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  • Krize

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    Everything posted by Krize

    1. @Gion please make a poll. This discusion will go on forever without any conclusion...
    2. And the bs...keeps piling on...
    3. Why not ask @Gionto make a poll, instead of this pointless discussion? By the way, some people here should not be talking about others abusing stuff (even if they got away with it 😀). Every post here is a loooong discussion about one guild abusing the other and vice versa. It's been like this since forever, and is a recurring discussion. Also, both guilds have a looooooong history of abuse (like 1 guild does some stuf, the other blowsit out of proportion), and now some ppl here pose as benevolent angels, helping the noobs....hahaha, what a nice joke :)) 90% of all you guys here have no ideea what fair play means, let alone about how to be a better human being.
    4. This logic is beyond me... Also, if anyone has any doubts I have enough education, just to get it out of the way :)) so...I will repeat myself...I don't care if any badabing/infinity gets banned or not, i just want this shit fixed so nobody cand use it, wich i belive its already done since I tested with elf in crywolf and after tp to lorencia not even infinity arrow remains. Secondly, @dawiget your story straight...even if what you claim is true, the story itself is very very suspicious.. We all know crywolf/cs server has different buff formulas/algorithms, so why in the world wold you go buff there when you could buff in any other normal map? Then using your own words, you said you used the buff from EE located in crywolf, and it remained. after that, we have a set of pictures from monkey whit ERF showing very different stats after buffing in crywolf and warping to normal server map. By using a small amount of logic, EE and RF buffs were working on normal server just like in cs server. Sooooo, you telling all these "uneducated" people here that EE and ERF BUFF was useless in gaion...it's just a sad try to justify a stupid thing you and your teammates did. I am sorry if I am being stupid, or if me writing these posts upset u, but I like to play on a server where the competition is based on skill, not on using any means to get ahead. Also, regarding monkey, I have only seen 1 picture posted by him, where the only mention about selling (not even mentioning selling for real money) is that he is thinking about selling it...so if you have any real evidence, pls..post it here so we can all see it. Let's just say I like you both, and would hate to see you banned (BOTH OF YOU), but I am really upset with you right now...
    5. @Gionmax ref is 60% with or without SUMM reflect? This is not mentioned anywhere in the genesis-characters-builds-info-buffs-formulas.
    6. @Gionwe would all like to see the administrator or your decision regarding this topic. It will also tell us the business model you guys will follow and if we are correct or incorect in our assumptions.
    7. Can someone point me to where gion said EE BUFF and ERF from crywolf did not work this morning? Or in the last 2 months?
    8. it`s already more then proven. No need for further discution. We tested...even if @gion said he is having trouble seeing the difference. It`s all good, they already fixed it so it cant be used anymore.
    9. Indeed, it's commendable the @dawiwanted to help him, even if there was no need, but it does not excuse the fact that he got his account banned on "thinking about selling it". I only see the picture that is posted here, so if there are others with him actually trying to sell it.... And yes, @dawiis a ok guy...but you have some crazy ppl there....:))
    10. If there are no punishments, i say: release the monkey!!! :))) Anyway we now know that most Badabing/Infinty/whatever can`t play fair....
    11. from sna4ik`s post it seams that there are 2 different instances of missconfig abuse... 1. EE Buff 2. ERF buff in crywolf - that has a different buff algorithm from the rest of the server...
    12. i dont know what you are reading. I only see ”ofc this guy has to be from legacy/badadonkeys to come cry on forum and get rekt in game as always”. I see nothing about physical condition and mental capabilities...
    13. I am starting to understand that a lot of u guys have some issues. When you cant distort the truth to match your opinions/intrests you start with filling the forum with nonsense and when that doesent get the expected result, you start claiming ppl are disrespectfull to you, again to shift the focus away from the real issue. Let me leave you with a little quote from someone....”if i wanted to deal with this kind of drama, i would have gone to my girfriend” :))
    14. read what Gion wrote... Bro, u just talk around the issue. I dont have the time to run around in circles. your logic is that if others cant prove they did not know/use and u got caught using it, all are egualy guilty. If real world justice worked like that...we would all be in jail.
    15. I personally never heard any discussion about this on guild/ally chat/discord channel/or voice. Also, this discussion is getting to long, so ill keep it short. 1. stop trying to justify it - dawi already admited it (respect for that). Also he is not the only one to blame, even if he wanted to protect the others. 2. some punishment is necesary, or else other bugs/misconfigs will be found and used instead of reported. 3. Nobody expects this punisment to be a permanent ban - but it needs to be strong enough so others don`t try stuff like that. We will see what Gion decides.
    16. read what Gion wrote... I think they did ”directly, LITERALLY” say it should not work...meaning that it was never intended by the developer to be used like that.
    17. Relax bro, This rivalry has gotten out of hand. But to answer your taunt, they don't make gaion with full pvm characters, so it's harder for them, and also their choice... (probably because they are not so desperate as you think they are). Anyway since this is taking so long to conclude, I don't think there will be any punishment because if dawi gets banned so should all other caracters+ip's you guys used at gaion for the last 2 months and that means a lot of ppl from your guild would be banned = almost empty server. The claim that he's the only one to blame is paper thin since he didn't play alone all 5 caracters/accounts that make 3/4...n partyes. Also, good on him that he's trying to clear your asses. More than that, you had 2 days to transfer gear to wherever you want since I don't think Gion or any other admin will waste a few days to track all transactions:)) Also, in the future if you plan on doing more of this "testing", maybe ask Gion before using the "test result" so this doesn't happen. So tomorrow, if not earlier, you can go and brag all day on post about how good you are at this game, like a little child who is happy because he escaped his punishment:)))).
    18. I understand competition...but willing to use bugs/missconfigs, and then making posts where you make it look like it's just regular gameplay...and all other ppl are stupid for not testing when maybe they saw the system message with EE being useless on regular server... NOT GG BRO! Also, u can't play gaion on 5 accounts at the same time, and be no. 1 almost every week for som3 time, so all who run with you are just as guilty. Really don't care if you all get punished or not, but thinking we are all stupid makes me quite upset...
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