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  • Saitō Hajime

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    About Saitō Hajime

    • Birthday 03/17/1988

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      En busca de jugadores latinos o de habla hispana para el Guild, envien mensaje! // In search of Latino or Spanish-speaking players for the Guild, send a message!
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    • Guild: FOXHOUND

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    1. Greetings guys and girls, back here, I used to play the MAX30RR but I missed the updates and my pj apparently was deleted too, no problem, I had very few resets so it strikes me to start again calmly. My daughter was born and my time was dedicated to her and my wife 100% and now that she defends herself a bit, I have the opportunity to enjoy these games once again, even for a few hours. I'm trying the new server, Phoenix. It looks good and what I've always liked about his work is that the old school really exists here ... Even in the distribution of the forum ... It brings back memories of about ten years ago ..... I sincerely love it .... I would like to start a Skins section, I have a repertoire of designs compiled in a long game time and some details applied by myself. In what I can gladly support, I will do it. Now I'm 31 years old and I still like this kind of games, I'll share that with my daughter as she grows up. Greetings to the players and our Staff.
    2. Let me see... 1.- Saint Seiya 2.- Samurai X 3.- The Walking Dead 4.- The Big Bang Theory 5.- The Simpsons Hmmm 3 old series
    3. A warm greeting and good morning! I would like to know if the server has the list of commands and if so, also know if it is enabled something like / OFFLEVEL which consists in keeping the character connected even if the computer is turned off ... Thank you in advance..... ------------------------------------------------- "Sin importar como cambien los tiempos, la verdad en la que creemos siempre permanecerá igual. El mal se extinguirá como la flama de una vela. Nosotros creemos esto: Aku Soku Zan(el mal debe morir). Esta es la esencia del Shinsengumi" "No matter how times change, the truth that we believe will always remain the same, evil will be extinguished like the flame of a candle, we believe this: Aku Soku Zan (evil must die.) This is the essence of Shinsengumi" -------------------------------------------------
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