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      • INCEPTION - Hard-Style - Sprint 6 - STARTS 14 MARCH
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    1. Hey, Me and a few of my friend are not able to play the game as we get disconnected after 5 second of open the game We did all the (!!!!ATTENTION IF GAME IS NOT WORKING) Fix and noting worked. I check all over the forum and noting. We are in different countries and even used a vpn to test but still noting.
    2. Hello, I'm trying to play the game but when i download and try to run the game, nothing happens. Tried every solution in the forum and "!!!!ATTENTION IF GAME IS NOT WORKING" file. Nothing worked yet. PS Gameguard runs in the background but game doesn't start. Is there any other solution?
    3. Hi hi, I have a bit of a problem — when I have the game running, Google Chrome stops working. All websites start showing the error STATUS_PRIVILEGED_INSTRUCTION. I think it’s caused by PSGameGuard, which is likely trying to inspect running processes. But it didn’t happen during the last Inception season, so I assume something must have changed. Thank you for any advice.
    4. Hello OldSquaders & New comers, Less than 24 hours remained for the grand opening of our 6th Sprint of Inception! The server will be launched officially today (Friday) at 19:00 GMT+2 (follow counter from website). You will be able to make sure that client works, make parties, etc. The MOBS will spawn at 20:00 GMT+2 (after 1 hour). You still have time to gather strong teams as what is coming will be pretty hard alone! Keep in mind to find a Permanent Stable Party if you plan to play seriously. Let's show to the MU Online community once again what real quality truly means! So, share the news to your friends, families, mu contacts, strangers, pets and gather on the start to conquer once again the OldSquad World! There are some important changes in this Sprint, make sure to read them here: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/6135-announcing-inception-sprint-6-back-to-origins/ Important Info: !!!! Don't forget to choose the 'Inception' Server when you are logging on site, else you will be logged on Genesis and you will be able to use the Genesis services/options instead of Inception !!! In order to use the SITE FUNCTIONS you need to ACTIVATE your ACCOUNT on EMAIL! (It takes 1-5 minutes to be sent, check SPAM/PROMOTIONS as well). There are Hall of Fame Achievements that you can get based on your "speed": More info here: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/6136-hof-sprint-6-14-march-2025/ Don't forget that ENERGY ELVES are OUT OF GAME! Their buffs are useless on normal maps. Note: You can still play EE at CS where buffs works, but there you can adjust points with /rebuild command, only for the CS. Note2: Also don't make TANK builds (VBK/VDL) as they can be used "for free" at CS via /rebuild, only for the CS. You can create DL, MG, RF from level 200 or since server starts if you get VIP. Note: Only Dealer/Hunter available until Stage 2 - 10rr - when PRO will be available as well. You have access to OFF-Attack for up to 5 hours. Note: VIP is boosting its duration/it adds auto-pick based on VIP type. Goldens from invasions will be released progressively, so they won't kill you on spots at start. Note: Only BoK+1/Budges at start. You can use the Test Server that is always online to test different things, Note: Keep in mind that characters settings/tweaks/skills/balance are the ones from Genesis, but most of the other things are from Inception. You can warp from SITE if you are PK - but it costs much more & does have a cooldown! 1st Castle Siege will be from 2nd week (30 March - Sunday). Note: First part of CS rewards (as well as the NetWorth participation rewards) will be directly unlocked after the 1st CS. Keep in mind that Inception is running under "Sprints". Each Sprint lasts for 120 days, and at the end of the 120 days characters are moved into our permanent main server - Genesis. More info about it can be read on Info topic -> Gameplay Info. There's also the Dynamic Characters Balance feature - which means after each stage/mini-stage we'll be applying some small tweaks to some characters to preserve the balance on each stage. The planned changes are also shared already on the Info Topic -> Gameplay Info. This is an 100% International Server, that means you MUST write in English ONLY on /post and Gens Chat. If you won't do this you can get Muted / Warned and even Banned! On first reset the EXP is linear (same % from level 11-350 at any level). But after 1st reset the exp is dynamic (lower % on lower levels, higher % on higher levels). This is made in order to balance the time spent on high levels vs the time spent on lower levels. So, if on 0rr exp is 100% for level 11-350, on 1+ resets you have like 30% on 0-50 levels, 80% 200-300, 120% 300-350, etc. Please don't forget that Inception is a truly HARD & PROGRESSIVE Server! Which means exp is low, drops are low, content is progressive and everything is achieved by PLAYING, especially active play. Also up to 60-70% of content is adjusted/custom so you REALLY need to read all of our info in order to have a good time. Also, we want to share you some of the important topics and info that you MUST read for a full experience here: Official Info Topic: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/993-inception-official-information-many-details-about-server/ Info about CREDITS: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/1192-inception-info-about-credits/ Characters Info, Builds & Buffs Formulas: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/2260-inception-characters-builds-info-buffs-formulas/ Server Rules: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/1193-inception-server-rules/ If you need any kind of assistance please contact us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/OldSquadMU - we will be there most of the time! OldSquad Team #MakeMUGreatAgain!
