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  • Tokyo

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    Reputation Activity

    1. Haha
      Tokyo reacted to Knightmare in Raxist Toxic Ppls here   
      niggrman is good song loved by many
    2. Haha
      Tokyo reacted to Gion in Raxist Toxic Ppls here   
      The final decision will come later on, but until then: NiggerMan, you are required to change your Nickname as we cannot accept derogatory racial nicknames (this will result in a continuous 2 days ban according to the rules). An in-game mail was sent to NiggerMan.
    3. Thanks
      Tokyo reacted to Gion in extended hydro ban   
      Only NPCs cannot read numbers and 💩. I know the competition is hard, never saw you actually shine, some random stats ain't showing anything. Mind your language about our players, as you said you already left so better mind your business on your new thang. It's damn easy for me to delete anything about you that ever existed here. Yikes.
    4. Haha
      Tokyo reacted to BetleyKOX in extended hydro ban   
      @Chukundahu have to start play here for show to @Hydrooowho exactly is bigger rat ;D
      Imo both of u are big rat noob 
    5. Sad
      Tokyo got a reaction from Knightmare in Inception - Genesis   
      Who wants to farm some ggds tonight?
    6. Really?
      Tokyo reacted to Gion in Inception - Genesis   
      You asked for my thoughts and ADMIN's. I cannot talk for him but I think that my opinion is already placed in the info topic. I personally see this as the best option because not everyone will have full items/stats at the end of these 120 days. Also, my vision about MU is not only items items items and then quit. We designed this type of gameplay especially thinking that it would be fun not having everything available, just playing around, just enjoying this game as it should be enjoyed like why did you get all these items and level? You can help other fellow players to max their set (haha funny).
      Back in the day when I was a player I would've done anything just to get to full stats TODAY and kick some ass. I hated the level up, the hunt (not as concepts but as daily/repetitive activities) but looks like we do not share the same opinion. I was like more into pvp rather than kill some npcs/bosses, and by pvp I am talking defeating 10 guys that are just like me in terms of level/items, thing that cannot be done when a player has 10 resets and the other has 20. At least it's not relevant imo. The server is full Pvp but I don't see real pvp. I only see smaller players getting killed by the higher players and when it is time for the real pvp the top guys just quit and there is a chain reaction.
      So adding content for Inception would be totally against my concepts, not speaking that it is nonsense for the future Inceptions coz then let's just have a big server Genesis with everything unlocked.
      Again to make myself clear: in my opinion, adding content will only take the top players to the max and they will just quit after, same as they would do now with no items. 
    7. Haha
      Tokyo reacted to spitfire in Let's talk ?   
      poop is always welcome, but does one like some blue cheese around the dickhead? 😍😋😋 and if yes do you prefer blue cheese dressing or crumbles??🤔🤔🤔
    8. Thanks
      Tokyo reacted to Pershing in Let's talk ?   
      You will never change. You trash talked about the community actually having one of the best community in the business - very competitive, very active and very stable even though some smaller or bigger issues around. Before you talked about toxic community you should look at the mirror and ask yourself a question. Why people don’t like me?
      Maybe it’s because of the way you talk to people and how arrogant you are? Maybe it’s because you think you are the smartest guy in the world? Maybe it’s because you think you are always right? Maybe it’s because you ignore what people talk to you and listen to “your” people only? Etc etc.
