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  • Dominic

    • Posts

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    Reputation Activity

    1. Confused
      Dominic got a reaction from Gion in cici Racism   
      He is  protected, nothing will change
    2. Thanks
      Dominic got a reaction from Spawn in Happy Christmas   
      Players who were involved in the show:

      @Me0ne, ixtab, ripvietnam(knightmare), @LucifurrLucifer, @SantaCameCallMeBob, @DeepHouseEroby

      Just for future knowledge for all other players.

    3. Confused
      Dominic reacted to Bennyto in Otto the hater   
      i agree with u, Otto is retard bitch
    4. Confused
      Dominic reacted to Bennyto in Bennyto Bad Language & racism   
      cry cry
    5. Sad
      Dominic got a reaction from DeepHouse in Otto the hater   
      Its clearly visible that Spawn provides full chat logs. Crynerd deephouse does not.

      Im pretty sure all Europeans know what "pidaras" means - maybe with little different note. And u want to say its a compliment.... hmmm

      NerdHouse u should cry less
    6. Sad
      Dominic got a reaction from DeepHouse in Otto the hater   
      You are such a crybaby nerd.... 

      If you come cry in this section atleast have a proper screens based on the rules...
    7. Sad
      Dominic got a reaction from DeepHouse in Chukundog   
      Everyone posts about racism and many other things but this what he does is allowed  Clearly visible but avoided by admins - usual stuff
    8. Sad
      Dominic got a reaction from DeepHouse in Racism oTTo   
      Quiet xD 

      Who is spamming /post all day long? Your "mental" has never been high, perhaps not even average...

      Take a break nib @DeepHouse
    9. Sad
      Dominic got a reaction from DeepHouse in Racism oTTo   
      Im pretty sure its provoked. admin should check logs.
    10. Sad
      Dominic got a reaction from DeepHouse in Bad language Knightmare, Obliterate   
      Because knightmare was trolling. He said its "re auto" but same time told u guys its not and he joking around. You mess with me u get revenge - thats it. You trying to make yourselves so innocent here...

      And as long as u dont fix the way u talk - things wont get better for u.
    11. Confused
      Dominic reacted to Spawn in BAD LANGUAGE PUNISHMENTS   
      Its funny to see words about domination from ppls who can do something just with @ADMIN help with broken RFs, crying all day in post about their "power"
      MB someone don't have good PC to play well, but all what u have its only broken chars and racist mind.
    12. Confused
      Dominic reacted to Profighter in BAD LANGUAGE PUNISHMENTS   
      HAHAHA it is Funny Nice try RFs are broken ? then why keep crying nerf vrfs, or we don't ply CS,  VRFs not Banned No more CS ICRY icry Just keep crying from your side because of vrfs i can feel your pain really it was hard for you to take 11 Lost CS 5Vrfs was best Designed at bottom switch in the Throne 
      Admin plz Nerf vfs , plz  i cry" Admin VRFS must be Banned in CS or ICRY" Admin Plz Help to HOT FIX or ICRY "" all and everything ICRY"" IF not hotFIX VRFS WE CRY and no more CS for us 
    13. Confused
      Dominic reacted to Profighter in BAD LANGUAGE PUNISHMENTS   
      IF you can't Handle those 5 RFs just stop crying just go as plans your guild have 5 to 7 rfs why keep crying for us Nub ?? don't have plans and Skills how to play  RFs  in CS nerd or what?
      instead of blaming RFs go and train your RFs and grab some skills then talk..
    14. Confused
      Dominic reacted to Profighter in BAD LANGUAGE PUNISHMENTS   
      this is guy is exposing your hunger and desperation for scamming and hunting jwls and if u can't translate English just go learn something and then come to talk or CRY here 
      very thing ICY is ICY ??
    15. Sad
      Dominic got a reaction from DeepHouse in Bad language Knightmare, Obliterate   
      Its either they are asking  for mute or are certain they wont get it.... 

      Either way this post is not just about me - there is no need for such constant spam and bad language. 

    16. Sad
      Dominic got a reaction from DeepHouse in Bad language Profighter, Obliterate   
      Such namecalling is really necessary?