    5. Hello OldSquaders & Guests, Inception - Sprint #6 - will be released on Friday, 14 March 2025 at 19:00 GMT+2 (Mobs will spawn at 20:00 GMT+2). The same, classic OldSquad gameplay will be present, featuring a progressive system and stages across the resets. Outside of the Stage patches, there won't be any development on the Inception, it will be 100% as it currently is. Official Info Topic: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/993-inception-official-information-everything-you-need-to-know/ Few notable changes: [UPDATED] Transfer table: 24-25 resets Inception -> 2 GR, 45 resets and level 400 Genesis + 6x PvP Artifacts & 6x PvM Artifacts. 21-23 resets Inception -> 2 GR, 35 resets and level 400 Genesis + 5x PvP Artifacts & 5x PvM Artifacts. 18-20 resets Inception -> 2 GR, 15 resets and level 400 Genesis + 4x PvP Artifacts & 4x PvM Artifacts. 15-17 resets Inception -> 1 GR, 49 resets and level 400 Genesis + 2x PvP Artifacts & 2x PvM Artifacts. 12-14 resets Inception -> 1 GR, 30 resets and level 400 Genesis. Under 12 resets Inception -> 0 GR & X4 the resets number on Genesis (11 resets Inception = 44 resets Genesis, etc.) and level 400. [UPDATED] Mercenary Squad stats are no longer transferred to Genesis. [UPDATED] Reduced the levels of the following monsters: Ice Queen from 40 to 38. Schriker (Kalima1) from 40 to 38. Bahamut from 45 to 44. Vepar from 48 to 46. Valkyrie from 51 to 48. Gorgon from 52 to 50. Forest Orc from 75 to 74. Zaikan from 86 to 84. [UPDATED] Replaced 2 Elite Yeti spots from Devias 4 with 2 Ice Queen spots - {5,200}, {50,240}. [UPDATED] Replaced Hell Spider spots from Dungeon2 with Hell Hound spots. [UPDATED] Added Kalima1 invitation to all potion shops with a price of 100.000 zen. [UPDATED] Reduced the price for 45x Large Mana Potion from 67.500 Zen to 27.900 Zen. [UPDATED] Reduced the price for 14x Large Healing Potion from 21.000 Zen to 8.900 Zen. [UPDATED] Reduced the AG cost of Rageful Blow from 12 to 9 & slightly increased its damage. [UPDATED] Reduced the AG cost of Lightning Shock from 5 to 3 & slightly increased its damage. [UPDATED] Reduced the chance to obtain Feather of Condor from Old Box 4 & Illusion Temple 3-5: Old Box 4: 15% chance from 25% chance. Illusion Temple 3: 2% chance from 3% chance. Illusion Temple 4: 3.5% chance from 5% chance. Illusion Temple 5: 5% chance from 8% chance. [UPDATED] Increased PvP damage taken by RF from rest of classes by 5-16% based on match-up after Stage 2 (10rr). [UPDATED] Slightly buffed monsters from maps starting with Karutan1/Kanturu2. [UPDATED] Reduced the chance for Feather/Crest from Karutan1 and increased the chance for them in Icarus (now Icarus having higher chance compared to Karutan1). [UPDATED] Reduced the drop-rate of Gemstone from Kanturu3. [UPDATED] Replaced Valkyrie mobs from DS3 with Death Cow mobs. [UPDATED] S4 skills drops from DS: Monsters under level 59 from DS no longer have chance to drop S4 skills Note: All DS1 mobs, first 4 types of mobs from DS2 & first type of mobs from DS3. Doubled the drop-rate of monsters from DS2-4 to drop S4 skills. Increased the drop-rate of monsters from DS5-7 to drop S4 skills (DS5-7 still higher than DS2-4). [UPDATED] Added Dragon Soul Staff as part of Gold Medals drops. [UPDATED] Removed the following non-exc. weapons from normal monster drops (on spots) - can now only be obtained from Gold Medals: Sword of Destruction. Celestial Bow. Lord Scepter. Holy Storm Glove. Ancient Stick. Sword Dancer. Dragon Soul Staff. [UPDATED] The following non-exc. weapons drops have been changed as follows: Demonic Stick, Albatross Bow, Dark Breaker, Piercing Glove: Can now drop from monsters between level 93 & 97 with a way lower drop rate. Great Reign Crossbow, Kundun Staff, Shining Scepter, Daybreak, Dark Reign Blade: Can now drop from monsters between level 98 & 107 with a way lower drop rate. Arrow Viper Bow, Platina Staff, Great Lord Scepter, Knight Blade, Thunder Blade: Can now drop from monsters level 108+ with a way lower drop rate. Reminder related to how Inception operates now: Since 3 years ago, Inception is running under "Sprints". There are 2 Sprints per year, each Sprint lasting 4 months (120 days). At the end of the 4 months, characters are moved to Genesis. Players can choose to either continue the end-game on Genesis (if they want to experiment sockets, w4, quest system, more pvp, etc.) or join the next Sprint from 0 on Inception. Genesis is our permanent main server, and the location where characters are transferred from the Inception Sprints. A 300~360x resets server focused mostly on end-game content, a server that will remain online without any editions or wipes for as long as OldSquad will remain online. All the information about the Transfers can be found on the Official Info Topic for Inception (Gameplay section). Schedule for 2024-2025: 14 March 2025 - Inception Sprint #6 release - ends on 12 July 2025. 12 July 2025 - Transfers start from Inception's Sprint #6 to Genesis. 19 July 2025 - End of the transfers. Based on the Sprint #5 and Sprint #6 performances, we will decide if we will continue to host Inception Sprints or not. Cheers.
