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  • Levisk

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    About Levisk

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    1. Gaion:ppl accepted higher reward same like me, for 7day event that you must run EVERy single day or if u miss 1day u can wait another 7days because u will lack 1fragment..like it was allways on every other server,gaion was most famous event that was run on 5man party, with great reward because u need to run it all 7days,here you get 30jwls and 1tali.? sorry no thanks, Dimensional:sorry but reward is useless if u have run it on 5ppl to complete it,unless ur outbalanced MG sum sm to run it solo and get all.. Soccer:Like i say 1time we play MU online not Soccer..but thats just my thing maybe.. Actaully all what you can do in game now that make u real happy is BC/DS,1time IT some invasions and afk. No crying but this is how i actually see it,Have a nice day.
    2. Levisk

      BC bug

      This bugg happen to me today too.. And no one give me any trade or something before i entered... so it must be problem anywhere else..
    3. How u can let ppl have 380exc fi theres not even GD DM Darksoul etc in boks yet??... i dont want to blame s1 but this is real fail.. if you wanna keep that items in senior for Cs winners while rest of server cant get it another month or more then do it, But then allow Bok +5 items like DM GD right now for all so atleast s1 can compare those + +200def item sets..
    4. Hello, so this looks like bigg fail from admin side..exc+380 should be disabled atlealst 1more month or until top 5-10 hit atleast 10rr, i dont see point why winner of cs should have something that rest of server cant have and it makes em 20% more overpowered then rest of server.. For winners on cs there is LOT+erohim, and i dont see point why there should be aditional reward like this.. if u wanna aditional reward for Cs winners put some bonus exp to Lot, or give em some small amount of credits, and it still will be more fair then 3opt items with Jog.. Peace
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