your player based community who is here to have fun. Please show interest to people who constantly invest time or money on your server. PLEASE CONSIDERATE HELPING THOSE WHO NEED, CAUSE WE ARE NOT JUST MONEY OR STATISTICS. Yours honestly,
Pretty much daily /post-s where he does not speak any English. //fixed links
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Salutare. Nu stiam unde sa postez legat de eventul din arena. Eu am o problema cu >Modemul<, din 4 in 4 ore i.mi da disconect si cred ca am luat si in timpul eventului. Am scris si pe privat dar inca nu am primit un raspuns. Nu stiu daca e bine unde am postat. I.mi cer scuze daca nu este bine. Nu inteleg de ce nu pot intra, zice ca am ban etc etc. Multumesc si scuze de deranj. Este deja a 2.a zi in care nu pot intra la event.