We've added a Tag & Prefix system in order to find info more easily.
There are 4 tags for new topics from:
News & Announcements
Guidelines & FAQs
OldSquad Newspaper
Official Polls
Bug Reports
General MU Discussions
The tags are:
Phoenix - for topic related to Phoenix server.
Inception - for topic related to Inception server.
Max50RR - for topic related to Max50RR server.
Global - for topic related to general (no specific server).
There are also special tags for the following sections:
Market Place - you can choose the tag from Buy, Sell, Buy & Sell, Trade - based on topic info.
Player Reports / Warns - you can choose the tag from Bad Language, Racism, Hack/Exploit, Selling for Money, Bug Abuse, Insistent Non-English Posts - based on the subject of your player report.
Guilds - you can choose the tag from Recruiting, Looking for Guild - based on the subject of your topic.
All the tags are mandatory and we recommend to also set the prefix, not only the tag.
Also, the following changes are made to the Legends group:
- The Legends award that is won on OSGM will only last as long as the edition of the server where it was won lasts. That means old Legends from OSGM have been dropped back to Members.
- The first players to reach max resets from each class on each server will be granted with permanent Legends award. (updated with Phoenix Legends).
- Each server edition (during edition or at the end) we'll choose 1-4 new Legends based on their contributions and performance on the edition. That can include but not limited to: Server activity, bug reports, helping newbies, good suggestions, etc. (updated).
- People that didn't visited our forum for more than 1 year will also be removed from Legends. (updated).
We're trying to make the forum more attractive and we're looking for your suggestions to compress / make it more clean and attractive. If you have any thoughts let us know (organisation, features, etc.)