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  • Roby

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    Posts posted by Roby

    1. 13 hours ago, TOMMYskillfiger said:

      they were not novels but facts on the otherside the only thing you did on your posts were to qq or rage. Since i played dl in last db and i wanted to quit cuz i had to play with this shitty firescream especially on pvm its disgusting i suggest to keep setting like it is now for cs purposes(sv20) and make him more of glasscannon thing outside of cs (sv1/sv3) (i dont know if its possible tho)i guess most dl's if not all would prefer to play as semi glasscannon with the mobility they got from horse/earthquake 

      Ofc i raged when i saw quotes like ''Oh DL has horse man, we can`t catch him '' or ''DL make invasion faster dude'' . I`m ussually a calm guy , and very friendly , but was crazy how people reacted here ,  with what arguments people camed here to put pressure ..

      Yes i agree he had high dmg , 10% nerf on chaotic or overall nerf  (chaotic the only skill usable on both pvp and pvp) would be enough . But hey you all camed here even with arguments that DL it s OP even in PVM , well what can i say let s have fun with FIRE SCREAM .

      P.S. I hope your DL guildies are all proud of you ❤️ . Peace , out.

    2. You all cried about DL , and now come back here that was hit too hard ? xD People fcking wrote novels about how OP is DL , what did u expect ?

      I propose dmg of chaotic to remain the same (45% nerfed) and  reduce 50 % def of DL !

    3. 9 hours ago, enTaroaduN said:

      I guess everyone is complaining about DL class, but not the DL owners themselves. Let me put it this way so you can understand, most of you on this server, changed race into DL, and why is that? Because you knew the class is way beyond broken, why? Let's see why:

      [PVM view] Just a few small examples:

      -As some people said above, about VRF solo stealing bc statue from AE's, I saw a lot of solo DL's stealing bc statues from solo AE's as well, using Chaotic. And as for a small example here, I tested my friend's pure AE with full Aruan Set, decent Albatros Bow Lk+2% +11, w2 +9, 13rr against Nephilim's DL. The thing was, indeed Nephilim is 14rr, not a big difference for 1 rr, but still, I managed to get first to 2 +5 goldens in Reliks, Nephilim came after 10 seconds or so. You know what was the result? He took both goldens, even tho I was first there, even tho I managed to have dmg advantage before him, he purely melted their healths with Chaotic like my elf was nothing.

      -Illusion Temple event, the thing is, DL is invincible since now, he can rebuild before the event starts. He just goes full tank and the other 5 people can't kill him, we can just wait till he delivers the Star, again and again, not to mention his mobility while using Horse. So the DL's always be the first to reach the Star and take it. So who gets the DL in their team, it's 100% win. And as a small reference about IT(The Illusion Temple system that's extremely unbalanced and it's about Master Level. When the event starts, it gives you 131,141,151lvl and so on, well, the thing is, the ones who have Master LVL, will automatically be detected as more lvl than the others that don't have ML. I had several times people with ML in IT 2-3-4, that we couldn't kill at all, just because they had this ML lvl difference. So tell me why people with ML are redirected to IT 1-2-3 where the newbies are trying to play and they will face top players with insane gears and master level that they will just can't be able to kill. This is extremely unbalanced and it ruins the event, completely.

      -At this point, when almost nobody has fenrir, DL can just leave a dust trail behind everyone else that tries to hunt goldens, because of his Horse he can reach the goldens before any other class, he can cover the maps before any other class.

      -I saw several times DL's that can steal Cursed, Kundun, Bloody Queen, goldens, from top AE's like HellDrake, Senpai, Dajbuzi. The reason is, in PVP invasions or the boss events, DL's can just resist till the end, spamming Chaotic on the boss while AE's can instantly die and lose the opportunity for more dmg on the boss. On the other side, on NON-PVP, again, DL's have more DPS on chaotic, than AE's on MultiShot with perfect positioning. BETLEY as a DL can confirm you all that he easily stole, several times, bosses from AE's, in PVP and NON-PVP.

      -And a lot of other things that you all noticed but you don't want to mention them because most of you now, changed into DL race so you can abuse it's overwhelming power over other classes. I can't wait for DL nerf so you can all change your races back, and be as bad as you were in the early stage. You were an MG at first eRoby, now you changed to DL, and we both know why. And I agree with you about VRF, he is extremely strong as well and easy to play, but has extremely low mobility and some of his spells are not hitting at all on moving targets, you need to have nerves of steel to play VRF against other classes.

      [PVP view] Just a few small examples:

      -Chaotic range and dps, it's insane. It's impossible for other classes to kite that since it has instant dmg on the target even if the target it's moving, not to mention the insane dps and dmg, even tho the DL is Hybryd DL and not pure SDL. It can just melt your health from a range that you can't even reach with other classes. And I will give you examples for each class, except SUMM, EMG and ARF, cause I haven't tested it my self:

      [DL]vs[BK]: Except CC and IT, anywhere else BK has no chance against DL, especially because of it's horse power. DL can infinitely kite BK and spam chaotic from insane range, and why except CC and IT? Because outside this 2 events, DL can instant use Horse Power if the BK manages to reach his position. So between this classes, at this point, it's a "catch me if you can" game. While BK can't even get close to hit a combo, DL can just kite, run and spam Chaotic till BK dies. Not to mention the Destruction skill for BK, is it even working? I tried several times, can't hit a single slow on the target, either has way too low hit rate, either not working at all.

