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  • Phantomel

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    Posts posted by Phantomel

    1. Considering you have to go through 3 additional rounds for some good rewards, I consider that giving a small boost to winners every day would be a nice addition, but that's just my humble opinion :) Or as long as you are going to change the rewards a bit later in the game, when people will start farming Gemstones, 5 johs will be next to nothing for someone who was a winner at some arena round(and considering if you place 29-30th you get nothing extra), that would feel very underwhelming. That's just my two cents. Usually when people go to invasion/contest world bosses/events they go there to get a reward after the event, not 6 days later. Not saying that it's not a nice system, but that's just my view on it.

      BTW, I'm not trying to argue with you or to say that the reward system is bad. I'm just trying to give a few reasons and ideeas to improve it :)

    2. 11 minutes ago, ADMIN said:

      Adding any other type of reward than something you are forced to use on your main (Gladiator's Pride) will turn it into alts fiesta, coming just for extras without any appeal for PvP, this is something that we should all strive to avoid.

      But I was talking about winners of each day's arena, not reward for all participants, that would be nuts :D

    3. At this point arena seems way more fun and well thought than it was at the release on inception, but I feel like there should be some small rewards to motivate more ppl joining outside the sunday main event. Something like a couple of jewels, bok1 for the winners each day should do the trick. Other than that, it's all good.

    4. From what I noticed, activity of players on forum is reaaaaally really low on this DB. I wrote this post cause our party has experienced this, and also many of my guildies were also talking about it on guild's discord. I'm really looking forward to more ppl replying and telling us their opinion.

    5. Trust me, gear is not our problem. The top parties on the server that invest a lot in their gear have this problem. I don't even want to know how will players without guilds and strong perma party will be able to do anything in this event. As for your suggestion with 2 parties, why would we waste 10 chaoses to go in DS and get WAY less exp than on spot(considering 2 party ksing each other)? You can also farm those skills with a secondary char in DS1-2-3 without too much hustle and bustle.

      Also, speaking of buffs and other things, our ene rf with +9 cape and full +11 set dies in DS even with defense buff and hp food from pumpkins.

    6. Character name - Phantomelu 

      Suggestion type - Server - Event related

      Content - Feedback on the Devil Square event and its current state

      How the suggestion could bring value - It would improve the overall quality of life for most of the players


      Hello, after spending a good amount of time in DS, I would suggest making some tweaks on this event. DS 1-3 were perfectly fine, but we started hitting a wall in DS4. The mob density is way bigger(which is not a bad thing, considering it is an event that was designed for better EXP than your regular afk spot and a source of skills) and the monsters hit harder. Currently I feel like you need a very specific party composition to be able to do it(with ERF being a must have), and even with good sets and W2 we can still feel like we're doing a Mythic raid in WoW. The monster kill rate is low, since we have to focus so much on surviving, and the XP might end up being even worse compared to normal spots(unless you have 3 eMG in party ^^). Maybe replacing some monsters with some lower level ones, and boosting up the xp a little bit would make players want to do this event again. Overall, the state that DS is in, just eats jewel of chaos for nothing. Thank you for your time and I wish you have a great day! Stay cool!

    7. 8 hours ago, enTaroaduN said:

      I guess everyone is complaining about DL class, but not the DL owners themselves. Let me put it this way so you can understand, most of you on this server, changed race into DL, and why is that? Because you knew the class is way beyond broken, why? Let's see why:

      [PVM view] Just a few small examples:

      -As some people said above, about VRF solo stealing bc statue from AE's, I saw a lot of solo DL's stealing bc statues from solo AE's as well, using Chaotic. And as for a small example here, I tested my friend's pure AE with full Aruan Set, decent Albatros Bow Lk+2% +11, w2 +9, 13rr against Nephilim's DL. The thing was, indeed Nephilim is 14rr, not a big difference for 1 rr, but still, I managed to get first to 2 +5 goldens in Reliks, Nephilim came after 10 seconds or so. You know what was the result? He took both goldens, even tho I was first there, even tho I managed to have dmg advantage before him, he purely melted their healths with Chaotic like my elf was nothing.