    17. Sad
      Dominic got a reaction from DeepHouse in BAD LANGUAGE PUNISHMENTS   
      We could surely test this out. Would be interesting. But what will the insults be and would constant spam on chat count somehow too?
      like the word "badadonkeys" for example? Or perhaps that constant "i cry" posts that have no point being all full of that public chat. Just complete spam and should be fixed somehow as well.
      Is no different than chat full of trashtalk and insults or same repeated sentences full of chat -either way im turning off posts and same way new ppl coming to server will take it as negative thing.

      just some examples which we see every day:

      BTW, Reveal those 3 ppl who voted against increasing the punishent
    18. Confused
      Dominic reacted to DeepHouse in Knightmare - love at first sight   
      Very nice crying girls . Get raped in game than cry on forums , cause we do ''bad language'' . idk if u nerds noticed, but we dont even bother to report you when u rage on post . Man up a bit and stop crying, it s getting really pathetic your sensitivity to everything . 
    19. Sad
      Dominic got a reaction from DeepHouse in Knightmare - love at first sight   
      Mute me too, i dont care either - this shit is so absurd  

      It only exists for amusement - to bait and report or what? Doesnt resolve anything...

      I think it was @Endorphin who suggested longer mutes or chat bans - not a bad idea
    20. Sad
      Dominic got a reaction from DeepHouse in BL knightmare, obliterate, gruzo, cursed   
      Spam is all u are guys...
    21. Sad
      Dominic got a reaction from DeepHouse in BL knightmare, obliterate, gruzo, cursed   

      Also... If only spam could be reported... This server is full of it from these guys. Its kinda disgusting.

      This report will make them more "i cry" "loser" and so on... spam which is great for server, right?
    22. Like
      Dominic reacted to BiiMax in bodamayjo   
      Mate, w
      Mate, where u even get that definition from ? just use simple famous google search 1 word "Cunt" mate :)) 
      According to your logic there are 2 simple things for u :
      1. maybe if you will ever leave your country..and let`s say you come to VietNam..you will understand that "eat pet" is fine. So if i name myself at EatPet, it still fine and noone can say anything about me ?.  Thats what u saying right ? since you guys ascuse all vietnamese eat pet ? right ? :)))
      2. So according to your logic, i will find some Rap/Hiphop music that contain "N" words with "comfortable meaning" then i will picture it , post here and say to that little Cici with the "N" word, that will be fine right? :)))
    23. Thanks
      Dominic got a reaction from BiiMax in bodamayjo   
      That is fair point. It been curious to see the chat. i can honestly say when we win there is very little trashtalk to enemy guild compared to STARK. Its almost sure every time there will be some sort of trashtalk after they win boss. Its good idea from @BiiMax, gion just log in during some bossfights and see the chat youself. Worst part is the CS - even if they are 8ppl more in CS they still trashtalk and talk down ppl. 

      Big respect to @Alex. though - it was surprising to see him standing up about trashtalk after being in advantage position. Lets just focus on CS first which shows lately surprising activity. Its been long since we had such big fights again and we can still respect and fight each other.

      Just adding this here again but im sure there will be ppl coming here saying "dont cry, we offered 15v15". We prefer it to stay max 30 ppl, still to this day.
      But HOW COME some certain ppl from STARK guild complain about "too easy" "infinity is waste of time" while being 8ppl more in cs. They have more ppl attending - they have the possibility to make it even numbers - BUT they will not.. Instead, they keep trash-talking—whether in the server, towards people just starting, or those spectating,  it does ruins the mood and not just for the people being trash-talked.

      I understand if they wouldnt make it even numbers as us - that would be totally different story.. 

      Sorry for spamming this topic or whether this text doesnt belong here...
    24. Like
      Dominic reacted to BiiMax in bodamayjo   
      Everything happen all in that day including the Kiim one, if u want this place is better place, not toxic, not racism... a true community then you have to be consider this really careful Gion. All the things we talk is just normal trash talk, we not bringing any IRL into that fight, thats normal things and can u look at their post ? I know you just banned Cici at forum cus his crazy things, but that happen every single day in post. U can login the game incognito to check especially after boss fight or CS, they not trash talk about the game they trash talk about homo, country. And the only thing u can see them now is they playing as victim although they are the most bringing RACISM into post chat.

      The picture i posted does have some same line chat u can check if u concern me as a "hunt" like u said 
    25. Like
      Dominic reacted to BiiMax in bodamayjo   
      Gimme a break lol, dont try to be a victim lol, its really look rediculous. Old posts ? dude, look at your report, the chatlog even same words as mine, Gion dont even need to check that if my post are old or not. Now what u call ur self now ? A FKinGLiaR? 
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