      I have never seen you admitting your own mistakes
    9. Haha
      Tokyo reacted to ADMIN in [Phoenix] Early-Mid Game Feedback   
      You should all start playing different servers for at least 1 year and then maybe you will finally appreciate our work.    But I admit, it was our fault that we gave you too much from start (great gameplay, great features, great support, great stability, great fairness and seriosity) and you got used to it thinking you deserve it and even more than it, trashing every single detail that wasn't perfect for you. The love and hype I had when I've built this project was blind, I never expected that I was building a toxic community. A community that know to respect and talk nicely only when it is in need of info / support OR when everything is "perfect". A community where people are "sweet-talking" with us in the front side while cursing, insulting and disrespecting us in the back side. A community that even with hundreds of real players and guild-limits can't have more than 2-3 guilds, and even those guilds are disbanding on their first real lose or even on their first win. A community that can't take a lose or accept that others are just better and either insult each other, create dramas, accuse of hack, exploit, luck or simply create excuses. A community that literally begged us for unbans of ips/hwids promising that they've changed just to repeat their shits. A community that had multiple opportunities to bring feedback but it was either totally ignored, used for personal benefits or used as a way to complain without adding any value. I can keep going, but it is enough.   We had the potential (technical & dedication) to have a great, long term place, but we started wrong, we never thought that the playerbase would be our downfall, we were focused too much on the product. Would have expected a different outcome with mature people aging 25-30+, but it wasn't the case. I started this project when I was 20, spent many of important youth years working with pure passion on this project 18/24 and had BLIND hopes of reaching something...unrecheable. That passion quickly went lower and lower as the years passed and the "community" was being built, and I started to realize what environment I am actually working in. The reason Gion was co-opted was exactly because I was sick of handling people anymore, and decided to focus purely on technical aspects if I wanted to continue the project, passing most of the human-interactions to Gion. Yes, I used to be a GREAT guy towards everyone here (because I am the same in real life), and it only backfired to me and I was fooled again and again (same as in real life).   What's left here? A pure business without a soul. Our projects are free to play for everyone, but as WE WANT them to be. Take it or leave it. As long as there will still be some players left and especially enough money to be a feasible business we will still be here. When it will be over, it will be over, no hard feelings, we have nothing more to prove and no time to waste anymore at this age (especially since we limit ourselves to such an old game when we can do way bigger, 2022 things).   What's for sure right now is that this Phoenix was the last non-reset type of server on OldSquad, as it was stated before its launch, as a last-shot on non-reset. In terms of Inception, there will also be radical changes on how it will be operated starting from this year.   We'll slowly build our own S17 behind the scenes, with a fresh community built from 0, this time made it right. Some of you are clearly welcome there, some of you probably not.   Topic is closed now since there won't be any other Phoenix. #WeMadeMUGreatAgain.
    10. Haha
      Tokyo reacted to Pershing in [Phoenix] Early-Mid Game Feedback   
      Economy jewel - shit
      Zen - shit
      Early mid late drops -shit
      Golden drops +4 + 5 -shit 
      Balanced classes - shit
      Thanks for this edition. Above is my feedback on Admin’s new ideas
    11. Haha
      Tokyo reacted to 1Word in Bug kill   
      Doesn't matter man, even i am was with no set on me, a summoner can't beat a BK not in 100 hundred years, even she was with 5 resets on the top of me , this is impossible. Me 19 RR she 14 RR , can you hear yourself? Was impossible to kill her.
    12. Thanks
      Tokyo reacted to Phantomel in Illusion Temple   
      Hello everyone!

      So, since the rewards from IT have been normalized and now you can get same rewards(but different chances) in all IT's and people wont cry anymore about only HC joining IT5, can we have back the old system where the players that clicked first join first? People abuse the current system and join with secondaries. I'm already fed up how many alt chars i've encountered in IT, and some people even enter with 2 or 3 chars in different IT's and they are griefing the other people who join with only their mains and want to have fair chances at winning.

      Thank you!
    13. Thanks
      Tokyo reacted to ADMIN in They're here! World Bosses - Call to Arms!   
      While Medusa had her own "army", into Cursed Dragon & Bloody Witch Queen, Selupan thought he's strong enough alone, but the past has proven him wrong.
      Learning from his own mistakes, he has built a new army of himself, and its time has come...
      World Bosses - They're here!
      Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 21:45, the new Selupan's Minions (Dark Giant, Dark Mammoth & Dark Iron Knight) will invade our world. The duration of the invasion is 21 minutes. The 1st time when the invasion is announced, an Anomaly will hit our server. The Anomaly is created by World Bosses. While Anomaly is up, every 15 seconds 2 random players (any player, no matter what he is doing) from sub-server 1 (non-gens) and 1 random player (any player, no matter what he is doing) from sub-server 2 (gens) will be affected by either Cold Aura (10 seconds of Ice that cannot be dispelled) or Disease (5 seconds of Stun). Entire server must team up in a race versus time to defeat all 3 World Bosses before the time runs out in order to clear the Anomaly. If all 3 bosses are defeated before they survive (before the time is up), the Anomaly will end when the invasion also ends, and ENTIRE SERVER gets +30% bonus zen gained (multiplicative) until the next World Bosses Invasion. If any of the world bosses do survive, then the Anomaly will continue to hunt our server for the next 24 hours, and the zen bonus gained is removed. When the World Bosses do spawn, an Old Guard is spawned near every online player from server (with few exceptions like events zone / duel arena, etc.). Apart from asking for your help, they will also offer you a free Teleport to one of the World Bosses zone, if you click them. They can teleport you only to a World Boss from your current sub-server (non-gens maps Guards can teleport you to non-gens bosses and gens maps Guards can teleport you to gens map boss). They stay only 15 seconds near you, then they can be found in safe-zones of Lorencia, Noria, Devias, Elbeland, Aida, Tarkan and in Icarus at warp. During every invasion, each character can use the Teleport for unlimited times on non-gens server (for Dark Mammoth & Dark Iron Knight) and for 2 times on gens server (for Dark Giant), by clicking either the initially spawned guard, or the ones from safe-zones / icarus warp. They can teleport you only to a location where a World Boss is alive, from your sub-server. Guards from Lorencia, Noria, Devias & Elbeland safe-zones will teleport you to a random World Boss location, where the boss is alive, from your sub-server. The guard from Aida will teleport you to Dark Mammoth's location. The guard from Tarkan will teleport you to Dark Giant's location. The guard from Icarus will teleport you to Dark Iron Knight's location. Summon (DL) is disabled in the World Bosses maps during the invasion. If you relog / disconnect in the bosses 16x16 range, you'll be moved on the safe-zone when you reconnect. You can have only 1 Account per IP in the World Bosses 6x6 range / 8x8 range / 10x10 range. If you have 2 then the 2nd one will be moved in Lorencia. How does it work? The first character on your IP that enters the boss range will be considered the valid one, any other characters on IP will be moved. World Bosses
      Dark Giant - Gens Map World Boss. He will spawn in Tarkan2 - 95x 205y. Basics: He has melee range, a medium HP pool, a very high damage, a very high ASR and a very low attack speed. Special mechanic: Guard's Blessings - The gens family with lower number of total people (based on TOP300 Characters with Gens) receive buffs as following: If the lower Gens Family percent is between 41% and 50% (Example: 50-59% Duprian - 50-41% Varnert): No buffs. If the lower Gens Family percent is between 33% and 40% (Example: 60-67% Duprian - 40-33% Varnert): 1. Immunity to damage for 3 seconds every 12 seconds. 2. Permanent Damage Buff with a value equal to an Energy Elf with 400 ENE (at CS). If the lower Gens Family percent is between 25% and 32% (Example: 68-75% Duprian - 32-25% Varnert): 1. Immunity to damage for 4 seconds every 12 seconds. 2. Permanent Damage Buff with a value equal to an Energy Elf with 600 ENE (at CS). If the lower Gens Family percent is between 0% and 24% (Example: 76-100% Duprian - 24-0% Varnert): 1. Immunity to damage for 5 seconds every 12 seconds. 2. Permanent Damage Buff with a value equal to an Energy Elf with 800 ENE (at CS). Note: This buffs are only gained in Tarkan and only while the Dark Giant is alive. Signature mechanic: Doomsday - Dark Giant can only be attacked when there are only players from one Gens Family alive in his 8x8 range, else he is immune to damage. Extra mechanic: Cold Aura - everyone in his 8x8 range is permanently iced (undispellabe). Common mechanic: Selupan's Wrath - Players that enter at least once in 8x8 range of the Dark Giant will be affected by Selupan's Wrath. Affected players can't use items (especially Potions) while the Dark Giant is alive. Affected players can get rid of the debuff only by: dying, relogging, moving to another sub-server or defeating the boss. Note: Selupan's Wrath is inactive when there are players alive from both Gens Famillies in his 8x8 range (during PvP time). Dark Giant has a maximum duration of 16 minutes, after he spawns. Special Reward: While Doomsday is inactive, the Gens Family that is alone in the boss range will earn 1 point per second. At the end of the fight, the winner family is the one with most points & the Special Reward is given to a random player from the winner Family. Note: Special Reward is given only to characters that spent at least 20% of the duration of the Boss in his 8x8 range. Example: If boss dies after 900 seconds (15 minutes), special reward is given only to characters that spent at least 180 seconds in the Boss 8x8 range. Participation Reward: All participants get participation reward, as long as they are online and on Tarkan (anywhere), when the Dark Giant is defeated. Note: Participation reward is given only to characters that spent at least 20% of the duration of the Boss in his 8x8 range. Example: If boss dies after 900 seconds (15 minutes), participation reward is given only to characters that spent at least 180 seconds in the Boss 8x8 range.
