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  • Lucifurr

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    Lucifurr last won the day on February 2

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    About Lucifurr

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    1. Oh nu, ti-am zis ca te "torn" (te prind), ca esti o "panarama" (ceea ce nu e gresit nici moral nici din punct de vedere al pollitically correctnessului) si e un light-friendly insult. Dar de la "panarama" folosit de mine in mod peiorativ derogator si destul de frienldy-lightly insult, pana la "nazzi scum" in joc si la "sa-mi bag pula in tine de nazist infect" + "si esti o jagardea de om care nu are ce cauta in societatea civilizata. Muie tie si cui te-a fatat intr-un grajd atat de prost/idiot", cred ca ar trebui sa existe o delimitare clara intre mute-uri si eventualele warn-uri pe forum. In acest moment nu stiu cine ar trebui sa-si revizuiasca atat comportamentul cat si insultele. N-o sa imi bat capul cu tine, ca stiu ca efectiv nu prea vrei sa poti mai mult, dar, nu-mi mai lectura mie despre cum ar trebui sa fie "un om in societate" cand tu dai dovada de grobianism si te comporti mai rau decat la usa cortului atat in comentarii pe joc, cat si in comentarii pe forum unde ar trebui sa mentii o limita de decenta fata de restul persoanelor (ca ce e intre noi, e intre noi si ne postam si ne injuram in PM/post). Astept sa vad ce zice si @GionSau @ADMIN de eventualele pedepse, intrucat desi recunosc ca-mi merit un mute de macar 12-24 de ore pentru motiv de provocare (pe buna dreptate), nu consider ca un limbaj de genul folosit de tine ar trebui sa fie sanctionat la acelasi nivel ca o mizerie nesimnificativa folosita de mine. Haide spor si invata sa te comporti si sa vorvesti civilizat intr-o societate. ______________________________ Out of respect for all non-romanian speaking people over here: Oh no, I told you that I'm "ratting you out", that you're a "panarama" (which is neither morally nor pollitically wrong) and a light-friendly insult. But from the "panarama" used by me as a derogatory pejorative and rather frienldy-lightly insult, to the "nazzi scum" in the game and the "fuck you you filthy Nazi" + "and you're a fucking piece of shit who has no place in civilized society. Muie to you and whoever you are in such a stupid/idiotic stable", I think there should be a clear demarcation between mute and possible warnings on the forum. At this point I don't know who should review both their behavior and insults. I'm not going to argue with you, as I know you don't really want to be able to do more, but, stop reading to me about how "a man in society" should be when you are showing your grobianism and behaving worse than the tent door both in comments on the game and in comments on the forum where you should maintain a limit of decency towards the rest of the people (as what's between us, is between us and we post and insult each other in PM/post). I am waiting to see what @GionSor @ADMIN have to say about possible punishments, because although I recognize that I deserve a mute of at least 12-24 hours for provocation (rightly so), I don't think that language like the kind you use should be punished at the same level as a meaningless mess I use. Come on cheer up and learn to behave and speak civilized in a civilized society.
    2. Very much love here from this little one https://imgur.com/a/Ak18D4e
    3. https://imgur.com/a/2YEaT2D Your wish is my command, CenzzurA
    4. @ADMIN I write this because I have reported this in OLDSQUAD Messenger community previously in the past asking at least to be investigated, but no response until now. If you are in Kalima 7 and the Kundun spawns on the last spot in Kalima 6, you will get teleported randomly with the message "Don't stay inside the Kundun" message. Hunch: Despite being a whole different map, this might be generated due to the fact that K6 and K7 might be set up on the same sub-server, therefore, the same settings / rules apply. I attach below some photos where this happens and proof that the Kundun is not in K7, but you still get teleported despite that the Kundun is alive at the same coordinates in K6. As you can see, pictures are taken up to max 1 minute away one from each other and in the first one it's obvious the error message (considering the rate the mobs are being killed in the area and the radius, that message could not have been displayed more than 1-2 seconds, therefore, low chances of knowing while you have being teleported if you're not there to see it). Kindly check and provide us with an update or a solution, as it's not ok to stay farming Kalima7, and randomly to be teleported and stopped from killing just because in Kalima6 the Kundun spawned at the same coordinates. This is a bug and should be at least investigated. Regards, Lucifer
    5. Remember when you entered the guild chat voice and told everyone that you were raised in an orphanage and that you were sexually abused? Pepperidge farm remembers. Given the above information, I just stated an obvious truth from your past. If you're ashamed of who you are, maybe you should stop oversharing personal information with strangers over the internet. Now go back bragging to everyone again how you sell drugs in real life and how "young money blood" you are, when in reality most likely you starve and beg random people for a cigarette =)))
    6. Another day, another provokative action from this player. https://imgur.com/a/63Xbv20
    7. Cenzura hits again using racist slurs in /post https://imgur.com/a/TWUTR2M
    8. Also, racist slurs are being used here. Therefore is bad language + racism. https://imgur.com/a/zi5T1NP Hope he enjoys the mute
    9. He cried in post, told him "Learn to play MU, CenzzurA", then he replied in his best way possible: https://imgur.com/a/N5YOFIW https://imgur.com/a/C1WxB5W
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