    6. Hello, Inception Sprint 5 will be over today, 11th January at 19:00 GMT+2 (Server Time). At that moment, Inception will be removed from website and you won't be able to leave Lorencia safe-zone and / or make new trades, etc., but the server will remain online for 7 more days (until 18th January around 19:00~23:59 GMT+2 - so you can finish the transfer process). In order to transfer to Genesis you need to have at least 5 resets when it's over. If you have the requirements, you just have to write /transfer [NewName] [Genesis/Inception] from the Character you are transferring, where [NewName] = the name you want to have on Genesis and [Genesis/Inception] is your credits transfer option (if you choose Genesis, 100% of your Inception credits will be moved to Genesis, if you choose Inception, 20% of your current credits will remain on your Inception account for the next Inception Sprint and none will be transferred to Genesis). Example1: /transfer TestBK genesis -> Will transfer your character to Genesis with the new name as "TestBK" as well as 100% of your credits to Genesis. Example2: /transfer TestDL inception -> Will transfer your character to Genesis with the new name as "TestDL" and 20% of your current credits will remain on Inception account for the next Sprint. Note: Minimum 4 characters, maximum 10 characters for name. Note2: Only alphanumeric characters (A-Z,a-z,0-9), no special characters/symbols or so. Note3: The new name you choose must not be taken already on Genesis by someone else. Note4: The 2nd argument can only be genesis or inception (with any combination of upper/lower letters like GeNeSis, INCEPTION, etc.) What is transferred: Character's Equipment (with all content) Character's Inventory & Extended Inventory (with all content) Character's Store (with all content) Character's Zen The jewels and zen that you have in Jewel Wallet & Zen Wallet Main Vault (0) content (including the zen) ATTENTION!!!: The Main Vault (0) from Genesis will be REPLACED with the one from Inception, so make sure to have your items moved from Main warehouse (0) to warehouse (1) or (2) on GENESIS before transferring! Character's Master Level will be transferred BUT it will also be reset after transfer. ATTENTION!!!: All of your character skills will be RESET after transfer, if you had any ML! 100% of your Inception's credits (if you choose to transfer them) - else you will retain 20% of your credits from Inception for the next Inception Sprint (and none will be transferred to Genesis). What else is included with your character: HoFs Fruit Points Mercenary Squad Stats What is not included in the transfer: Secondary warehouses content (1-5) Web Warehouse content Market content Old "stats" of your character (like PvM Rankings, CS stats, etc.) Gens Status & Stats Observations: You need to have at least one free slot on Genesis account (same account) in order to transfer - command will let you know. After the transfer is complete, your character & account from Inception will be blocked and the credits/jewel & zen wallets you still have will be set to 0 (the account will be unblocked on the next Inception Sprint). You will be transferred with level 400 and the reset based on the transfer table. You will have 25 stats + the sum of points based on your new reset & genesis points as unused points, that you can freely add. Note: They aren't 100% accurate but once you do your first reset on Genesis they will be 100% accurate. I will remind you once again the transfer table for the resets & level: Cheers.
    7. Hi, I have a problem trying to open two accounts of MU Online on the OldSquad server. According to the rules, you can run up to two instances of the game on a single PC, but I can only open one. This issue started two days ago; before that, I was able to play with both accounts without any problems. I have already formatted my computer and reinstalled everything from scratch, but the problem persists. Every time I try to open the second instance, the PS GameGuard screen appears, but the game doesn't start. I don't receive any specific error, I just can't open the second account. Has anyone else experienced this issue? Is there any solution or additional configuration I should check to be able to run both accounts simultaneously? Thanks in advance for the help!
    8. When i press f10, doesnt work camera zoom
    9. Hello, i try to set mu helper for SM -> Mana shield buff for all party members but it gives only to 2 or 3 people. It`s not a pattern, he literally gives mana shield to whoever he wants. below is a screenshot of the helper settings that i currently have. please can u help me set it properly? what do i do wrong? https://ibb.co/y6LMVxF https://ibb.co/kh658VG
    11. Hello OldSquaders & New comers, Less than 24 hours remained for the grand opening of our 5th Sprint of Inception! The server will be launched officially today (Friday) at 19:00 GMT+3 (follow counter from website). You will be able to make sure that client works, make parties, etc. The MOBS will spawn at 20:00 GMT+3 (after 1 hour). You still have time to gather strong teams as what is coming will be pretty hard alone! Keep in mind to find a Permanent Stable Party if you plan to play seriously. Let's show to the MU Online community once again what real quality truly means! So, share the news to your friends, families, mu contacts, strangers, pets and gather on the start to conquer once again the OldSquad World! There are some important changes in this Sprint, make sure to read them here: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/5831-announcing-inception-sprint-5-back-to-origins/ Important Info: !!!! Don't forget to choose the 'Inception' Server when you are logging on site, else you will be logged on Genesis and you will be able to use the Genesis services/options instead of Inception !!! In order to use the SITE FUNCTIONS you need to ACTIVATE your ACCOUNT on EMAIL! (It takes 1-5 minutes to be sent, check SPAM/PROMOTIONS as well). There are Hall of Fame Achievements that you can get based on your "speed": More info here: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/5850-hof-sprint-5-13-september-2024/ Don't forget that ENERGY ELVES are OUT OF GAME! Their buffs are useless on normal maps. Note: You can still play EE at CS where buffs works, but there you can adjust points with /rebuild command, only for the CS. Note2: Also don't make TANK builds (VBK/VDL) as they can be used "for free" at CS via /rebuild, only for the CS. You can create DL, MG, RF from level 200 or since server starts if you get VIP. Note: Only Dealer/Hunter available until Stage 2 - 10rr - when PRO will be available as well. You have access to OFF-Attack for up to 5 hours. Note: VIP is boosting its duration/it adds auto-pick based on VIP type. Goldens from invasions will be released progressively, so they won't kill you on spots at start. Note: Only BoK+1/Budges at start. You can use the Test Server that is always online to test different things, Note: Keep in mind that especially characters settings/tweaks are based on Genesis, but most of the other things are similar between Genesis & Inception, with some differences in difficulties. You can warp from SITE if you are PK - but it costs much more & does have a cooldown! 