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  • Draconis

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    About Draconis

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    1. If nothing global can be done then consider this topic closed. It just looks bad.
    2. Yoh, I don't want to report, just want to start a discussion. https://imgur.com/a/2oppgRi Look at the uploaded screens - one player parties with 4 alts. I know there are some ways to omit 2 client rule, but this begin to look like a indian bot center. Is this how we really want to keep server up?
    3. Well, if the admin notice says EE doesn't work, because it is only usable on castle siege most of the players let go and doesn't use EE at all. If you still trying to omit this and take advantage on normal server while the rules clearly state it should be used only during castle siege then imho it's exploit.
    4. If 2 months old question for account sale leads to ban (not sold in the end, or tried afterwards) and 2 months exploit doesn't lead to ban (exploit for obvious profits) then I see quite huge unbalance in just on this server. Feels like some people are more privileged than others.
    5. Yoh. During Golden Invasion Satyros spawns in Kanturu1-3 right? These are non-gens map, yet the mobs are listed as gens maps when using /invasion.

      Nvm, I've spotted in already exists // Nvm, just spotted it's all good.

    6. Nice! Good to know the mechanics behind this, I never have thought about it that way 💪🏻 Consider the topic closed, thanks!
    7. Hello, I'm a new player here. I wonder why when I stay on the spot and the monsters "MISS" their attack, I continously lose HP as an ELF. I use Triple Shot and Aruan Ancient Set together with crossbow of Archangel.
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