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Everything posted by Juri
It's not true, i had cases when i didn't have dl in my team and there was in enemy and still won.
Wouldn't touch him, he is already in dangerous spot after pvp nerf, at least let him be a good in one thing he excells on - scoring on IT.
Currently i think server is in a good state as it is. Only Rage Fighter seems to be a bit too powerful. I only have two things to add: - on next edition don't prevent trading of rare items if there are such - this can be easly exploited via transfer character - consider finally switching to some newer season? I think Season 8 could be a cool, some new things, but not like totally new, Season 6 feels kind of old when you consider there is already 15 seasons in mu and 16 is upcoming - here i think it's a good idea to create some kind of poll maybe if players actually want this Well when there will be socket items JoC will have a little more purpose, so i think it's okay as it is. But actually some auction house where people could bid themselves for any item put by players could be interesting idea. And not's so hard to do like: When player adds a item to auction house he sets what he accepts like creds(maybe max 1000 here?)/chaos/bless/soul/harmony etc as well as how many credits he value each jevel. This way it can be easy calculated when people makes a bid. I think it would be cool idea to have as additional thing to market. Maybe cost a lot more zen, like 100-200kk(and increase it in case it's too low when server ages) so you don't put like some garbage items there. Also good be a good for a economy, that players decide how much they want to pay for item. I could write a separate suggestion topic if Staff would like to consider this idea.
Character name - Juri Suggestion type - server Suggestion content - make dopplengar easier to do, currently it's impossible, we tried with party like sm, elf, rf, bk, sum and after around 50 seconds it was over, 3 mobs made it to end, it's much much harder than Imperial which feels kind of weird, maybe it was supposed to be like this, but then 15RR is not enough to make it, more like 20 RR How the suggestion can bring value - That people will start making it and finish it more easy How would you personally implement your suggestion (your vision) - reduce hp of monsters by a bit, around 30-40% could be possibly enough, it would need testing on test server i guess to make it possible to finish, and yet not too easy.
I think DL was hit too hard, but will se how it goes. I would consider giving back some damage for chaotic and maybe reduce def/defense rate of dl.
I actually agree, i would consider just adding some dmg from ene for elf as well. But only on 1st and 3rd srv, not on CS srv.
That's really nice post and i hope staff and council will take this into account when making any changes soon.
SDL could use a PVP buff? How is that? Pretty much only VRF can do anything against SDL, all other clases are rekt really fast, chaotic is hitting way too fast.
Nope, that wasn't a case.
Instead of having macro for COMBO, it's better to have macro for Q, Right Mouse Button and Ctrl key in one key, and you do combo by yourself, so you can time it right - because as you said stuns, ref, damage, etc things.
I think attack rate of chaotic for DL should be reduced, DL should be more of kiter - like when someone jumps to him he shouldn't be able to kill them so easy. More like hit people with horse, and kite with chaotic. Right now you just can stand, don't care about hitting horse and just chaotic anyone and kill them pretty easy. So pretty much DL should be the best char for 1vs1 - maybe reduce delay on horse skill by one second(if possible, not sure if this depends on client anyhow), but reduce attack rate of chaotic? Only vRF with tons of hp stands any chance.
Currently destroying statues takes a lot of time for a little reward. Currently i don't see people even focusing it, a lot of people already have b/s/life decent amount. I have two ideas that could improve it: I think adding a chance, like 50% for gemstone as additional reward when destroying statue could be nice addition. . Also it kind of make a sense, statues are from stone, so drop the gemstone Other idea is to add just a chaos so it will be b/s/life/chaos.
Looks like restarting my PC helped. Thread can be closed.
For me it's a bit different, doesn't freeze - it just closes itself.
Well then it gets in conflict only with one client? One client works totally fine. When i try to run another one, one of them is crashed for some reason. It's pretty weird.
Starting from 18.11 around 11PM srv time I started getting some random client crashes. I didn't change anything in my computes setup, didn't install any new programs etc. Any idea what's going on? It's not /dcfriend - because there is no information about getting disconnected in like 5-4-3-2-1 seconds, process is just killed and that's it. There is no any popup from Anithack or something like this, what can be going on?
Sure, i understand it's hard server etc stuff. Just a suggestion, sometimes in my experience i was starting on already existing servers and i know how hard is it to play when you are beginner - like all high reset players go and take everything in a minute and no chance for anything, and rarely anyone offers any help, or sometimes they even try to get as many credits/jvl as possible from new comers. I guess something easier what could be done is to just increase exc drop chance from monsters for low reset characters(per HWID), so they can grab at least one option items this way. @Gioni know there will be alts, but at least per HWID/IP it can be done - the same as you already block for example BC/CS 1 character per IP, so there is that.
Currently there are situations where you can be hunted having 20 lvl against 400 lvl. Obviously there will be no chance in such case. What i propose is to choose between two things: If level difference is too big(like idk 50-100) - lower hunter level so challenger can have any chance OR: Exclude possible players to hunt if level difference is too big - so basically people on the same level will hunt similar level players
Well i guess that's true, you only stole from people which you played less with .
As i wrote - limit to per IP/HWID so they won't.
To encourage new players more i suggest adding one invasion in the day(best like at evening i guess) from budgets at to k+3, excluding derkons for now(later maybe even higher, like when added GGD also derkon ans k+4 maybe), so damaging them is limited to amount of resets you have(like 5 and less). This could help new comers to grab also some golds etc, won't be so discouraging that high reset people come and get all the golds and the only way they can get something is by market and buying them.
I think somehow changing invasions for newbies would be good. Like make one invasion on day at specific hour from stars up to k+3(excluding derkons) limited only to specific amounts of resets - like 3 or 4(check it on IP so someone doesnt farm it with alt). Also what i thought about and could be kind of more interesting - instead of spawning all golds at once - add some kind of respawn of them during invasion, like instead spawning all 8 tantalos which many times can spawn 3 in one place spawn for example 2, and when they killed spawn another ones etc. Also i agree with HVMAN - i think bok+5 should be released the same time as CW/NM event, don't release it earlier, or put better weapons in NM/CW after k+5 is realased, before it it should drop k+5 weapons. Maybe it doesn't matter at these type of server - with those stats, but just idea for next server for more balance. Also stages are cool, but personally i would at least make that 10 people need to achieve them, so like two full parties, right now there is one top party, which always pass stage before everyone else. It would be cool that they need to wait for second party too.
Currently i in left top corner of ds(128 167) there are two spots really close to each other. Whenever there are 4 parties 2 parties partly ks each other. I suggest move the second spot a bit into the middle if possible, but only for DS 5/6/7. Keep it as it is on DS 1-4(for faster leveling in early after reset).