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  • 1Word

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    About 1Word

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    1. Elf / RF / Summoner 13-14 resets kill BK no problem, even BK has good set etc.BThis should be impossible even the bk doesn't have set. Alots of people they stay on level 400, ks on spots, and ofc you can't kill them.If somebody is big with 1 rr, i can't kill him, why man ? what is this ?and why someone with 13-14 rr can kill someone with 21 ? i'm 21 resets, if i try to kill a Summoner, of 19-20 resets, it's impossible.imagine if he's even big.And this is not only with BK , my brother is SM 21 resets he couldn't beat an elf of 14-15 resets
    2. Chukundah Nab ur father. Vale yes, you wrong, and me wrong . because we play on this server . I play too with BK, and it's not normal , every class can beat BK . even is RF/ELF and he got 14-15 RR, and u have 22 RR with BK, they KILL YOU but if u have 22 RR and someone have 23 U CAN'T KILL HIM, but someone with 13-14 RR CAN KILL YOU ON 22 RR (Very normal, you can delete TEST SERVER) the server does not have the necessary configurations. Gian doesn't see this problems, he seen only when the money are coming , Elf it's useless, and if the elf have 13 reset, you 22 , he kill you EASLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, so on this server ELF is useless yes ? If u post a problem, noobs will laugh ,they ddidn't meet this kind of issues, bc they with 13-14 rr kill classes of 21-22 RR , Very normal.
    3. 1Word

      Bug kill

      Laugh bc what? Bc the servers doesn't have right configurations?=]]] It will happen to you same guys, you will see. Enjoy
    4. 1Word

      Bug kill

      Doesn't matter man, even i am was with no set on me, a summoner can't beat a BK not in 100 hundred years, even she was with 5 resets on the top of me , this is impossible. Me 19 RR she 14 RR , can you hear yourself? Was impossible to kill her.
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