Character name that is submitting it (for the potential reward).
Suggestion type (server/website/forum).
Suggestion content (make sure to include enough details so your suggestion is clear enough).
Increasing the zen digits/value/total amount while on Store Mode: Limiting it to 99,999,999 means limited items to sell in-game.
Maybe making it able to sell an item for at least 1 Billion to 1.8 Billion zen would benefit sellers/buyers.
How the suggestion can bring value.
Encourages Players: This will help the economy in-game.
Less Hassle: Players that need the immediate item via zen trading would opt not to go to web market IF the item is
available at some players posting store in-game.
More Interaction between sellers/buyers. (Lorencia is like a ghost town to be honest, by doing it the Lorencia will be much more alive than ever before.)
How would you personally implement your suggestion (your vision).
Making patches/updates.