      -Illusion Temple event, the thing is, DL is invincible since now, he can rebuild before the event starts. He just goes full tank and the other 5 people can't kill him, we can just wait till he delivers the Star, again and again, not to mention his mobility while using Horse. So the DL's always be the first to reach the Star and take it. So who gets the DL in their team, it's 100% win. And as a small reference about IT(The Illusion Temple system that's extremely unbalanced and it's about Master Level. When the event starts, it gives you 131,141,151lvl and so on, well, the thing is, the ones who have Master LVL, will automatically be detected as more lvl than the others that don't have ML. I had several times people with ML in IT 2-3-4, that we couldn't kill at all, just because they had this ML lvl difference. So tell me why people with ML are redirected to IT 1-2-3 where the newbies are trying to play and they will face top players with insane gears and master level that they will just can't be able to kill. This is extremely unbalanced and it ruins the event, completely.

      -At this point, when almost nobody has fenrir, DL can just leave a dust trail behind everyone else that tries to hunt goldens, because of his Horse he can reach the goldens before any other class, he can cover the maps before any other class.

      -I saw several times DL's that can steal Cursed, Kundun, Bloody Queen, goldens, from top AE's like HellDrake, Senpai, Dajbuzi. The reason is, in PVP invasions or the boss events, DL's can just resist till the end, spamming Chaotic on the boss while AE's can instantly die and lose the opportunity for more dmg on the boss. On the other side, on NON-PVP, again, DL's have more DPS on chaotic, than AE's on MultiShot with perfect positioning. BETLEY as a DL can confirm you all that he easily stole, several times, bosses from AE's, in PVP and NON-PVP.

      -And a lot of other things that you all noticed but you don't want to mention them because most of you now, changed into DL race so you can abuse it's overwhelming power over other classes. I can't wait for DL nerf so you can all change your races back, and be as bad as you were in the early stage. You were an MG at first eRoby, now you changed to DL, and we both know why. And I agree with you about VRF, he is extremely strong as well and easy to play, but has extremely low mobility and some of his spells are not hitting at all on moving targets, you need to have nerves of steel to play VRF against other classes.

      [PVP view] Just a few small examples:

      -Chaotic range and dps, it's insane. It's impossible for other classes to kite that since it has instant dmg on the target even if the target it's moving, not to mention the insane dps and dmg, even tho the DL is Hybryd DL and not pure SDL. It can just melt your health from a range that you can't even reach with other classes. And I will give you examples for each class, except SUMM, EMG and ARF, cause I haven't tested it my self:

      [DL]vs[BK]: Except CC and IT, anywhere else BK has no chance against DL, especially because of it's horse power. DL can infinitely kite BK and spam chaotic from insane range, and why except CC and IT? Because outside this 2 events, DL can instant use Horse Power if the BK manages to reach his position. So between this classes, at this point, it's a "catch me if you can" game. While BK can't even get close to hit a combo, DL can just kite, run and spam Chaotic till BK dies. Not to mention the Destruction skill for BK, is it even working? I tried several times, can't hit a single slow on the target, either has way too low hit rate, either not working at all.

      [DL]vs[SMG]: The same story as DL vs BK. The small difference is that SMG can use ice to slow DL down, but again, pointless, cause if SMG reaches DL position, he can easily use Horse Skill or antidotes. And let's not talk about a DL with 2 +4 Ring of Ice ^^