1st Castle Siege will be from 2nd week (29 September - Sunday). Note: First part of CS rewards (as well as the NetWorth participation rewards) will be directly unlocked after the 1st CS. Keep in mind that Inception is running under "Sprints". Each Sprint lasts for 120 days, and at the end of the 120 days characters are moved into our permanent main server - Genesis. More info about it can be read on Info topic -> Gameplay Info. There's also the Dynamic Characters Balance feature - which means after each stage/mini-stage we'll be applying some small tweaks to some characters to preserve the balance on each stage. The planned changes are also shared already on the Info Topic -> Gameplay Info. This is an 100% International Server, that means you MUST write in English ONLY on /post and Gens Chat. If you won't do this you can get Muted / Warned and even Banned! On first reset the EXP is linear (same % from level 11-350 at any level). But after 1st reset the exp is dynamic (lower % on lower levels, higher % on higher levels). This is made in order to balance the time spent on high levels vs the time spent on lower levels. So, if on 0rr exp is 100% for level 11-350, on 1+ resets you have like 30% on 0-50 levels, 80% 200-300, 120% 300-350, etc. Please don't forget that Inception is a truly HARD & PROGRESSIVE Server! Which means exp is low, drops are low, content is progressive and everything is achieved by PLAYING, especially active play. Also up to 60-70% of content is adjusted/custom so you REALLY need to read all of our info in order to have a good time. Also, we want to share you some of the important topics and info that you MUST read for a full experience here: Official Info Topic: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/993-inception-official-information-many-details-about-server/ Info about CREDITS: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/1192-inception-info-about-credits/ Characters Info, Builds & Buffs Formulas: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/2260-inception-characters-builds-info-buffs-formulas/ Server Rules: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/1193-inception-server-rules/ If you need any kind of assistance please contact us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/OldSquadMU - we will be there most of the time! OldSquad Team #MakeMUGreatAgain!
    12. Hello OldSquaders & Guests, Inception - Sprint #5 - will be released on Friday, 13 September 2024 at 19:00 GMT+3 (Mobs will spawn at 20:00 GMT+3). The same, classic OldSquad gameplay will be present, featuring a progressive system and stages across the resets. Outside of the Stage patches, there won't be any development on the Inception, it will be 100% as it currently is. Official Info Topic: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/993-inception-official-information-everything-you-need-to-know/ Few notable changes: [UPDATED] Transfer table: 24-25 resets Inception -> 1 GR, 49 resets and level 400 Genesis + 4x PvP Artifacts & 4x PvM Artifacts. 21-23 resets Inception -> 1 GR, 45 resets and level 400 Genesis + 3x PvP Artifacts & 3x PvM Artifacts. 18-20 resets Inception -> 1 GR, 40 resets and level 400 Genesis + 2x PvP Artifacts & 2x PvM Artifacts. 15-17 resets Inception -> 1 GR, 30 resets and level 400 Genesis + 1x PvP Artifact & 1x PvM Artifact. 12-14 resets Inception -> 1 GR, 15 resets and level 400 Genesis. Under 12 resets Inception -> 0 GR & X4 the resets number on Genesis (11 resets Inception = 44 resets Genesis, etc.) and level 400. [UPDATED] Server Rules - make sure to read them. [ADDED] Real-time Anti-Lag panel (press "O" in-game to use it). [UPDATED] RF's DSR buff formula on Server 1&2 (Normal Servers) from ENE/15 to ENE/25. [UPDATED] RF's Increase HP buff formula on Server 1&2 (Normal Servers) from ENE/9 to ENE/12. [UPDATED] Chain Drive Strengthener (ML) now also increases Chain Drive range from 2 to 3. [UPDATED] Now if a BK has a mace & fenrir equipped, it can no longer damage other players with TS. [UPDATED] Reduced BK's Combo damage by 25%. [UPDATED] Increased Rageful Blow damage by 15%. [UPDATED] Cyclone Strengthener (ML - BK only), Slash Strengthener (ML), Falling Slash Strengthener (ML) & Lunge Strengthener (ML) now also increases the weapon skill range from 2 to 3. [UPDATED] Increased SM's Teleport cooldown from 4 seconds to 5.5 seconds. [UPDATED] Reduced the Poison Resistance (ML), Lighting Resistance (ML) & Ice Resistance (ML) increases from 1.2%~9% to 0.38%~2.5%, since the actual resistance increase is way bigger than the % values. [UPDATED] Slightly nerfed Selupan & Medusa. [UPDATED] Increased the Gold Medals drop rate. [UPDATED] Karutan2 map now requires level 320 instead of 300. [UPDATED] Changed the levels of the following monsters: Kentauros Warrior (Kanturu 3) from 96 to 94. Gigantis Warrior (Kanturu 3) from 98 to 96. Genocider Warrior (Kanturu 3) from 101 to 98. Crypta (Karutan 2) from 97 to 100. Crypos (Karutan 2) from 100 to 102. Condra (Karutan 2) from 104 to 105. Narcondra (Karutan 2) from 107 to 108. [UPDATED] Nerfed Kanturu3 monsters to match the rest of the monsters in their tier. [UPDATED] Slightly reduced the damage of the monsters from Atlans 2, Atlans 3, Lost Tower 5, Lost Tower 6, Lost Tower 7, Tarkan 1, Aida 1, Kalima 3 & Kalima 4. [UPDATED] Reduced the range of most spot monsters that had 4/5/6 tiles range to 3 tiles range. [UPDATED] Spots changes: Aida 1: 175x 20y spot is now a Death Tree only spot (instead of Death Tree + Forest Orc). 185x 95y spot is now a Death Tree + Forest Orc spot (instead of Forest Orc only). 235x 35y spot is now a Death Tree + Forest Orc spot (instead of Forest Orc only). 210x 110y spot is now a Forest Orc spot (instead of Death Rider). 235x 100y spot is now a Forest Orc spot (instead of Death Rider). 235x 130y spot is now a Forest Orc spot (instead of Death Rider). 235x 160y spot is now a Forest Orc spot (instead of Death Rider). Tarkan 1: 90x 35y spot is now a Mutant + Bloody Wolf spot (instead of Bloody Wolf only). 70x 60y spot is now a Bloody Wolf only spot (instead of Bloody Wolf + Iron Wheel). 80x 90y spot is now a Bloody Wolf only spot (instead of Bloody Wolf + Iron Wheel). 