        Dark Mammoth - Non-PvP Map World Boss. He will spawn in Aida2 - 50x 120y. While he is alive, Aida is transformed into a FULL NON-PVP MAP (even for Mercenaries / PKers). Basics: He has high range, a very high HP pool, a medium damage, a very high ASR and a medium attack speed. He also has push-back + mini-stun chance on his attacks. Basics: AoE immunity - in the Dark Mammoth's 20x20 range, the full AoE skills are blocked: Evil Spirits, Gigantic Storm, Fire Burst, Lightning Shock, Rageful Blow, Dragon Lore. Special mechanic: Hard to Forget - In order for the Dark Mammoth to be summoned, there's a mini invasion of his own minions - 12 Giant Mammoths are spawned as following: 2 in Lorencia. 2 in Noria. 2 in Elbeland (1-3). 2 in Devias (1-4). 2 in Lost Tower (1-7). 2 in Dungeon (1-3). The Dark Mammoth will be summoned only when all 12 Giant Mammoths are killed. Signature mechanic: Carnage - Every 60 seconds, Dark Mammoth does spawn his minions again (12), in his 10x10 range this time, and he gets immunity to damage until all his minions are killed. Note: If the previous minions aren't killed before the next Carnage, they will automatically despawn and the new ones will be summoned. Note2: Minions have push-back chance on their attacks. Extra mechanic: Enrage - Every 22 seconds he gets a big amount of extra damage for 5 seconds. Common mechanic: Selupan's Wrath - Players that enter at least once in 10x10 range of the Dark Mammoth will be affected by Selupan's Wrath. Affected players can't use items (especially Potions) while the Dark Mammoth is alive. Affected players can get rid of the debuff only by: dying, relogging, moving to another sub-server or defeating the boss. Note: Selupan's Wrath is permanently active. Dark Mammoth has a maximum duration of 20 minutes, starting from the moment his minions do spawn. Note: The duration starts the moment his minions are spawned, so the faster you kill the minions, the faster he is summoned, the more time you have for the actual boss. Special Reward: Delivered to 1 random player from one of the participants that killed at least 1 of the boss minions before he spawned (mini invasion), as long as they are online and in Aida (anywhere), when the Dark Mammoth is defeated. Note: While killing more than 1 minion doesn't directly raise your chances to get the Special Reward, it does indirectly raise them by having less eligible characters for the reward. Note2: Special Reward can be gained only if the selected character spent at least 60% of the duration of the Boss (after he spawned) in his 10x10 range. Example: If boss dies after 900 seconds (15 minutes), special reward is given only to characters that spent at least 540 seconds in the Boss 10x10 range. Participation Reward: All participants get participation reward, as long as they are online and in Aida (anywhere), when the Dark Mammoth is defeated. Note: Participation reward is given only to characters that spent at least 60% of the duration of the Boss (after he spawned) in his 10x10 range. Example: If boss dies after 900 seconds (15 minutes), participation reward is given only to characters that spent at least 540 seconds in the Boss 12x12 range.
