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  • Lucifurr

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    Everything posted by Lucifurr

    1. Well, it seems that here you used as a targeted insult, not as a general word. https://imgur.com/a/oZojmFg I hope you enjoy the silence soon enough
    2. https://imgur.com/a/VYBbAF0 As always, he first provokes then he plays the victim card. Proof attached above
    3. Now just learn to live with the consequences of your own actions without playing the victim card XD
    4. I don't want to get this in too many words and make anyone to bored, so I will be straight as a train track: 1. As you have imposed the 10% tax for credits (on market only), I suggest raise it to 15% and make it applicable for credits and Zen purchase/sell as well (jewels not needed as they are being already burned as hell in mixes for old-exe, old jewel, upgrading and etc.) 2. Profanity words in /post only who can do the admin jobs a little bit easier as per following: -whoever uses profanity words in /post chat which is global, regardless if it's English or any other language (won't say the list here because they can be found online) = automatically muted by the server PWN FILTER 30 minutes on Character + IP -whoever uses racist language words that can be detected by the system (along with variations of it) = 2-4 hours of automatically mute on Character + IP This might help admins with their help and leave to review only the most serious cases to be reviewed by admins. 3. Also, I request that every response given by the admin since the topic was created to be in less than 48 hours since creation (except for Bank Holidays which can go up to 72 hours) *I know each of us has a job in real life, but when it comes to posts, I think up to 48 hours since creation is a decent time to provide at least the first answer or a resolution* For the 3 ideas presented, please let me know what can be implemented, and if no, a reason why. Thank you
    5. https://imgur.com/a/pUuJSfc Yet again, when he was attentioned for the mistake, he again starting using racist language. Therefore, besides the Bad Language, this should also be considered an extra offence on the Racism topic.
    6. Also, if the rules should apply for all (not selectively) on this post some warns on his forum acount shoud've been applied for the following 2 reasons, as per the rules of the forum: 1. Talking in other language than english, which should be used so all of us can understand 2. Second of all, calling others "nazist" and not receiving any type of punishment
    7. https://imgur.com/a/7WwesP0 imagine someone starting talking like this, after his previous posts on forum (example attached below) Now that he has been posted, he continues with the harassment, but if you give course and get on his level and start cursing he will post only what suits in his favor. As per his traits, he usually provokes people online and then he plays the victim sharing only the photos in which he gets cursed, but not the whole context in which he provokes first. (not the first time, but meh)
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