55x 90y spot is now a Bloody Wolf only spot (instead of Bloody Wolf + Iron Wheel). 35x 65y spot is now a Bloody Wolf spot (instead of Iron Wheel). [UPDATED] Now all spots have the same amount of monsters (there are no longer spots that have -1 mob compared to the better ones). [UPDATED] Rebalanced monsters Attack & Defense Rates starting from Tarkan1/Aida1 in order to match the maps progression. [UPDATED] Slightly increased the DSR option chance to appear on Exc. Armors, Rings & Shields while reducing the same chance for the Mana option. [ADDED] 6 new spots in Raklion: 75x 115y - Ice Giant + Collutin 65x 85y - Ice Giant + Collutin 65x 145y - Collutin 35x 135y - Collutin 30x 105y - Collutin + Iron Knight 35x 70y - Collutin + Iron Knight [UPDATED] Increased EXP on 0rr by +6%. [UPDATED] Slightly increased the EXP rates on Stages as follows: Stage 1.1: From 35% to 40%. Stage 2: From 25% to 28%. Stage 2.1: From 20% to 22%. Stage 3: From 15% to 16%. Reminder related to how Inception operates now: Since 2 years ago, Inception is running under "Sprints". There are 2 Sprints per year, each Sprint lasting 4 months (120 days). At the end of the 4 months, characters are moved to Genesis. Players can choose to either continue the end-game on Genesis (if they want to experiment sockets, w4, quest system, more pvp, etc.) or join the next Sprint from 0 on Inception. Genesis is our permanent main server, and the location where characters are transferred from the Inception Sprints. A 300~360x resets server focused mostly on end-game content, a server that will remain online without any editions or wipes for as long as OldSquad will remain online. All the information about the Transfers can be found on the Official Info Topic for Inception (Gameplay section). Schedule for 2024-2025: 13 September 2024 - Inception Sprint #5 release - ends on 11 January 2025. 11 January 2025 - Transfers start from Inception's Sprint #5 to Genesis. 18 January 2025 - End of the transfers. 14 March 2025 - Inception Sprint #6 release - ends on 12 July 2025. 12 July 2025 - Transfers start from Inception's Sprint #6 to Genesis. 19 July 2025 - End of the transfers. Based on the Sprint #5 and Sprint #6 performances, we will decide if we will continue to host Inception Sprints or not. Cheers.
    13. Character name that is submitting it (for the potential reward). Chukundahh Suggestion type (server/website/forum). Server Suggestion content 1st:Add a new map whit new spots and a new boss 2nd:Making artifacts able to stash How the suggestion can bring value. Extra map for ppl to go level + fight for the spot , since the 230-250 ML is hard to reach , this map could increase this exp a bit so the players would fight for a spot in it and not only the exp, but most importantly having a new boss to stop the monotony that currently exists - golden - medusa - selupan , there needs to be something extra too keep ppl interested in being more active and playing, as well this could be a new content to increase the ways of farming late game content Atm , i have 16pvp artifacts and 4 pvm occupying my inventory and its annoiyng, u can apply a restrition like there is on non-exc rings to not let it sell on market
    14. Hello, Inception Sprint 4 will be over today, 13th July at 19:00 GMT+3 (Server Time). At that moment, Inception will be removed from website and you won't be able to leave Lorencia safe-zone and / or make new trades, etc., but the server will remain online for 7 more days (until 20th July around 19:00~23:59 GMT+3 - so you can finish the transfer process). In order to transfer to Genesis you need to have at least 5 resets when it's over. If you have the requirements, you just have to write /transfer [NewName] [Genesis/Inception] from the Character you are transferring, where [NewName] = the name you want to have on Genesis and [Genesis/Inception] is your credits transfer option (if you choose Genesis, 100% of your Inception credits will be moved to Genesis, if you choose Inception, 20% of your current credits will remain on your Inception account for the next Inception Sprint and none will be transferred to Genesis). Example1: /transfer TestBK genesis -> Will transfer your character to Genesis with the new name as "TestBK" as well as 100% of your credits to Genesis. Example2: /transfer TestDL inception -> Will transfer your character to Genesis with the new name as "TestDL" and 20% of your current credits will remain on Inception account for the next Sprint. Note: Minimum 4 characters, maximum 10 characters for name. Note2: Only alphanumeric characters (A-Z,a-z,0-9), no special characters/symbols or so. Note3: The new name you choose must not be taken already on Genesis by someone else. Note4: The 2nd argument can only be genesis or inception (with any combination of upper/lower letters like GeNeSis, INCEPTION, etc.) What is transferred: Character's Equipment (with all content) Character's Inventory & Extended Inventory (with all content) Character's Store (with all content) Character's Zen The jewels and zen that you have in Jewel Wallet & Zen Wallet Main Vault (0) content (including the zen) ATTENTION!!!: The Main Vault (0) from Genesis will be REPLACED with the one from Inception, so make sure to have your items moved from Main warehouse (0) to warehouse (1) or (2) on GENESIS before transferring! Character's Master Level will be transferred BUT it will also be reset after transfer. ATTENTION!!!: All of your character skills will be RESET after transfer, if you had any ML! 100% of your Inception's credits (if you choose to transfer them) - else you will retain 20% of your credits from Inception for the next Inception Sprint (and none will be transferred to Genesis). What else is included with your character: HoFs Fruit Points Mercenary Squad Stats What is not included in the transfer: Secondary warehouses content (1-5) Web Warehouse content Market content Old "stats" of your character (like PvM Rankings, CS stats, etc.) Gens Status & Stats Observations: You need to have at least one free slot on Genesis account (same account) in order to transfer - command will let you know. After the transfer is complete, your character & account from Inception will be blocked and the credits/jewel & zen wallets you still have will be set to 0 (the account will be unblocked on the next Inception Sprint). You will be transferred with level 400 and the reset based on the transfer table. You will have 25 stats + the sum of points based on your new reset & genesis points as unused points, that you can freely add. Note: They aren't 100% accurate but once you do your first reset on Genesis they will be 100% accurate. I will remind you once again the transfer table for the resets & level: Cheers.