        Dark Iron Knight - PvP Map World Boss. He will spawn in Icarus - 40x 225y. While he is alive, Icarus is transformed into a FULL PVP MAP (free PK, anyone can be attacked). Basics: He has medium range, a high HP pool, a low damage, a high ASR and a high attack speed. He also has a stun chance on his attacks. Special mechanic: Disease - Every 22 seconds, he puts Disease on 2 random players from his 6x6 range. The players that get it will be stunned for 10 seconds. Note: Disease is being placed only on players that are outside of his 3x3 range but still in his 6x6 range (basically, players in melee range can't get it directly). Note2: If there aren't at least 5 eligible range targets at the moment of the Disease, then anyone can get the Disease (including those in melee range). Signature mechanic: Iron Shield - Every 60 seconds, Dark Iron Knight gets Iron Shield, reducing 60% of the damage taken. For every PvP kill during Iron Shield (and in the boss 6x6 range), the Iron Shield reduction is decreased by 6%, up to 0%. If it gets to 0%, then the Iron Shield is purged. Note: While Iron Shield is inactive / purged, PvP is disabled in his 6x6 range (and only in his 6x6 range, rest of map is still FULL PVP). Extra mechanic: Anyone from the 2x2 range of the players that got the Disease (but still in the 6x6 range of the boss) will also get the Disease and will be stunned as well, for 10 seconds. Common mechanic: Selupan's Wrath - Players that enter at least once in 6x6 range of the Dark Iron Knight will be affected by Selupan's Wrath. Affected players can't use items (especially Potions) while the Dark Iron Knight is alive. Affected players can get rid of the debuff only by: dying, relogging, moving to another sub-server or defeating the boss. Note: Selupan's Wrath is inactive while Iron Shield is up and not purged (during PvP time). Dark Iron Knight has a maximum duration of 18 minutes. Special Reward: Delivered to 1 random player from one of the participants that killed at least 3 players in the boss 6x6 range (during Iron Shield), as long as they are online and on Icarus (anywhere) or Devias (anywhere) when the Dark Iron Knight is defeated. Note: While killing more than 3 players doesn't directly raise your chances to get the Special Reward, it may indirectly raise them by maybe having less eligible characters for the reward. Note2: Special Reward can be gained only if the selected character spent at least 50% of the duration of the Boss in his 6x6 range. Example: If boss dies after 900 seconds (15 minutes), special reward is given only to characters that spent at least 540 seconds in the Boss 6x6 range. Participation Reward: All participants get participation reward, as long as they are online and on Icarus (anywhere) or Devias (anywhere), when the Dark Iron Knight is defeated. Note: Participation reward is given only to characters that spent at least 60% of the duration of the Boss in his 6x6 range. Example: If boss dies after 900 seconds (15 minutes), participation reward is given only to characters that spent at least 540 seconds in the Boss 6x6 range.
        Dark Iron Knight (PvP Map) & Dark Mammoth (Non-PvP Map) bosses do also share the Soul Link mechanic: Soul Link: Dark Mammoth's soul is linked to Dark Iron Knight's soul. When Dark Iron Knight dies, Dark Mammoth is getting permanent Iron Shield, absorbing 35% of the damage (that can't be reduced) for the rest of its duration. When Dark Mammoth dies, Dark Iron Knight is getting permanent Enrage, increasing its damage by 150% for the rest of its duration. Rewards
      Special Reward: 25% chance for 20c/20creation. 25% chance for Old Jewel. 25% chance for Old Box 5. Participation Reward: 15kk Zen. 40 Credits. + 50% chance for 5c/5creation. 50% chance for Old Box 4. Artifacts Reward: Dark Mammoth: 1x PvM Artifact as part of the Special Reward 10% chance for 1x PvM Artifact as part of the Participation Reward. Dark Giant : 1x PvPArtifact as part of the Special Reward 10% chance for 1x PvP Artifact as part of the Participation Reward Dark Iron Knight: 50% chance for 1x PvM Artifact / 50% chance for 1x PvP Artifact as part of the Special Reward 5% chance for 1x PvM Artifact / 5% chance for 1x PvP Artifact as part of the Participation Reward.
      Final notes
      Last 10 days were a real marathon, and after countless of hours I'm here, ready to deliver you a mini-project that I had a lot of fun working on and I really hope you'll enjoy it and every single detail that was carefully thought and put together
      Even if the invasion was intensively tested in terms of mechanics, some bugs may happen, as well as tweaks to the current values, both based on your incoming feedback.
      Keep in mind that the bosses are designed for server level fight, not for parties/guilds. So yea, expect insane values!
      P.S. Special Reward wasn't active on today's invasion (as it was just a surprise-invasion), only the participation reward was, but it will be active starting from Saturday.
    14. Haha
      Tokyo reacted to Chukundah in BL Chukundah   
      Greetings from poland

    15. Haha
      Tokyo reacted to BetleyKOX in BL Chukundah   
      Hello everyone , lets speak about Chukundah player the most activ council member , with the bigger ege also private culture . Our friends from destroy the nosgoth guild even before he's bullying everyone ,saying really bad words to others and provocate everywhere
      Haspid ss :
      All the time he is getting only warns for the common sense of a human , his words come to the pedophile , I got panishment for write word '''gipsys'' well the better way is bullying others player familly wishing them died , or writing to private messange u are donkey , retards from poland , cancers. All his messange to my character can u find in your server log , thats not hard to check it  , Greetings from Poland boyz  
    16. Haha
      Tokyo got a reaction from Knightmare in Summoners nerf (WHY)   
      You better
    17. Angry
      Tokyo reacted to ADMIN in Patch - 29.10.2021 - Stage 2   
      Release date: 29.10.2021 at 10:00 - A small server restart will be needed, make sure to update the client via Launcher as well.