      [DL]vs[AE]: While AE, as people mentioned above, has to sacrifice some points from her pure AGI build for Ice Arrow and lot of VIT to have decent health, not to insta die from 1 single hit, DL doesn't even have to balance a build, it works either way, you can't even tell the difference between a Hybryd DL and SDL, they both have insane survivability, insane mobility, insane health, insane dmg, insane def, you name it. AE has to get extremely close to DL to even try to use Ice Arrow on him. DL against AE, doesn't even have to move anyway so consider him permanently Iced but he can still kill you from insane range, while you as AE, can't get close to him to hit your full DMG, so what's the point? I know AE it's not supposed to be that good in PVP, but why you should limit the classes only for a small part of the game? So AE from now on it's gonna be useless in PVM and PVP as well? So everyone gonna just change race from now on? And we will see only elfs for Ice Arrow at CS and some bosses? Feels extremely wrong to me. There are people who wants to enjoy their favorite classes till the end of the game, not only for a small number of resets, then to just feel forced to change the class into something else that has potential in the game so they can compete with others. That's not fair to be honest, DL was a top class since the db started, could easily compete against AE with Chaotic. So why a class should permanently be top class in early, mid and maybe in late as well? But on the other hand, some classes will just be useless.

      [DL]vs[SM]: As a SM my self, I can tell that at this point, SM it's the most balanced class in the game, the scaling it's exactly as the Staff said it will be. The SM is getting stronger and stronger as it should, in a balanced way, but again, we have a problem against DL. The key point of SM in PVP it will always be the positioning and your kiting skills so against other classes, SM can kite, position and fight back as it should be. But, against a DL, positioning and kiting with teleport, it's pointless. He can just use F10 outzoom to it's maximum and spam chaotic from a range that none of your spells can reach. SM was supposed to be a range class, right? Yet none of it's spells can reach a DL position while he can spam Chaotic from that position, as a SM not even when you try to use Ice Storm to the nearest position of that DL, sometimes it won't reach at all, but DL's chaotic will reach you. And if you will try to get in his range to spam Blast, you will instantly die.

      [DL]vs[VRF]: At this point, VRF it's the only class that can get close to fight back a DL but even like that if only the DL stays still and it's not trying to kite. Imagine both 14rr classes(RF and DL). The ammount of health VRF has, it's huge, right? Arround 40k even more with full +hp set, rings. Well, imagine all that HP just going down like ice melting, from a range that VRF can't reach if the DL is kiting. Even tho the DL won't kite, VRF will have no chance against him.

      [DL]vs[SUMM]: I haven't tested this one my self, feel free to speak if anyone did. But in my opinion, since SUMM is such a squishy class, we know the story :)

      [DL]vs[EMG]: Not tested, but as SUMM class is, this EMG build it's squishy and as well, so the same story I guess.

      [DL]vs[ARF]: Not tested, and since ARF it's trash in PVP, not even worth to mention.

      [DL]vs[DL]: Not tested, but I am actually curious about a fight between SDL and Hybryd DL, i wanna see who wins.

      I could go on with several examples, but you all know that DL is extremely broken at the moment, even tho some of you won't admit it, because you are defending your own class, but still. Even tho ADMIN said that DL it's still extremely strong, compared to other classes. Somehow, some of you are here telling us the opposite. At this point, even the worst DL player on the server, can beat most of other good players, just because the class it's broken and doesn't require too much skill, if not, doesn't require skill at all, since all you have to do it's to stay stil and spam Chaotic.

      I hope it isn't too much to read, you can call me Reporter ^^. But I tried to put some things together since everyone is leaving their opinions here, there it is mine.

      Let's not even mention that, if by a miracle, SMG and BK get in the range of DL with full hp/sd, they will still get insta melted, even if you hit your combos flawlessly, you dont stand a chance. Just a clear example - Me with full +12ddhp ashcrow set, decent weapons, balanced stats(or at least that's what I tend to think about them) got melted against a DL with +0 scale set, with only one DD piece and non exc scepter. Did like 4 combos and I dropped dead. No one can tell me this is balanced. 

