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  • Benimaru

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    Everything posted by Benimaru

    1. Honestly this is so f... sad. I know how Chukundah is after playing in Inception with him, he is the worst person ever meet in my life. He is sexist, homophobic, racist and generally speaking extremely Toxic. There was a at least dozen of reports on him on Inception he maybe got punished twice when it really escalated. The Admins know him by now and they are fully aware of his nature and how he is, he will initiate a argument and pretend he is innocent and get the other person banned/punished. I've just skimmed through the reports on here and each one he made was successful... the person he reported got punished. It's kinda sad from the Admins side that after all of the history with this player he is still here and playing on this server, it shows a bit of favourism unfortunately. I was planning to come back for Sprint 5 on Inception but if this abomination of a human is also going to be playing and the Admins will be STILL treating him like a VIP on here ... sorry but I might not come back. He has made the whole server experience absolutely disgusting.
    2. Let me start by saying that I usually ignore the Global chat as I rather not get involved in the Drama between the 2 main Guilds. However... it is getting critically out of hands more and more, to the point that people create new chars and "Semi offensive names" and spam the Global chat. This is starting to really ruin this great servers gaming experience... and sadly all this bad attitude and constant going at each others throats in the chat is making players leave. I come from a background of playing this game back in early 2000s and also OG Call of Duty lobbies, therefore I am used to toxic behaviour and shit talking non stop. But once again this is really getting out of hand on this server especially in the past few days, and something must be done... EXAMPLE: I've reported a player on Facebook Messenger for spamming the exact same text for 6 WHOLE HOURS, the reply I received was that player reports are to be made on Forum. I fully understand and agree with this, but these are situation that cannot be left unresolved for over 24h... Like yes the player will end up getting a ban for 24h but that's already after the fact he has been spamming the Global chat for over 24h. I absolutely understand that Gion and the main Admin has life outside of this server/game... I was in the same boat for almost 2 years when myself and a friend of mine run our own servers. What am I getting to? Well... it's simple. There has to be more OldSquad Staff members to help out the community on this server, in-game as well as on your socials such as Discord. Which currently is a ghost town and is used by players to prove who was first in DS or BC... Don't necessary call them Game Masters or give them any benefits of a Game Master, simply let them handle the community and social media.
    3. Hi all, Just wanted to raise a concern regarding MG. I just started playing 2 days ago so not high level at all... But my first char was a DW and the next day I decided to make an MG. I manage to get both to roughly the same level (150 currently), I have noticed that the MG dies a lot more often then my DW. At lvl 150 my DW is capable of standing alone in Devias 3 with no concerns of dying, as my MG will die within 5-10 sec. Now in comparison to the EQ and Stats, they are somewhat equal as my DW has a sphinx set with a mix of +6~+8 and the MG has only +0 Sphinx set. However, my MG has 150 Agi vs 50 on my DW... I am aware this is really early in the game this might have been a balance requirement for late game balance, MG might scale in defence a lot better later on. There might be a reasoning, and I am not familiar with OldSquads Mu files I know these are custom and not IGCN. Not sure if anyone feels the exact same way, just wanted to share with others. Thank you.
    4. The Discord server still running? If so we need a new link, please.
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