Release date: 22.01.2022 at 19:35 - No restart will be needed. Monsters will be refreshed though.
[UPDATED] End-Game Quest System has been released:
NPC (David) can be found in Lorencia.
QReset cost (30-35rr) is 500kk (500.000.000) Zen per reset.
Some quests have been updated (reduced / moved to other tiers / changed).
Quest System Objectives:
Quest 1: Kill 70x Bloody Monsters.
Note: They can be found in Aida3, Raklion2 & Vulcanus with an individual respawn of 15 minutes after they are killed.
Note2: Aida3 & Raklion2 have 3 monsters each, Vulcanus does have 5 monsters.
Note3: Progress is awarded to the character that made the last-hit, not to the one with most damage.
Quest 2: Kill 2x Golden Budge Dragons & 3x White Wizards.
Note: It doesn't show you how many left from each type, you need to pay attention and keep the counter yourself.
Note2: Progress is awarded to the character that made the last-hit, not to the one with most damage.
Quest 3: Win 3x Illusion Temple Events.
Note: You need to pick-up the IT reward from the end in order to progress in quest.
Quest4: Kill 50x 'little' rabbits.
Quest5: Answer correctly to 3 Quiz Questions.
Quest6: Hunt down 3x Nightmares.
Note: Quest progress is shared, you don't need to be the one that last-hitted Nightmare.
Quest7: Kill Goldens: 20x BoK+1, 15x BoK+2, 12x BoK+3.
Note: Progress is awarded to the character that made the last-hit, not to the one with most damage.
Quest8: Finish 6x Doppelganger Events.
Note: You need to click the reward from the end in order to progress in quest.
Quest9: Give David 1x OB2 & 1x OB3.
Note: Previous OB's that you gathered before starting the quest won't count, you need new ones.
Note2: OB's given to David at the end of the quest are deleted.
Quest10: Kill 10x Derkons.
Note: Progress is awarded to the character that made the last-hit, not to the one with most damage.
Quest11: Finish 4x Imperial Events in less than 170 seconds.
Note: You need to kill all monsters from the Imperial Event in order to get the score (time).
Note2: You don't have to be in full party to make the Quest, just to score under 170 seconds.
Quest12: Win 3x Chaos Castle Events.
Note: Winning by "points" does not count, you need to be the last man standing.
Quest13: Kill 40x BoK+5 Goldens.
Note: Progress is awarded to the character that made the last-hit, not to the one with most damage.
Quest14: Hunt down 5x Kunduns, 5x Witches, 3x Cursed Dragons.
Note: Quest progress is shared, you don't need to be the one that last-hitted the bosses.
Quest15: Wear the Wings Level 4 for your character.
[UPDATED] Now there's a dynamic timer for skipping a quest (via /skipquest):
1st quest from each tier can be skipped after 3 days.
2nd quest from each tier can be skipped after 4 days.
3rd quest from each tier can be skipped after 5 days (exception is the 15th quest that can't be skipped).
Note: Keep in mind that if you skip a quest you won't get its reward (except of 3rd quest from each tier that unlocks the reset).
[UPDATED] Change Race maximum reset has been removed. You can now Change Race at any number of resets.
[UPDATED] Wings Protector will now spawn in either Raklion or Swamp (instead of Raklion or Vulcanus).
Note: There were issues with the spawn of Wings Protector (in some cases) due to Vulcanus & Raklion being on different sub-servers (and being a generation between one of them held in 2 different sub-servers that can't communicate properly). Now he is spawning on the same sub-server so there shouldn't be any more issues.