    15. Let me start by saying that I usually ignore the Global chat as I rather not get involved in the Drama between the 2 main Guilds. However... it is getting critically out of hands more and more, to the point that people create new chars and "Semi offensive names" and spam the Global chat. This is starting to really ruin this great servers gaming experience... and sadly all this bad attitude and constant going at each others throats in the chat is making players leave. I come from a background of playing this game back in early 2000s and also OG Call of Duty lobbies, therefore I am used to toxic behaviour and shit talking non stop. But once again this is really getting out of hand on this server especially in the past few days, and something must be done... EXAMPLE: I've reported a player on Facebook Messenger for spamming the exact same text for 6 WHOLE HOURS, the reply I received was that player reports are to be made on Forum. I fully understand and agree with this, but these are situation that cannot be left unresolved for over 24h... Like yes the player will end up getting a ban for 24h but that's already after the fact he has been spamming the Global chat for over 24h. I absolutely understand that Gion and the main Admin has life outside of this server/game... I was in the same boat for almost 2 years when myself and a friend of mine run our own servers. What am I getting to? Well... it's simple. There has to be more OldSquad Staff members to help out the community on this server, in-game as well as on your socials such as Discord. Which currently is a ghost town and is used by players to prove who was first in DS or BC... Don't necessary call them Game Masters or give them any benefits of a Game Master, simply let them handle the community and social media.
    16. Hello everyone "HITMAN" guild is now recruiting players looking for chill people to talk, play and farm items with. we are a new guild and we are looking to grow stronger everyday if anyone is intrested please : comment down your nickname/send a letter to "HelloBro" in-game great evening to all of you ❤️
    17. Hello, Today the reward for gens event has been given to the players, my elf ended on 6th place with over 10k points gathered but i got only 10 harmony https://ibb.co/h7n71m3 My SM ended on the 40 something place .. and got the same reward 10 harmony ... Are the rewards give randomly or is this a glitch due to the fact that i had 2 chars collecting points for the event ? I have asked others who were on top and they did receive 2 tocas and harmonys and stuff like that..
    18. Hi all, Just wanted to raise a concern regarding MG. I just started playing 2 days ago so not high level at all... But my first char was a DW and the next day I decided to make an MG. I manage to get both to roughly the same level (150 currently), I have noticed that the MG dies a lot more often then my DW. At lvl 150 my DW is capable of standing alone in Devias 3 with no concerns of dying, as my MG will die within 5-10 sec. Now in comparison to the EQ and Stats, they are somewhat equal as my DW has a sphinx set with a mix of +6~+8 and the MG has only +0 Sphinx set. However, my MG has 150 Agi vs 50 on my DW... I am aware this is really early in the game this might have been a balance requirement for late game balance, MG might scale in defence a lot better later on. There might be a reasoning, and I am not familiar with OldSquads Mu files I know these are custom and not IGCN. Not sure if anyone feels the exact same way, just wanted to share with others. Thank you.