    8. 1 hour ago, Hvman said:

      You talking about AE vs Non DDI- Non w3 classes. Go Try AE vs ddi/w3 and you'll see they can't touch you, because no dmg, because they lose 4k ene, because they need to add more vit than the rest because their hp/1vit is low. Also i want to see that AE that's beating VRF on BC statue :)) You are funny. 

      Also i did not say only about AE, i also said about bk, and all other classes BESIDES sm because i said i did not test it.

      To answer your question or conclusion, no i dont want ae to be as strong as rf, i want to have a meaning besides ice arrowing. AE are no longer pvm top chars, because their HP POOL is very low, and easily killabie in BQ/Future GGD/Selu/Medusa, so no more rank1 top dmg from AE.

      Time will tell ^^ I trust that the staff will take the right decisions in balancing all classes.

    9. The Ice arrow was purely a reply to you saying that she lost her pvp possibilities. And as I was saying, you have Senpai as an example of an elf that is doing pretty good in pure PVM environments, killing a lot of world bosses in the past days. You can't expect a class to dominate the server from 0 resets till the end game. Things change, as they should.

    10. Lets put it this way - You have 2 days worth of time to check all announces and take screenshots. We'll count how many of them are taken by RF or any other class(Besides DL - cause it really has a problem right now, and it's dominating both PVP and PVM - most probably due to the fact that they die really hard and they have enough time to pump up damage). You will see that most of them are taken by elves and I can give you a few examples if you'd like. Elf is all about the positioning and staying as close as you can to your target to be able to pump damage to the fullest potential. The damage on statue in BC, as far as I know, is calculated for each party, and it's dying really fast. RF probably has high burst damage, but I don't think that right now it can compete with AE in high amounts of damage over time(sustained damage) If we compare same lvl/ml and W3 and item sets. Also, the point you're missing when you are saying that elf is useless in PvP is actually the most important. We all know that the key of staying alive - even in world pvp where more people focus you, is moving. What's the best counter to moving? Not Ice storm or any other slow which can be removed - It's ice arrow. 

      Also, dont worry about low vit, you can always use an eBK and eRF to counter that ^^

    11. 8 minutes ago, TOMMYskillfiger said:


      im just waching someone defending his class with cheap comments.

      we are at 15rr rf yet hasnt double dmg from ml and his dmg will raise more and more cuz of the formula %. If  paper ae cant win even in a pure pvm fight like bc statue and im talking with pure pvm stats no vit no ene only str/agi imagine what will happen on bosses later on where survivability matters too.

      now answer me whats the point to play ae if she loose even on pvm and his pvp possibilities is till mid game. Atleast make her pvp char or pvm top like it was advertised.

      dont be greedy you cant have everything with one build especially when its that easy to build and play that class.the only class which position doesnt matter

      I still see that the vast majority of elves are still dominating world events(Cursed/Kundun/BQ and so on). You have to take into account that the characters that you compare yourself to might be much more higher in terms of ML than yourself, thus having a huge advantage. RF HAS double damage on master skill tree. Elves were top hunters and dominated every BC till now(I don't even want to speak about 3-4 reset twinks stealing the statues solo against 4-5higher rr parties). Your pvp possibilities aren't till mid game, as ice arrow has a HUGE impact in the game. Maybe in the future you guys will be able to use your buffs outside CS and it will be an advantage for you. But compared to other classes that did nothing till this point of the game, you can't cry and expect to be top pvp, lol. I'm pretty sure that around 8-9 resets elves were unkillable in pvp. Huge defense cause they were spending everything in AGI and huge burst damage.

