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  • DieHard

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    DieHard last won the day on January 2 2020

    DieHard had the most liked content!

    About DieHard

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    1. What does it have to do with me ? first you say that "cry" only 14 year old children, but now you are indignant when I took you as an example ? don't you think this situation is two-faced ? or are you special ?
    2. I'm sorry that you are too young to understand the problem correctly. I wish you the next time not to cry when admin make a changes in characters and accept them with dignity like all ppls
    3. I can't understand, since when does it count as "crying" if people complain about the game's flaws ? or do you think it's normal to keep quiet and use them to your advantage ? how did the squadron do it for a few weeks ?
    4. Why do I have to answer your questions and you don't have to answer mine? I am glad that you are showing off your achievements in the CM)) Great game Great achievement Great trash-talk
    5. Oh... You praised so much your sumoner but in the end mention your antigame-DL)) great achievement))I hope you're not too tired of destroy us with your full Vit DL Great game Great achievement Great trash-talk 🤣
    6. So where did you destroy and humiliate someone?)) I heard about squadron about individual participants, but about you I did not hear, with such things as you described you had somewhere to Shine, or about you had to tell people, but such is not present, everything that you say is achievement of individuals from squadron and not yours The only one where I've seen you this is the forum where you justify aRF-s overpower and unbalancing in favor of ur guild
    7. And so, you are a member of the Guild squadron, and what is your second achievement? That's how you describe yourself but I think it's the only thing you can boast of.
    8. Looool, mr bullshit which did not represent absolutely anything until today, when all worthy people left the project. 😂🤣
    9. which of the two statements is correct ? And you think it will be easier to kill someone if they start to appear eRF that will give vRF over +5-7k vit(more survival and DMG) ? or vit for another class ? And how CSv2 will change the situation if the problem is not that there are a couple of characters who do not die ?
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