    19. Hello OldSquaders & New comers, Less than 24 hours remained for the grand opening of our 4th Sprint of Inception! The server will be launched officially today (Friday) at 19:00 GMT+2 (follow counter from website). You will be able to make sure that client works, make parties, etc. The MOBS will spawn at 20:00 GMT+2 (after 1 hour). You still have time to gather strong teams as what is coming will be pretty hard alone! Keep in mind to find a Permanent Stable Party if you plan to play seriously. Let's show to the MU Online community once again what real quality truly means! So, share the news to your friends, families, mu contacts, strangers, pets and gather on the start to conquer once again the OldSquad World! Important Info: !!!! Don't forget to choose the 'Inception' Server when you are logging on site, else you will be logged on Genesis and you will be able to use the Genesis services/options instead of Inception !!! In order to use the SITE FUNCTIONS you need to ACTIVATE your ACCOUNT on EMAIL! (It takes 1-5 minutes to be sent, check SPAM/PROMOTIONS as well). There are Hall of Fame Achievements that you can get based on your "speed": More info here: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/5508-hof-sprint-4-15-march-2024/ Don't forget that ENERGY ELVES are OUT OF GAME! Their buffs are useless on normal maps. Note: You can still play EE at CS where buffs works, but there you can adjust points with /rebuild command, only for the CS. Note2: Also don't make TANK builds (VBK/VDL) as they can be used "for free" at CS via /rebuild, only for the CS. You can create DL, MG, RF from level 200 or since server starts if you get VIP. Note: Only Dealer/Hunter available until Stage 2 - 10rr - when PRO will be available as well. You have access to OFF-Attack for up to 5 hours. Note: VIP is boosting its duration/it adds auto-pick based on VIP type. Goldens from invasions will be released progressively, so they won't kill you on spots at start. Note: Only BoK+1/Budges at start. You can use the Test Server that is always online to test different things, Note: Keep in mind that especially characters settings/tweaks are based on Genesis, but most of the other things are similar between Genesis & Inception, with some differences in difficulties. You can warp from SITE if you are PK - but it costs much more & does have a cooldown! 1st Castle Siege will be from 2nd week (31 March - Sunday). Note: First part of CS rewards (as well as the NetWorth participation rewards) will be directly unlocked after the 1st CS. Keep in mind that Inception is now running under "Sprints". Each Sprint will last for 120 days, and at the end of the 120 days characters are moved into our permanent main server - Genesis. More info about it can be read on Info topic -> Gameplay Info. There's also the Dynamic Characters Balance feature - which means after each stage/mini-stage we'll be applying some small tweaks to some characters to preserve the balance on each stage. The planned changes are also shared already on the Info Topic -> Gameplay Info. This is an 100% International Server, that means you MUST write in English ONLY on /post and Gens Chat. If you won't do this you can get Muted / Warned and even Banned! On first reset the EXP is linear (same % from level 11-350 at any level). But after 1st reset the exp is dynamic (lower % on lower levels, higher % on higher levels). This is made in order to balance the time spent on high levels vs the time spent on lower levels. So, if on 0rr exp is 100% for level 11-350, on 1+ resets you have like 30% on 0-50 levels, 80% 200-300, 120% 300-350, etc. Please don't forget that Inception is a truly HARD & PROGRESSIVE Server! Which means exp is low, drops are low, content is progressive and everything is achieved by PLAYING, especially active play. Also up to 60-70% of content is adjusted/custom so you REALLY need to read all of our info in order to have a good time. Also, we want to share you some of the important topics and info that you MUST read for a full experience here: Official Info Topic: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/993-inception-official-information-many-details-about-server/ Info about CREDITS: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/1192-inception-info-about-credits/ Characters Info, Builds & Buffs Formulas: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/2260-inception-characters-builds-info-buffs-formulas/ Server Rules: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/1193-inception-server-rules/ If you need any kind of assistance please contact us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/OldSquadMU - we will be there most of the time! OldSquad Team #MakeMUGreatAgain!
    20. Hello OldSquaders & Guests, Inception - Sprint #4 - will be released on Friday, 15 March 2024 at 19:00 GMT+2 (Mobs will spawn at 20:00 GMT+2). The same, classic OldSquad gameplay will be present, featuring a progressive system and stages across the resets. Outside of the Stage patches, there won't be any development on Inception. Official Info Topic: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/993-inception-official-information-everything-you-need-to-know/ Few notable changes: Reduced the Jewel of Life drop rate from monsters. Senior NPC (along with the zen reward) is now part of the 1st CS reward - Test of Humility. Note: GM Boxes are still released only after 3rd CS. You can now sell in Market for up to 2000 credits/item. Now Market sales in Credits have a 10% tax. Now Gambles with Credits have a 10% tax. Updated the transfer table: 24-25 resets Inception -> 1 GR, 49 resets and level 400 Genesis. 21-23 resets Inception -> 1 GR, 40 resets and level 400 Genesis. 18-20 resets Inception -> 1 GR, 25 resets and level 400 Genesis. 15-17 resets Inception -> 1 GR, 10 resets and level 400 Genesis. Under 15 resets Inception -> 0 GR & X3 the resets number on Genesis (14 resets Inception = 42 resets Genesis, etc.) and level 400. Now the amount of credits transferred to Genesis (if it is the chosen option) is 100% of Credits (instead of 70%). Slightly nerfed the PvP power of EMG on 0-5 resets. Command Fruits are now automatically changed into another Fruit type (STR/AGI/VIT/ENE) when placed into inventory. Reminder related to how Inception operates now: Since 2 years ago, Inception is running under "Sprints". There are 2 Sprints per year, each Sprint lasting 4 months (120 days). At the end of the 4 months, characters are moved to Genesis. Players can choose to either continue the end-game on Genesis (if they want to experiment sockets, w4, quest system, more pvp, etc.) or join the next Sprint from 0 on Inception. Genesis is our permanent main server, and the location where characters are transferred from the Inception Sprints. A 300~360x resets server focused mostly on end-game content, a server that will remain online without any editions or wipes for as long as OldSquad will remain online. All the information about the Transfers can be found on the Official Info Topic for Inception (Gameplay section). Schedule for 2024: 15 March 2024 - Inception Sprint #4 release - ends on 13 July 2024. 13 July 2024 - Transfers start from Inception's Sprint #4 to Genesis. 20 July 2024 - End of the transfers. Based on the Sprint #3 and Sprint #4 performances, we will decide if we will continue to host Inception Sprints or not. Cheers.