    12. So, if I understand this well, you want AE to be as strong as RF is in pvp. Let me remind you that until 15 resets the RF was a total joke. BK is the worst in PVM BY FAR and BK's still get their ass kicked in pvp by other classes somehow, due to our very low capacity to CC or gap close on them. Elf is supposed to be insane in PVM early/mid and mediocre in pvp(though I'm pretty sure elf kicks ass, and excepting DL they can still win vs other classes in pvp due to their insane burst). Will you guys do anything about destruction(higher slow chance)? And if you guys will not buff the bk in pvp(it's the only unchanged class since the start of the DB), can you at least buff a bit his pvm capabilities? I know bk isn't supposed to be a hunter/PvM char, but atm. bk is a huge joke, and we're forced to make alt chars for pvm purpose - I'd rather go hunt with my 6rr AE than with my main bk. Also if you don't have a premade group to carry your ass, Imperial event is just another event that us BK's don't have any chance of getting rewards from ranking, cause no one will take a BK in a timer run just to ruin it ^^. I know you guys like the ideea of missing one combo - lose pvp, and I understand that you are long time BK players, but compared to other classes who are ranged, have slow or higher movement speed and insane damage, BK is just a joke. As much as I love BK and the whole class fantasy thing(Tank character who likes to go toe to toe with foes) I'm really thinking of rerolling into something else.


      Also, AE is said to have medium damage, but compared to other classes that have medium-high damage, or high burst damage as you said, I'm pretty sure AE dominates every world boss and events, and I think that anyone that is active on server can confirm - Also, I like the idea of starting to let the elves use their buffs outside of CS as well(weaker version)

    13. Character name-Phantomel

      Suggestion type-Server.

      Suggestion content (make sure to include enough details so your suggestion is clear enough).

      I know that this would take some time to implement, but as I can see you guys are doing a great job with scripting custom events.

      Basically my ideea would be divided in two different game modes - Last man standing and mass pvp based on points. A limited number of players battling in one arena, maybe in parties of max 2-3 people for the points mode and every man for himself for the last man standing. 

      Last man standing would be pretty straight forward as you can deduct from it's name, the closer you get to being the last one alive, you have a chance for some rewards.

      The points mode would be made in a such manner that even if you die, you respawn on the same event map and keep fighting. Points are earned by scoring kills and staying alive, and lets say 10% of you points are lost by dying. The 2-3 man party would be so players think twice about teaming against others like it's likely to happen in a free for all match.

      Of course there would be reset restrictions(as I understood that you guys did in the past with the PvP tournament - it's my first db here so I'm cant be 100% sure). And the other thing that I wast thinking about - I'm not really sure if it can be implemented but it would be a good ideea against "smurfs" - everyone would get the same items when entering the event arena(for example Dragon set for DK's and so on - they should be the same tier) with, or without excellent options. Also, if you want to bypass the resets limit, just set some baseline stat points as it is in IT currently.

      If the high RR guys feel like they worked their asses off for their gear, and don't like the ideea, we can also split the events in 2 parts - hard mode - where everyone keeps their current equipment, and fun mode - where everyone has the same sets.

      How the suggestion can bring value.

      I think it would be a nice event, where players would have fun and relax without being stressed that other people transfer their items from their main chars and dominate. At the moment mercenary squads is a nice ideea but it has it's own flaws, and it feels more like a daily chore - kill(most of the time) afk players.

      If you could implement both of them you could switch them every week, and I think that these events will have a high rate of participation.

      (Optional) How would you personally implement your suggestion (your vision).

      I think that I explained my idea in detail. Of course, we as a community can work on it and add more suggestions if you guys like it ^^

    14. 23 minutes ago, ADMIN said:

      ^ this is how a feedback should look like, when you're starting such topics, not some random rants that you are beaten by x or y (so nerf them) or that your character needs a "buff" because why not, it's free to ask for - be sure that they are ignored. So, take notes from this guy.

      About DL - It is indeed true that DL still overperforms in PvP at the current stage even after the latest nerfs from previous stage and for sure will be looked into again on the next stage patch.

      About BK - if people can't do 2-3 combos in a row, the character is a waste. If people can do 2-3 combos in a row (which sadly very few of current BK players can do it) they are ... hard to win against. BK is a character where mistakes can't happen (outside of bad rng of the combo hit-rate) if you want to get its full potential, even 1 missed combo can cost you your death. It is indeed the hardest character to play, gear & level, but it pays off a lot if you can master it, especially on team vs team events where buffs transforms it in a monster, hard to kill and hard to stay in its range.

