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  • ThaiBinh

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    ThaiBinh last won the day on May 9 2020

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    About ThaiBinh

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    1. Hi guys, ThaiBinh is my character in game, who had the wing3 DL and get banned from the Admin by selling items for real money. The reason why I'm here NOT TO CLAIM that problem to get back the Wing or my Account, I just want to make everything clear with my team and have some messages for player and Admin as well. I hope you guys will take some time to read my post. That's true, I sold it for real money, I am totally wrong and I don't make any excuse for that stuff. But the problem here is TrueSquad tried to trap me on his plan, on his purpose. Somebody(Fane, mafy, Halifax,...) is already PM me in game and sent me a letter to offer my wing as well after I posted it on the market, but I never get back. Then I also bought a character DL name is eLySioN, then changed its name to ThaiBinh after I made the Wing success. All of the things that I mention above to prove that I want to use not for selling it, everyone can see....... Otherwise, TrueSquad intended and tried to text my teammate to get my private contact, to trap me on his plan. All of his purpose is having my Wing without any efforts. You guys can banned me, and took the wing that is fine with me, I agreed with your decision but it is NOT CLEAR AND FAIR if you give it to him. There are some mistakes that I did, but i think it also have from the player and Admin as well. When you make the rule to ban the people, who sell items for real money, It's inadvertent make players try to find some bad ways to get items from others, the game will be worse and has more and more scammers nowadays. I don't think it will be good if you guys still keep that rule. PLEASE take your time to think about it again and have some solutions to solve the problem, I am really appreciate!!! TO Players: Learn a lesson from me, please be careful with all the people. We still have some of guys in the dark side that we never know. TO TrueSquad: I also have some messages for you. It is just a game, it's okay to do that to me, and everyone in here can see what you did.....Out there still have a lot of things to do in our life, so I hope you are not gonna trap or do anything bad with people in our real life. Please think of everything before you do. "WHAT GOES AROUND, COMES AROUND". Remember it!! Thank you very much for taking time to read my topic guys. Hope all of you and your family will be good, and stay safe at this time
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