    21. Hello, Inception Sprint 3 will be over on Sunday, 11th February at 13:00 GMT+2 (Server Time). At that moment, Inception will be removed from website and you won't be able to leave Lorencia safe-zone and / or make new trades, etc., but the server will remain online for 7 more days (until 18th February 13:00 GMT+2 - so you can finish the transfer process). After the transfers period is over (on 18th February), there will be a full maintenance on our systems with a downtime estimated of 15~60 minutes. In order to transfer to Genesis you need to have at least 5 resets when it's over. If you have the requirements, you just have to write /transfer [NewName] [Genesis/Inception] from the Character you are transferring, where [NewName] = the name you want to have on Genesis and [Genesis/Inception] is your credits transfer option (if you choose Genesis, 70% of your Inception credits will be moved to Genesis, if you choose Inception, 20% of your current credits will remain on your Inception account for the next Inception Sprint and none will be transferred to Genesis). Example1: /transfer TestBK genesis -> Will transfer your character to Genesis with the new name as "TestBK" as well as 70% of your credits to Genesis. Example2: /transfer TestDL inception -> Will transfer your character to Genesis with the new name as "TestDL" and 20% of your current credits will remain on Inception account for the next Sprint. Note: Minimum 4 characters, maximum 10 characters for name. Note2: Only alphanumeric characters (A-Z,a-z,0-9), no special characters/symbols or so. Note3: The new name you choose must not be taken already on Genesis by someone else. Note4: The 2nd argument can only be genesis or inception (with any combination of upper/lower letters like GeNeSis, INCEPTION, etc.) What is transferred: Character's Equipment (with all content) Character's Inventory & Extended Inventory (with all content) Character's Store (with all content) Character's Zen The jewels and zen that you have in Jewel Wallet & Zen Wallet Main Vault (0) content (including the zen) ATTENTION!!!: The Main Vault (0) from Genesis will be REPLACED with the one from Inception, so make sure to have your items moved from Main warehouse (0) to warehouse (1) or (2) on GENESIS before transferring! Character's Master Level will be transferred BUT it will also be reset after transfer. ATTENTION!!!: All of your character skills will be RESET after transfer, if you had any ML! 70% of your Inception's credits (if you choose to transfer them) - else you will retain 20% of your credits from Inception for the next Inception Sprint (and none will be transferred to Genesis). What else is included with your character: HoFs Fruit Points Mercenary Squad Stats What is not included in the transfer: Secondary warehouses content (1-5) Web Warehouse content Market content Old "stats" of your character (like PvM Rankings, CS stats, etc.) Gens Status & Stats Observations: You need to have at least one free slot on Genesis account (same account) in order to transfer - command will let you know. After the transfer is complete, your character & account from Inception will be blocked and the credits/jewel & zen wallets you still have will be set to 0 (the account will be unblocked on the next Inception Sprint). You will be transferred with level 400 and the reset based on the transfer table. You will have 25 stats + the sum of points based on your new reset & genesis points as unused points, that you can freely add. Note: They aren't 100% accurate but once you do your first reset on Genesis they will be 100% accurate. I will remind you once again the transfer table for the resets & level: Cheers.
    22. hello i am new and open the account today when i press on the Play Inception launcher i see only a part of the launcher and not all of him/
    23. Hello OldSquaders! I know that many argue that Inception has reached the end of the game, I argue that this is far from the end, because so far we have only 26 players who have reached 30 resets and do not forget the master level or end game items, and another thing that contradicts them is the admin staff activity, Gion and Admin are still developing this server, they are focused on improvements aand we haven't had the Wormhole player boost yet. One of the improvements recently made by Admin and Gion is the End Game Quest System, a revolutionary system which allows you to evolve into resets, exp and character power even after you reach 30 resets. I would like to clarify in this article some things that need clarification, Aida3 and Raklion2 for example, when I saw the new update the first thing was to press "M" in the game to teleport me there. Well, it doesn't go that way, Aida3 is a place near the cemetery in Aida, a deserted place, so if you reach the end game quest and you have to hunt bloody mobs, there you can find them, same as Raklion2, this is the bottom of Raklion. If you are lucky enough to be the only player at that time that is doing this quest, and you check the time when you kill mobs in each map, you can finish this quest in ~3 hours . Second quest, hunt 2 Budge Dragons and 2 White wizards, this quest can be done with a bit of luck during 2x invasion from each, so lets say ~7 hours, my hint here is to try to make those invasion in the middle of nights or early mornings, when the activity is lower on server. Third quest, give David 1x ob3 and 1x ob2 , well, here ob2 is hardest , cand drop on White Wizards, Cursed Dragon or at kanturu event at Maya Hands. Ob3 has a chance to drop from bc8 so you just need to go BC to exp and you might get it. Forth quest: kill 60 Rabbits, this quest can be done in around 5-6 Rabbits invasions, there are 18 Rabbits on each map but you will not be that lucky to find all yourself, on the rush hours I suggest you to go Noria (there are fewer people who are hunting because it is vast map , and in the middle of nights or in mornings go Dungeon or Elbeland, is more easy and fast to find and kill Rabbits Fifth quest: Answer correctly to 5 quiz questions, this is a quest that involves patience and typing skills, but it is not a hard quest, you just need to be online when quiz event is up and be faster in typing than the other players. Sixth quest: Win 3 Chaos Castles, well, this is a hard quest if you do not have a pvp character, but guild can help you up in that case, just talk to them to kill all enemies and let you win:) this quest can be done in 1 day with pvp skills and a bit of luck. So far we already have 5 players who finished the first 3 quests and made 31 resets! Those players are amazing! Congrats to them! I'll keep you updated with all the new quests to come, Just remember that the end game on Old Squad can last for months so if you want to be up to date in the fall when it is relaunched you have to play it from the beginning to the end and anyway you will be surprised by the news that come from a criminal mind, an innovative one that makes Mu Online Great Again!
    24. My summoner skill have not displayed also i couldn't see the skill display from another player character too ( etc. D.W; M.G; Elf ... )
    25. hi when i start the game and then to loading the anti cheat it says Connecting to server, please wait... what i need to do?
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