      [DL]vs[SMG]: The same story as DL vs BK. The small difference is that SMG can use ice to slow DL down, but again, pointless, cause if SMG reaches DL position, he can easily use Horse Skill or antidotes. And let's not talk about a DL with 2 +4 Ring of Ice ^^

      [DL]vs[AE]: While AE, as people mentioned above, has to sacrifice some points from her pure AGI build for Ice Arrow and lot of VIT to have decent health, not to insta die from 1 single hit, DL doesn't even have to balance a build, it works either way, you can't even tell the difference between a Hybryd DL and SDL, they both have insane survivability, insane mobility, insane health, insane dmg, insane def, you name it. AE has to get extremely close to DL to even try to use Ice Arrow on him. DL against AE, doesn't even have to move anyway so consider him permanently Iced but he can still kill you from insane range, while you as AE, can't get close to him to hit your full DMG, so what's the point? I know AE it's not supposed to be that good in PVP, but why you should limit the classes only for a small part of the game? So AE from now on it's gonna be useless in PVM and PVP as well? So everyone gonna just change race from now on? And we will see only elfs for Ice Arrow at CS and some bosses? Feels extremely wrong to me. There are people who wants to enjoy their favorite classes till the end of the game, not only for a small number of resets, then to just feel forced to change the class into something else that has potential in the game so they can compete with others. That's not fair to be honest, DL was a top class since the db started, could easily compete against AE with Chaotic. So why a class should permanently be top class in early, mid and maybe in late as well? But on the other hand, some classes will just be useless.

      [DL]vs[SM]: As a SM my self, I can tell that at this point, SM it's the most balanced class in the game, the scaling it's exactly as the Staff said it will be. The SM is getting stronger and stronger as it should, in a balanced way, but again, we have a problem against DL. The key point of SM in PVP it will always be the positioning and your kiting skills so against other classes, SM can kite, position and fight back as it should be. But, against a DL, positioning and kiting with teleport, it's pointless. He can just use F10 outzoom to it's maximum and spam chaotic from a range that none of your spells can reach. SM was supposed to be a range class, right? Yet none of it's spells can reach a DL position while he can spam Chaotic from that position, as a SM not even when you try to use Ice Storm to the nearest position of that DL, sometimes it won't reach at all, but DL's chaotic will reach you. And if you will try to get in his range to spam Blast, you will instantly die.

      [DL]vs[VRF]: At this point, VRF it's the only class that can get close to fight back a DL but even like that if only the DL stays still and it's not trying to kite. Imagine both 14rr classes(RF and DL). The ammount of health VRF has, it's huge, right? Arround 40k even more with full +hp set, rings. Well, imagine all that HP just going down like ice melting, from a range that VRF can't reach if the DL is kiting. Even tho the DL won't kite, VRF will have no chance against him.

      [DL]vs[SUMM]: I haven't tested this one my self, feel free to speak if anyone did. But in my opinion, since SUMM is such a squishy class, we know the story :)

      [DL]vs[EMG]: Not tested, but as SUMM class is, this EMG build it's squishy and as well, so the same story I guess.

      [DL]vs[ARF]: Not tested, and since ARF it's trash in PVP, not even worth to mention.

      [DL]vs[DL]: Not tested, but I am actually curious about a fight between SDL and Hybryd DL, i wanna see who wins.

      I could go on with several examples, but you all know that DL is extremely broken at the moment, even tho some of you won't admit it, because you are defending your own class, but still. Even tho ADMIN said that DL it's still extremely strong, compared to other classes. Somehow, some of you are here telling us the opposite. At this point, even the worst DL player on the server, can beat most of other good players, just because the class it's broken and doesn't require too much skill, if not, doesn't require skill at all, since all you have to do it's to stay stil and spam Chaotic.

      I hope it isn't too much to read, you can call me Reporter ^^. But I tried to put some things together since everyone is leaving their opinions here, there it is mine.

      Ok i really tried to read ... But i stopped here
      -''At this point, when almost nobody has fenrir, DL can just leave a dust trail behind everyone else that tries to hunt goldens, because of his Horse he can reach the goldens before any other class, he can cover the maps before any other class.''

      It s just so desperate and cringe to say that lol , hey let s remove the dark horse from dark  lord :D :D .

      Second attempt to read

      ''VRF has no chance vs DL '' idk what server you play my man , but DL no longer beats RF no matter how much he kites .

      I m seeing your stats right now , you are 12 rr and equiped with acc set + 0 , and probably u have 2 k max vit , and u come to complain of pvp settings :D :D .

    4. So everyone went to forum , made a nice ''description'' about how DL is OP and bla bla bla , so now what you think about RF ? That he s unkillable on 1v 1 , very hard to kill even on 2v1 . Try DL damage vs a char with a set with DDI , no so much there fellowz , so stop the drama , chars are well enough balanced , except VRF def . Have a nice evening

    5. So , the time for Devil Square has camed , I as a really try hard player xD , i always try to reach first the top spot , bassically the best spot.  I reached there first , all good. Attention , after 10 s chuckynda appeared, and started to bring his acolytes on the top spot too , probably hoping that will scare us and we ll leave . Well that didnt happened , what happened  I let you all see below..




    6. 7 hours ago, BALR said:

      Seems both members of Diamond and Hardcore dont see it the same way as theire GMs parties and ADMIN


      ps1 (2).png

      Wow . You are really desperate if you screenshoted that , we were aware that you can see what we chat , that s why the comments from the screenshot (if you dont understand i can explain you in private) . That was probably our first in game chat with diamond players, if we had some conspiracy subjects , dont you think we would talk in pm`s ? Use your brain a bit mate .

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