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  • RatONE

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    Posts posted by RatONE

    1. Images speak for themselves


      Since the character was created on 10/05/2024, it's clearly that this is a player who has some personal issues with GION, and that the account was created solely with the purpose of insulting the staff along with spamming on /post with bad language.
      Therefore, I propose that for these kind of offenses, the login IP to be searched in the logs and all the accounts that were logged in from that IP to be banned at least 7 days for Staff Insults / Bad Language on /post.

      This way we discourage the others to adopt the same behavior online and also to think 3 times before posting bad language on /post (which can affect other's gaming experience).

    2. Seems like this is the second time when he speaks like this. I'm assuming he did not learn from the past 1 day ban, and he is now using both of his characters to swear.


      This is one of the reason why I have stopped playing for now, as these kind of players only make others leave the server.


      Too bad that this kind of behaviour/language is still tolerated. 

    3. Hello Admins/Moderators/GM's,

      In the light of recent events and updates, we are now gathering artifacts.

      The problem is that once you start gathering them, they take 1 slot per each artifact obtained, meaning that until you get 12 total (6 PVP + 6 PVM) which it will "kill" one slot in your inventory for nothing. 

      Imagine being a player who cannot afford a VIP weekly (to get another storage of 8x4), or being another type of player who already has a rare set who occupies already tons of space (because as well, cannot be stashed or put in personal store).

      My suggestion will be to find a way in which the artifacts to be stacked (for a determined amount like 2-3 / stack).

      Imagine having 12 occcupied slots of your inventory at any given point in time just because this items not being stackable (slots that can be used for different purposes). 

      I ask you to kindly check the matter from your end and to try to find a solution in which our invetories to have a little air to breathe (2/stack = 6 slots taken, 3/stack, 4 slots taken), space that can be used for different purposes, as not many of us can afford to lose the already limited space we have in our inventories just to carry some items until God knows when we will get the full recipe to try mixing for and Old Ancient accessory. (If not, another solution will be to at least be able to store them into stash / bank)

      Looking forward to your reply.

      Kind Regards,

    4. E mai greu sa obtii support pentru Windows7, ca a fost decomissioned undeva prin 2020 la inceput de an, iar cat de curand (pe la finele anului 2025) vor termina si supportul pentru Windows 10. 

      Ca sfat, ti-as recomanda sa upgradezi daca ai cum la macar un 11 (10 daca nu-ti permite configuratia), ca e 20 de lei o licenta one-time-use (sper sa nu imi iau ban, dar pe cel.ro, gasesti ieftin + ca poti lua windows oficial de la ei de pe site), si primesti si toate update-urile de securitate, along with bug fixes, si supportul necesar.

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