Release date: 10.11.2020 at 19:45 - No server restart needed, only mobs restart.
[UPDATED] Now Warns given by players in IT are anonymously & silent - when you give Warn in IT it will no longer show to everyone who warned who and neither will notice the one warned.
[UPDATED] Suspicious Scrap of Paper (Imperial Event) droprate slightly raised.
[UPDATED] OSGM Events will now show the messages on all sub-servers instead of only on Server 1.
[UPDATED] Staying inside BWQ will now first try to move you in 5x5 range of her, only if it doesn't find valid coords it will move you to safe-zone.
Note: Messages added as well.
[ADDED] Imperial Guardian Weekly Championship.
There will be daily awards for best records on the event-clear.
In order to be eligible for daily records you need to finish the event IN AN UNIQUE FULL PARTY - which means you need to have 5 different classes in your party.
Every day from week will have its own record for that party / character that finished it.
Only the best record is registered on each day, which means a character that does the event 2/3 times per day will have only 1 record registered (the best one) with the best party. You don't have to do it with same parties. Record is individual.
At the end of each day (23:59) TOP10 best records will earn points (this means, every character with the same - best record as others will be registered on each position, TOP1, TOP2, etc. there can be 1-5 chars with same record at each position):
TOP1 = 6 points
TOP2 = 5 Points
TOP3 = 4 Points
TOP4 = 3 Points
TOP5 = 2 Points
TOP6-10 = 1 Point.
At the end of the week (Sunday at 23:59) all records are reset and there will be TOP3 rewards for TOP1~5 people with the most points (counting multiple people with same points at the same rank). Points are also reset at the end of the week.
TOP1: HoF Badge + 3x TOCA & 20x Jewel of Harmony.
TOP2: 2x TOCA & 15x Jewel of Harmony.
TOP3: 1x TOCA & 10x Jewel of Harmony.
Note: Because we were a bit late with this new system, we'll have it on "BETA" until this Sunday's night. Rewards will start from this Monday.
[UPDATED] Now Medics from Imperial does have the highest HP from the encounter (except of the bosses), instead of the lowest.
Note: Make sure to isolate & focus them properly.
[FIXED] Gens Points for online time not being given back after the character left Mercenary Squad.
[UPDATED] Now you can no longer use /challenge while both Colloseums for Challenges are occupied.
Note: It will ask you to try again in few seconds and you'll be able to enter your own challenge when any of the 2 colloseums are empty.
[UPDATED] Maximum time to use /challenge raised from 5 minutes to 8 minutes.
[UPDATED] Now you can no longer move to other maps during IT, you are able to move again only after you relog your character.
[UPDATED] Now you will gain the Seal of Sustenance after entering IT, preventing you to gain exp until you relog your character.
Note: This should help (not guaranteed) in preserving your previous real level experience gained.
[UPDATED] Market History will now show the items in a sorted way, using the buy time.
+ Other small fixes / adjustments / improvements.