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    Scammer BENNYTO - REDBLOOD - BADBLOOD + DOINK / APOKALYPSE - 3 backstabbing brothers


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    We are not responsible for your personal fights my man . And it s not a scam , scam is when you fool someone , you trusted the account to someone , you take full responsability . Scam you can call when helldrake promise us not more fights for sign of lord, than go 11:59  and register 2 k signs . 

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    You are not responsible,for me to lose my items, you are right. Why are you posting here exactly?

    "haha you got your items stolen"?

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    12 minutes ago, Dominic said:

    I admitted I made a mistake by sharing it with someone I trusted—who, by the way, was also in our guild management.

    But don’t start bringing up the rules now. You don’t have to return my items, but this just proves you guys are fine with scamming. That also means you’re okay with an unfair game. First, it’s trash talk—now it’s a scam—what’s next, cheating?

    Do whatever it takes to win the game right?

    https://imgur.com/a/V3KlFV3 - @Chukundah @Knightmare


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    "imagine to know how to hack" ok, i m done here..u dont deserve more of my time, as i said a lot of time, u r just a Manipulator of highest callibre...people should know their opinion...


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    59 minutes ago, Dominic said:

    So what are you trying to prove with that screenshot? That I talk behind your back? "many ppl tell me this and that" - another bullshit claim without proof. 

    BTW, all your screenshot shows is that when you came to me complaining about things happening behind your back, I actually took the time to give you my honest opinion.
    Not only that, but I even accepted your voice call afterward to explain what I knew about the situation. But instead of listening, you just seemed to be trolling, barely accepting anything I said. The 'Benny factor' is clearly too strong for you to consider anyone else’s perspective.

    Also... Nice screens but if you would have posted just one more message continuing those texts then everyone could see how appreciative you were for my answers. I'll leave the screen here: https://ibb.co/N6rfmdC6 

    Can you actually provide any proof that I’ve been talking behind your back? Maybe something that justifies you scamming items or makes it fair for me to be excluded from competing against you guys?

    What exactly are you afraid of? Or are we just going to get more baseless claims from you—claims that, let’s be honest, seem to come from no one else but Benny?

    And now you're saying I'm the one telling people you're Butcher? Give me a break! I knew Butcher before I even knew you—I can tell the difference within a few sentences. Besides, not just sentences, i can tell when its butcher playing or one of you nobs. 
    If you wouldnt post something like that maybe people wouldt call you Butcher? 
    Are you indicating your sexual orientation with that post for everyone to see?

    Keep sharing—I’m sure plenty of people are enjoying the show with their popcorn.
    I’m more than willing to respond to every single one of your claims. So go ahead, show me what I’m supposedly so guilty of that justifies you guys scamming me.




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    7 minutes ago, Dominic said:

    You are not responsible,for me to lose my items, you are right. Why are you posting here exactly?

    "haha you got your items stolen"?

    I`m just saying , you could have deal with it , just by some simple messages , and solved it. Instead of that you went full drama queen , crying , and all this shit . But you need to be aware of your actions , by example when u gave me tung acc by mistake in pm , it happens man , get over it 

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    Haha, another post from Donkey—yet you're still trying to dodge the main topic.

    Is this screenshot supposed to be proof that I was talking behind your back?

    Every screen you send i will send 2-3x back - as you wish
    https://ibb.co/rKZMG9T3 @AlmightySM @Endorphin
    https://ibb.co/rVvssCs @Lucifurr
    https://ibb.co/rR85DJ97 @Azir

    Just so you understand, Doink... you keep diverting the topic, and you get a response.

    Unless you have actual proof related to the topic I started, consider this a warning—if you want to make it personal and bring up unrelated things, remember that you also trusted me with some delicate info.

    Keep it on-topic.

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    15 hours ago, Bennyto said:

    Dear Dominic, when u want to blame someone, u have to count with consequences.I didnt want to solve the problems on forum, but it seems, this must end now and forever. As i said u a lot of times, u r biggest drama queen, manipulator, making only chaos and drama between players. I pray for all who believed u this story, it just showed who is like a sheep in your herd.


    Actually this is not a valid proof. Send a video where you open discord and the same exact chat so we can see if its really there.
    You can make a dummy discord account with a name and dp picture, make a "real" chat part but edit in the sidepanel for real persons discord profile/name. A video is more solid proof.
    So you can start with that, otherwise this is just an elaborate lie between Doink and Benny to make believe that Dominic actually gave an account info blatantly to Benny.

    Video needs to come from you, because if Dominic deleted his side of messages, a video from him wont be able to prove that chat happened, but you can. You have a screenshot, you can now record the screen.


    Edit: You can easily prove once and for all with that video. You shouldnt just laugh react to it. If you wont do it, the screenshot is probably fake.

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    He’s just here to TROLL—he’s not even trying to prove anything.

    So many posts from Donky, yet still no proof. I guess everyone can make up their own minds. Unless he comes here with actual proof that I talked behind his back or a valid reason for stealing my items, there's nothing more to say.

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    I’m just waiting to dig up all these sweet little postS in about six months. Because you’ll pull the same scam, just with a ‘new squad’ .

    As the philosopher Seneca once said: ‘The people you managed to deceive aren’t fools – they’re the ones who trusted you and never imagined you’d stoop to lying.’ 


    Little people enjoy great joy from the mistakes and gaffes committed by the great man.

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    1 minute ago, crack said:

    I’m just waiting to dig up all these sweet little postS in about six months. Because you’ll pull the same scam, just with a ‘new squad’ .

    As the philosopher Seneca once said: ‘The people you managed to deceive aren’t fools – they’re the ones who trusted you and never imagined you’d stoop to lying.’ 

    It`s another saying who sounds like this , fools me once shame on you , fool me twice shame on me . 

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    "The greatest fools are those who meddle in affairs that do not concern them."

    I looked up the definition of a scam for you:
    A scam refers to a dishonest scheme or fraud designed to trick someone into giving away money, property, or personal information. It typically involves deception to gain something unfairly or unlawfully. A scam can take many forms, such as fake offers, deceptive business practices, or fraudulent online activities.

    In a broader sense, when someone is accused of "scamming," it often means they are deceiving or cheating others for their own benefit.


    Now imagine you’ve spent all this time working your way into an opposing guild, only to break them from the inside, using all the information you gathered to steal their items. And then you still talk about liking a fair game?

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    On 3/5/2025 at 2:29 AM, Bennyto said:

    Dear Dominic, when u want to blame someone, u have to count with consequences.I didnt want to solve the problems on forum, but it seems, this must end now and forever. As i said u a lot of times, u r biggest drama queen, manipulator, making only chaos and drama between players. I pray for all who believed u this story, it just showed who is like a sheep in your herd.



    On 3/5/2025 at 5:30 PM, Garbage said:

    Actually this is not a valid proof. Send a video where you open discord and the same exact chat so we can see if its really there.
    You can make a dummy discord account with a name and dp picture, make a "real" chat part but edit in the sidepanel for real persons discord profile/name. A video is more solid proof.
    So you can start with that, otherwise this is just an elaborate lie between Doink and Benny to make believe that Dominic actually gave an account info blatantly to Benny.

    Video needs to come from you, because if Dominic deleted his side of messages, a video from him wont be able to prove that chat happened, but you can. You have a screenshot, you can now record the screen.


    Edit: You can easily prove once and for all with that video. You shouldnt just laugh react to it. If you wont do it, the screenshot is probably fake.

    Still waitin @Bennyto to provide proof. Easy few minutes recording.
    You cant, can you?


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