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  • Dominic

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    Everything posted by Dominic

    1. So what exactly did i say wrong? And i care not what u guys say about me. Leave my family members out of your insults. I understand u are bad at trash talk but is way too low to bring in ppl who not involved in this. And Britney, by your screenshot is visible u guys started with your favorite word "Bi*ch". So maybe is fair to have u reported also ?
    2. So what exactly did i say wrong? And i care not what u guys say about me. Leave my family members out of your insults. I understand u are bad at trash talk but is way too low to bring in ppl who not involved in this.
    3. Hello I dont care if AlexMG/Cutesugar/Oldone whatever chars he have is saying things about me. Have he done so many times before and i discarded them (although he sure have reported me when i got back to him). Just a proof of how low AlexMG can get to involving some pretty harsh things about family members. This should not be allowed. Fight verbally with player, leave family members alone. https://ibb.co/Z1fyf6X https://ibb.co/qCxWb3W https://ibb.co/cttrf32 https://ibb.co/R92K7Ld
    4. Dominic

      Break the Account

      Like when account is offattacked. You log in once, it says "User is already connected" - right? Second try should let in. Was very confusing but overall nice event - thanks! More pls
    5. Dominic

      Break the Account

      bownoria6 - Later i noticed that i didnt have 10 chars. But i was curious as ppl starting to post here. Is it some kind of bug saying "Account is logged in" ? Even with pass that wasnt 10 chars long.
    6. Dominic

      Break the Account

      bownoria6 - got message account is logged in And trying again is wrong pass
    7. Hi. I was asked to forward this screenshot of insult from ZuuS. https://gyazo.com/0febc5f83c402af2f8e658e0923b29bc
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