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    1. You can, just check online players. Rewards... JoHs have good value now. But in future, when new server starts the rewards should be diffrent. 1c in 1st week, 1b in 2nd, 1s in 3rd etc. Or something like that. EE shouldn't be allowed in mercenary squad. This is meant to be pvp, so let it be pvp event. Not exp event. Maybe decrease exp % on register and made more stages, which will depends only on number of kills, not time ingame. EDIT: 4. Exclude ppl from same guild getting each other in pvp quests.
    2. Few things, which come to my mind after first day: 1. It would be nice if there would be option to upgrade/change pvp status (normal - Mlvl) without loosing points. 2. There should be some kind of system which selects the enemy equal to us. Getting a 0rr enemy as a 10rr player isn't challenging. 3.I did only 2 quests, after 1st johs appeard in vault. After 2nd there was no johs. I assume it still doesn't work every time.
    3. Well CW was alive on previous DB becouse there were a lots of fights between players. And ppl killed everyone on battle maps, sometimes even on normal maps. That's when CW was used, when ppl went to sleep or to work and noone was able to look after party. Now noone kills anyone. There are no raids on battle maps. Noone will lose exp to stay and hunt for fenrir instead stay on vulcanus/relic/swamp. Maybe with better mats drop it would be alive, but again fenrir is end game item, it shouldn't be easy. I don't know how many ppl would go to CW just to drop fenrir mats, probably ppl would just put alts there.
    4. This cannot be changed ingame, yet it can be changed on site.
    5. Plus: 1. Resets, which exclude ppl from fighting for main bosses. We can observe now, that ppl who went after resets have worse gear than ppl who stay and fight for bosses. Although it depends also, which guild ppl are in and many other things. In my opinion the rewards for reset should be a little higher. We can see now that, doing 3-5rr and gear up was much better for pvp (and i won't deny it). But right now we can see ppl in end-game gears, while they have ~5rr. Both sides sacrificed something, some exp, other items. Just the rewards aren't copmarable (imo). I would go for bigger rewards for resets (something like 100 points/reset and 25% higher mlvl?) 2. Zen - good use of zens. In the end they are worth something. Minus: 1. Economy - There's too much jwls in game. They lost their worth (ob5 dropping jwls - worst nightmare ever). IMO selling/buying for credits also isn't good for this game. I know it's easy to get them, but when you're free player, even going to all/many events, it's hard to get 500 (or more) credits for top items. I think that additional currency (credits) isn't good. Better keep it for VIP (and deacrease the number of credits gained?) 2. Relic, which is non gens map... There were best fights in relics. 3.Warps... after 1st rr it's stupid that MG/DL/RF can warp much faster. Even if there are warps on web, after resets, when ppl are geared up. All chars are balanced... these system works, when there are no resets.
    6. Well... as update hasn't specified which SM is considered as AGI, i can add that hybrid SM also can't enter. While /info told me i am hybrid, i couldn't enter. Maybe the problem was that i had more agi than ene, but well.. that's not what the info says. So atm. SMs with no ene build (which i think is better, both for PVP and PVM) won't be able to enter. I would say let everone in and just count on luck to be in better team. It's not possible to make this event even. Sometimes teams are even, sometimes not.
    7. Good idea. For that energy would have to give more dmg, or agi less speed. Couse right now it's better to go for speed instead dmg. And by doing that MS is "just a bonus". And right now it would mean rebuilding SM.
    8. Agi SM is waste of time. That kind of chars is good for 2-3 cs. Later any SM which is made to be tank goes for mlvl soul barrier and will be better. Not to mention that on s6 good build for SM is ene for exp. wizardy and rest in agi... So after few resets any SM is agi/hybrid. But taking from SM soul barrier would be too much. He is already weakened enough by limited range tp with cooldown. DD - it was always like this. If it would be capped on 40-50% maybe more ppl would focus on socket items instead dd+hp/ref + ddi. Couse right now dd+ddi is just better. (not to mention easier to get). Btw. it's kind of strange we are so far in game and yet noone wears any socket items. Ice arrow - pain in the as... but as @Gion mentioned before - it was supposed to be that way. But again, SM was weakend and you want him to be weakend even more... IMO DL is weak this db. It's like he's supposed to be vit to hold castle. He could be a little stronger.
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