      Congrats to Duke, Mu3rTe and RuSuLeTzZz for finishing the Stage 2!
      Note: Everyone that progressed the Stage (having level 300+ and 10rr) can type /stagereward in order to take the reward, after patch is up!
      Note2: We're also adding new OPTIONAL versions of Full Client, Manual patch and No-Launcher patch. Check the downloads section after the Patch is up!
      Note3: The new Full Client will offer the possibility to improve graphics, check the ImproveGameGraphics folder from it, if you're interested.
      Note4: We still have 1-3 slots open for our Council. If you're interested, PM here or on discord either me or @Gion 
      [UPDATED] You can now continue to reset up to 15 resets. [UPDATED] EXP for Stage 2 (10rr) is now removed. 10th reset does have the same exp table like 9th reset had. [UPDATED] 2nd Newbies EXP boost added: 0rr: 400% EXP (constant level 1-350). 1rr: 400% EXP (constant level 1-360). 2rr: 400% EXP (constant level 1-370). 3rr: 350% EXP (constant level 1-380). 4rr: 300% EXP (constant level 1-390). 5rr: +200% EXP. 6rr: +160% EXP. 7rr: +120% EXP. 8rr: +80% EXP. 9rr: +40% EXP. [UPDATED] Maximum points in a single stat is now 16.000 instead of 8.000. [UPDATED] IT stats on event can now be random between 2 and 20 resets. [UPDATED] Maximum VIT at CS can now be 10000 instead of 5000. [UPDATED] Released Old Box 3 & Old Box 4. [UPDATED] Released Rare Items drop from Old Boxes. [UPDATED] Released Swamp access. [UPDATED] Cursed Dragon has been buffed in terms of HP & DEF. Now it can also drop OB1~4. [UPDATED] Released Bloody Witch Queen. [UPDATED] Balgass HP buffed. [UPDATED] Droprate of Feather & Crest (Icarus) slightly increased. [UPDATED] Released Quest 3 (NPC can be found in Lorencia). [UPDATED] Quest 3 - Part 1 has been reworked: Instead of being based purely on RNG (some people finishing it in few hours, others in few days), it is now based only on your activity: Minimum level 380 to farm the first part (it won't count on lower level than 380). After starting the quest 3 you need to relog (or move to another sub-server) in order to be registered for the counter and start farming. If you don't do that, when killing quest monsters system will tell you to relog. To finish the quest you need to kill 50 / 50 / 50 (tarkan quest mobs, icarus quest mobs, aida quest mobs). Your current progress is announced on every kill. When you kill 50 from one quest monster type, you receive the quest item type of that monster in inventory. The kill is counted only on last-hit. You can afk farm it or active farm it to finish it faster. Note: You can continue your progress even if you do reset, but only after reaching level 380+ again. [UPDATED] Released Professional VIP. [UPDATED] Released access to Chaos Machine (on website) from +11 to +12. [UPDATED] Released Reset Skill Tree. [UPDATED] Released Increase ADD Option. [UPDATED] Released Character Market. [UPDATED] Limit of Market items raised to 25 / day. [UPDATED] ML released. Maximum 30 right now. [UPDATED] BC8, DS7 & CC7 are now available for ML. [UPDATED] Illusion Temple 4 & 5 is now available. [UPDATED] IT Rewards: Winners of IT 1 can win: 35% 10b/10s/10life, 25% OB1, 15% OB2 and 25% Feather/Crest. Winners of IT 2 can win: 34% 10b/10s/10life, 25% OB2, 15% OB3, 25% Feather/Crest and 1% Feather of Condor. Winners of IT 3 can win: 33% 10b/10s/10life/10c, 30% Old Box 3, 35% Feather/Crest and 2% Feather of Condor. Winners of IT 4 can win: 67% 10s/10life/10c/10gemstones, 30% Old Box 4 and 3% Feather of Condor. Winners of IT 5 can win: 52% 10s/10life/10c/10gemstones, 40% Old Box 4, 5% Feather of Condor, 3% Old Box 5. [UPDATED] Maximum number of players in guild is now 25. [UPDATED] Released Imperial Guardian Event & Suspicious Scrap of Paper in drop (mobs over level 90). Note: Weekly rankings & rewards will start from this Monday. Until then, records are counted