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  • Cumpa

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    Cumpa last won the day on May 30 2020

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    About Cumpa

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    1. Stage 1.1 - 5rr - Mini Stage:When you have 5 resets and level 1 the Stage 1.1 will start and it will have 35% exp from the normal exp, linear exp, no matter the level (compared to 1-4 resets where its lower -> higher %). After the first 3 players will reach level 400 and 5 resets the Stage 1.1 will be over and the stage exp will be back to normal exp (same as 4th reset) for everyone and the 1st newbies exp boost will be released any chance we can consider a change to this so that everyone can experience the stage struggle? Not on the 35% but maybe a 60%? Like when stage starts exp goes to 35% , all who enter the stage run will play on the 35% exp and once the top 3 finish after the 12h the exp goes to 60% for those still in the stage And for those who will enter it When they will reach it, and once passed it goes back to normal? If the game is designed to be enjoyed by old players and new or newbies as they are called I think that both the easy and hard parts of it should be experienced by both sides.
    2. Don't think it has anything to do with VIP, 80% of the players have 1 alt, that can farm zen, once exe items pop you can make a zen set...and so you can farm 300 mil easy a day, but then medals come into play, and become a asset all game long
    3. Add Box of heaven drop only in full party, or heart/ medal/ cracker or any other type of item that contains a higher + non exe item then the usual silver or gold medal drop. Make zen a bigger thing and keep reset costs high like on Phoenix, first rr to cost 500mil + 100 for every rr till 5 rr, 1 bil at 6 rr and so on till 10rr and from there a cap of 1.5bil to rr, that way it will be more of a struggle so that resets between stages won't be passed in 1 fx from the 6th to the 10th rr. And sets to go up to +16 😬 with a 60% succes rate chance and no toca option for the + 16.
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