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    PACQUIAO last won the day on December 6 2024

    PACQUIAO had the most liked content!

    About PACQUIAO

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    1. WTF, I've been RF my whole life and I can tell it's very frustrating if enemy keeps on running, RF cant deal damage as they turn their back on you. RF is very slow. RF has lowest Defense because if we want to deal more damage we will build VIT and STR on it. Last CS we won but my RF keeps on dying because of low defense even tho i have set +13 DDHP DDI and complete old accessories. What are you talking about 1 hit? If 3 of us RF hit 1 target at the same time we can killthem 1 hit for sure. IT'S ALL ABOUT PROPER COMMUNICATION AND COORDINATION that we win the CS even tho you ban vRF Build. That's all.
    2. Character name that is submitting it (for the potential reward). PACQUIAO/MagicGagi Suggestion type (server/website/forum). Server Suggestion content (make sure to include enough details so your suggestion is clear enough). Increasing the zen digits/value/total amount while on Store Mode: Limiting it to 99,999,999 means limited items to sell in-game. Maybe making it able to sell an item for at least 1 Billion to 1.8 Billion zen would benefit sellers/buyers. How the suggestion can bring value. Encourages Players: This will help the economy in-game. Less Hassle: Players that need the immediate item via zen trading would opt not to go to web market IF the item is available at some players posting store in-game. More Interaction between sellers/buyers. (Lorencia is like a ghost town to be honest, by doing it the Lorencia will be much more alive than ever before.) How would you personally implement your suggestion (your vision). Making patches/updates.
    3. Good Day! GM/Admins/Mods, Please fix the problem with SMG, after killing the mobs in the spot, the mobs remains (immortal/can't be killed). SMG only attacks that mob and ignore the other mobs making AFK/leveling harder -_-.
    4. Admin, Do something bout this, this past few days i saw players suspiciously killing BQ faster and some new players are like glitching/blinking. They sell this hack for 70$. PLEASE update Admin. Thanks
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