but not rewarded (for rankings). Rewards: Bosses are rewarding 3 Jewels (B/S/Life) + 10% chance for Talisman of Chaos Assembly & 90% chance for the 4th Jewel. Sunday's last boss does have 100% chance for TOCA. Final reward is delivered to each participant individually, no matter how many players are in the party (everyone gets same reward). Optional objective: Kill the Statues and get 1~3 extra Jewels (Bless/Soul/Life/Chaos) that anyone from party can pick up. Weekly ranking rewards: Having 35+ Points = 2x TOCA. Having 25-34 points = 1x TOCA. Having 15-24 points = 10x Jewel of Harmony. Having 5-14 points = 5x Jewel of Harmony. [UPDATED] Minimum raid kills in order to be eligible for gens rewards is now 25 instead of 50. Starting from next Gens Season, not current one. [UPDATED] Mercenary Squad Quest will now ignore players from same alliance as well (not only same guild). [UPDATED] Jewel of Guardian Zen value is now 300.000 Zen instead of 2.500.000 Zen. There's already a lower senior mix cost and 10% market tax revenue to help up with mixes & upgrades. [UPDATED] Death King HP buffed. [UPDATED] Death King Enrage damage buffed to 2500 + extra 300 per player in range. [FIXED] Qwarp for Kanturu3 not working for all possible coordonates of the target. [UPDATED] OSGM Weekly Events Rewards: Consolation at events: 1x Jewel of Chaos + 5x OSP 5th place at events: 1x Jewel of Chaos + 2x BoK+4 + 10x OSP 4th place at events: 2x Jewel of Chaos + 2x BoK+4 + 15x OSP 3rd place at events: 2x Jewel of Chaos + 2x BoK+5 + 20x OSP 2nd place at events: 3x Jewel of Chaos + 2x BoK+5 + 30x OSP 1st place at events: 3x Jewel of Chaos + 3x BoK+5 + 40x OSP [ADDED] New OSGM Event: Death Roll Event More info: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/4538-death-roll-event/ + Other small fixes / adjustments / improvements. Dynamic Characters Balance tweaks
      Fortunately, outside of SUM, the rest of chars are in a pretty balanced state so far.
      Increased PvP damage taken from rest of chars by 8-15%. Overall PvP damage nerfed with 10%. Overall PvM damage nerfed with 6%.
    18. Haha
      Tokyo reacted to Bugbless in Question about W3 combination   
    19. Haha
      Tokyo reacted to uask4it in What Racism means?   
      Rocket science for real. Imo you got it all backwards, it aint racism to call a romanian - romanian but it is racism to call a romanian gipsy. Example: It ain`t racism to call a coloured man - black but it is racism to call him nigger ( he is black, but he is not a nigger - maybe this will make it easier to understand how racism works ) You banned Rusuletzzz for calling a moldavian -  a moldavian. 
    20. Haha
      Tokyo reacted to Chukundah in What Racism means?   
      i wonder how can u know any of us are not gypsy , u think gipsys dont have computer to play mu?
    21. Really?
      Tokyo reacted to BachuS in Events Guide   
      this sucks....u should detail every event.....wtf is this?
      for instance...i dont know how to use spells in IT...cant find a good guide....
    22. Haha
      Tokyo reacted to noisyboy in NONE start the new Phoenix server   
      remember this one =)))
    23. Thanks
      Tokyo reacted to alegzander in [Interview] Snook   
      just asking...
    24. Haha
      Tokyo got a reaction from Hvman in [Interview] Snook   
      Yes I was Fucker.

    25. Haha
      Tokyo reacted to Luluu pizza in [Interview] Snook   
      Reporter:" Have you stolen any capes or wings , recently, from people who might me guild master?" 
      Snook :" Oh yes, when i learned the acc and pass of BeBe , my *** instincts kicked it, and i couldn't resist playing some dirty gypsy tricks during castle siege, and i decided to "borrow" the set and cape from OneStepy former guild master, just so my fellow gypsys at HardcockCore could have a victory "
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