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  • cTTz

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    About cTTz

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    1. Hello, Here are a few suggestions: Seeds Can something be made so the AG value/cost seeds to actually be useful? Maybe raise their sell price to shop, or add an option to mix seeds together? Also, regarding socket items, is it possible unlock a 4th option for the next GRR reward/other event rewards? Rings Is a possibility to add the option to mix rings/pendants? or at least to upgrade them (from +1/+4). Also, regarding rings, can Rare Rings (4opt) can be added as reward for quests/GRR/or other events? Imp/Guardian angels Is it possible to add a new mix receipt to goblin. I know I've seen this topic before (10 imps to make a Demon, similar to Uniria mix) Also, maybe some events as we had on Inception, to revive the joy of the game?
    2. OK, so..is this temporary ? Will it get resolved on it's own? or Romanian players have to get a VPN to play the game moving forward?
    3. Hello, I think that the same issue is happening now -> launcher just disappears. [12/03/2023 11:13:26:0837] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [12/03/2023 11:13:26:0837] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] ######################################### Log Begin ################################################## [12/03/2023 11:13:26:0837] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] ################################### LiveGuard Software Ltd ########################################### [12/03/2023 11:13:26:0837] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [12/03/2023 11:13:26:0837] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Running on Windows: 10.0, Build: 19045, ServicePack: 0.0, Revision: 0. [12/03/2023 11:13:26:0853] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Log timezone is: UTC. Machine timezone is: GTB Standard Time. [12/03/2023 11:13:26:0853] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Screen resolution is: 1280x720 (not considering DPI scaling). [12/03/2023 11:13:26:0853] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Currently using 6997 mb out of total 8087 mb installed RAM. [12/03/2023 11:13:26:0869] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Currently using 12083 mb out of total 22423 mb paging file. [12/03/2023 11:13:26:0869] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Currently using 343 mb out of total 2047 virtual memory. [12/03/2023 11:13:26:0869] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: System has 2 cores (4 logical/NUMA=1) L1/L2/L3 caches: 4/2/1. [12/03/2023 11:13:26:0869] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Computer name: DESKTOP-NRBEQNC [12/03/2023 11:13:26:0869] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Username: ioana [12/03/2023 11:13:43:0756] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Engines initialised successfully. [12/03/2023 11:13:43:0759] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Engines execution time: 17 seconds, 464 miliseconds, 691 microseconds and 800 nanoseconds. [12/03/2023 14:42:58:0586] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [WARN] :: Connection to the game lost... reconnecting. [12/03/2023 14:43:03:0359] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:43:03:0368] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR][5] :: Connection to server failed with error: 10065. [12/03/2023 14:43:08:0381] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:43:08:0387] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR][5] :: Connection to server failed with error: 10065. [12/03/2023 14:43:13:0401] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:43:13:0406] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR][5] :: Connection to server failed with error: 10065. [12/03/2023 14:43:18:0419] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:43:18:0423] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR][5] :: Connection to server failed with error: 10065. [12/03/2023 14:43:23:0436] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:43:23:0442] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR][5] :: Connection to server failed with error: 10065. [12/03/2023 14:43:28:0455] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:43:28:0460] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR][5] :: Connection to server failed with error: 10065. [12/03/2023 14:43:33:0473] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:43:33:0477] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR][5] :: Connection to server failed with error: 10065. [12/03/2023 14:43:38:0492] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:43:38:0496] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR][5] :: Connection to server failed with error: 10065. [12/03/2023 14:43:43:0510] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:43:43:0515] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR][5] :: Connection to server failed with error: 10065. [12/03/2023 14:43:48:0531] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:43:48:0533] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR][5] :: Connection to server failed with error: 10065. [12/03/2023 14:43:53:0547] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:43:53:0549] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR][5] :: Connection to server failed with error: 10065. [12/03/2023 14:43:58:0563] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:43:58:0567] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR][5] :: Connection to server failed with error: 10065. [12/03/2023 14:44:03:0582] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:44:03:0586] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR][5] :: Connection to server failed with error: 10065. [12/03/2023 14:44:08:0603] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:44:08:0607] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR][5] :: Connection to server failed with error: 10065. [12/03/2023 14:44:13:0622] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:44:13:0625] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR][5] :: Connection to server failed with error: 10065. [12/03/2023 14:44:18:0642] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:44:18:0645] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR][5] :: Connection to server failed with error: 10065. [12/03/2023 14:44:23:0660] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:44:23:0663] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR][5] :: Connection to server failed with error: 10065. [12/03/2023 14:44:28:0680] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:44:28:0681] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR][5] :: Connection to server failed with error: 10065. [12/03/2023 14:44:33:0698] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:44:33:0702] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR][5] :: Connection to server failed with error: 10065. [12/03/2023 14:44:38:0720] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:44:38:0722] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR][5] :: Connection to server failed with error: 10065. [12/03/2023 14:44:43:0737] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:44:43:0739] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR][5] :: Connection to server failed with error: 10065. [12/03/2023 14:44:48:0755] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:44:48:0759] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR][5] :: Connection to server failed with error: 10065. [12/03/2023 14:44:53:0775] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:44:53:0778] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR][5] :: Connection to server failed with error: 10065. [12/03/2023 14:44:58:0793] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:44:58:0795] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR][5] :: Connection to server failed with error: 10065. [12/03/2023 14:45:03:0811] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:45:03:0814] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR][5] :: Connection to server failed with error: 10065. [12/03/2023 14:45:08:0829] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:45:08:0833] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR][5] :: Connection to server failed with error: 10065. [12/03/2023 14:45:13:0846] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:45:34:0882] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR][5] :: Connection to server failed with error: 10060. [12/03/2023 14:45:39:0894] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:45:39:0994] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Reconnected OK. (thank God) 065. [12/03/2023 14:44:37:0374] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:44:37:0379] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR][5] :: Connection to server failed with error: 10065. [12/03/2023 14:44:42:0397] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:44:42:0404] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR][5] :: Connection to server failed with error: 10065. [12/03/2023 14:44:47:0421] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:44:47:0423] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR][5] :: Connection to server failed with error: 10065. [12/03/2023 14:44:52:0438] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:44:52:0442] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR][5] :: Connection to server failed with error: 10065. [12/03/2023 14:44:57:0457] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:44:57:0459] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR][5] :: Connection to server failed with error: 10065. [12/03/2023 14:45:02:0480] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:45:02:0485] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR][5] :: Connection to server failed with error: 10065. [12/03/2023 14:45:07:0504] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:45:07:0509] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR][5] :: Connection to server failed with error: 10065. [12/03/2023 14:45:12:0552] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:45:33:0605] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR][5] :: Connection to server failed with error: 10060. [12/03/2023 14:45:38:0619] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Trying to reach server and reconnect... [12/03/2023 14:45:38:0702] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Reconnected OK. (thank God)
    4. Hello, On the last couple of weeks, I noticed and tested that SMG is the weakest class in this game in PvP, according to the post regarding class balance, it is mentioned that SMG should be better at PvP than EMG -> that is not true, EMG destroys SMG (along with any other class in this game, which makes SMG the weakest char in game). I know that the Fire Slash bug cannot be resolved, but. Being the most important PvP skill, I think it's mandatory to adjust the % ratio for his def/dmg or buff other skills in order to be viable for PvP -> and in my opinion, is not a players job to test if he can overcome the Fire Slash BUG that is on this server. A new topic must be opened where an Admin/Moderator tested out and came up with a solution for it: Test with a range of points to see if the bug is there: Ex: Str 10k-15k -> Agi 10k-15k -> no fire slash bug (regarding weapons & set items that can influence that, it's the players job to test it) I tried changing the ML tree -> going defensive -> no dmg, going dmg-> you die in 1-2 flame from sm/1 combo from BK. If you can't/won't take any actions to balance a char that is mentioned to be Top Tier in PvP, just let us know so we don't invest months of playtime and credits in something that is not viable in mid-late game. If SMG is a confirmed build, we need to be able to use it and not change to EMG because we need to stay relevant on this server.
    5. cTTz


