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    Cyclone changes discussion

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    I would like to invite other BK players to chime in and post their opinion about the cyclone changes. I don't have much time to play anymore so I'm basing this off of limited testing time.

    At the moment I'm not sure what was the intended purpose or the vision behind the change.

    1. It doesn't work as a solution to making bk a viable killer in teamfight environments. 

    - Before this patch, cyclone would cause both the caster and the target to move, throwing aim off of for allies who are trying to focus down a target.
    ->Now it places the bk directly on top of the target and depending on unknown factors people hovering their mouse over the pair of characters only get the option to attack one of them (so cycloning an enemy that is iced/stunned results in shielding them with your own body and generally getting eliminated by your own team before you get the chance to move).

    2. In bk 1v1 matchups, the random movement increased the skillceiling - players had to aim to land their skills, certain combos had greater knockback further increasing the need for precise aim. Now both players instantly end up inside of each other. It's impossible to tell what the individual characters are doing, who got stunned, who got staggered etc. one can only guess based on in game sounds. On top of that it now looks terrible when 2 bks fight :P

    3. When chasing with the new cyclone, sometimes right click completely stops working against certain opponents (spotted in todays arena, many people were immune to cyclone while others could be attacked just fine, casting other spells or left clicking didn't help)

    4. Cyclone bug (walking back to the original position the character was on before casting cyclone on the enemy) is still happening regardless the change.


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    Doink -part of the thief triplet . cry more !

    suck it up , you had enough bk op time.

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    It's ironic when you offer game suggestions while simultaneously scamming items from other players.

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    Well, i agree with doink about most,  tested duel/tf, duels are worthless to even to do and in teamfights you are a buffer in best case scenario tank+fen with left click, but most bks wanna cyclone or combo so they cyclone into enemy, denying the party to deal dmg nor ice elf have proper impact(you get iced inside mostly and enemy elf just runs). Also another example of cyclone experience example cyclone into iced target which is focused by other ally guild members not in party with  you get you teamkilled mostly. Dueling elfs is like a beatdown to face 3 times over again, i can go so on..  So the bk gameplay is nah, should do a radius on cyclone from char it is cycloned to ? Like it wont cyclone straight into it, i think the pushback thingy was good skill metrix tbh, now when i duelled with doink only ice combos you get sometimes bug/teleport, while chasing or trying to reset fight example.. Also i feel like cyclone sometimes stops working as mentioned by doink or you just right click cyclone from a position to a target (in range of course) and it doesn't cyclone, feels like texture block or some..  Would think about bk adjusts 

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