      About VRF - It is the easiest to play melee character from the game, that does have DPS, gap closer & ice chance on a single skill (chain drive), compared to SMG which does use 3 different skills (cyclone - gap closer, ice skill - ice, fireslash - DPS) or BK that has to master its combo skills. Apart from this reason that it is too easy to play, he's biggest weakness for PvP is that he is fully depended on having cape level 3 (which is a huge upgrade from the level 2 cape, compared to rest of classes). More than that, he's the only melee that scales into mid-late game due to skill damage % on chain instead of the pure, constant damage of SMG/BK.

      I totally agree about what you said about BK, but still, if the other character is moving even a bit, it totally messes up your combo. If the target is static, acting as a dummy target, it's true, bk is a total monster and can out dps every class, but AE at the moment. I tested it when we were 2 rr's lower with one elf that wasn't even close having the items that I have right now(almost full LK DD HP set +11), and considering I had pretty high VIT and Agi, her damage went through me like a hot knife through butter, even tanking 3 fast combos from me(we were in lore ring). The thing is, if you play against someone that knows the way that they should play their character(other than RF, who likes to go hand to hand, each character has his own way of dealing with bk), it's very frustrating. Our slow doesn't work - I did like 7-8 strikes of destruction on a fellow SM and none of them did succeed. Everyone can mess up your combo timers if they move, and CTRL+Right click does nothing else other than following his character cause cyclone has a small range, and during that time you can't do absolutely nothing. You can try this and see that you can kite BK for like 10 minutes without him doing any hits on you. All I'm asking is, considering the high skill animation(regardless of your attack speed), raise the chance of strike of destruction to land a slow, and maybe shorten the cooldown between attacks on death stab or cyclone, cause right now I feel like I am doing more DPS with auto attacks than with skills in PVM (talking about invasions overall, cause BK isn't supposed to be a good hunter, and that's ok, I know what I signed up for). Once again, I am fully aware that all classes should be powerful at a certain time in the game, that's how it should be and I want to congratulate you guys for the work you're putting into balancing. But no stat changes will change the fact that BK's can just get kited without any chance of hitting someone if things remain the same as they are now. Those would be two changes that would improve the quality of life on BK's by a good amount. Again, that's just my humble opinion, and I expect more high BK's to share their opinion. Thank you for your time and I wish you have a great nigh, or morning ^^

    15. DL is indeed a bit too much right now. He's not lacking damage nor survivability. You should really look a bit into it. Either make him tank and nerf his damage a bit more, either cut a bit from his defense. He also has a huge range on chaotic. I wasn't even seeing him on map with camera full zoomed out and I was somehow taking damage, plus that they have the horse skill in case things get close to them. Elves started falling of, but they are still op in PVM. The rf's started scaling and actually feel decent right now. Bk has his problems with his gap closer, and I dont think they are top pvp(as they should be, considering we're not getting any credits from DS tops, it still takes us A LOT to kill a golden, no chance of getting the statue in bc and so on). Antidotes are definitely a must, and some times they are not enough and can't compete with a good SM/MG/DL who can just kite us infinitely. Strike of destruction's rate of applying the debuff is next to zero, considering the low attack speed on it and the HUGE animation time. If you chase a DL you can't hit anything on it due to the fact that we dont have any slow and our gap closer has 2 range, and sm can just slow tp kite attack. Things are a bit easier with mg's if you have antidotes and get in their range. I didn't have a chance to pvp with summoners(close to me in terms of reset) so I can't share my opinion on them. That's just my two cents about pvp right now. Overall DL feels like the jack of all trades.


      L.E: I know some people will say that BK have huge damage, but come on guys, use your tools and dont stay in their melee range ^^

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