      Strongly agree with the initiative. If an item cannot be tradable, it's value is 0 until you make the full set. If you are not planning to make a rare set, it's useless, and also uses space in inventory.
    6. Can we get an update on this?
    7. Hello, After a windows update from last night, the launcher doesn't want to load the game. After the Liveguard loads, it flickers something for half a second and it disappears (I don't have time to see what that was about). Checked the logs and saw: [INFO] :: Running on Windows: 10.0, Build: 19043, ServicePack: 0.0, Revision: 0. [07/11/2022 06:27:15:0476] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Log timezone is: UTC. Machine timezone is: GTB Standard Time. [07/11/2022 06:27:15:0498] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Process running as Administrator. [07/11/2022 06:27:15:0502] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Process token is elevated. [07/11/2022 06:27:15:0507] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Process token integrity level is: 12288. [07/11/2022 06:27:15:0510] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Current game directory is: E:\OldSquadMU-Inception2022-Hard-V1\ [07/11/2022 06:27:16:0447] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR] :: ZwOpenFile has failed with NTSTATUS: 0xC0000034. [07/11/2022 06:27:16:0451] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR] :: Failed at current Step: GDS. [07/11/2022 06:27:16:0492] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [ERROR] :: Message from Windows: Object Name not found. [07/11/2022 06:27:16:0499] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Starting service ... [07/11/2022 06:27:16:0505] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Service already exists, starting up ... [07/11/2022 06:27:17:0168] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Starting up: play.exe [07/11/2022 06:27:18:0472] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Game initialised successfully. [07/11/2022 06:27:18:0475] [LiveGuard-AntiCheat] [INFO] :: Execution time: 3 seconds, 149 miliseconds, 799 microseconds and 600 nanoseconds. I tried all the troubleshooting steps: Compatibility/ Turned on DEP, and reinstalling, but I get the same thing
    8. No, but it worked fine until 2 days ago, for 2 accounts (not using VPN) Did they change smth on their end? I guess if they did..I am not the only impacted one.
    9. Cannot successfully vote on TopG -: Error Can not validate your vote. Please try again! Relogged - same error Tried on mobile phone using mobile data -: same thing. I noticed this 2 days ago.
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