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  • Jesus

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    Jesus last won the day on November 23 2017

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    About Jesus


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    • Guild: DEADCATS

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    1. Would it be ok to make "Purple" the team leader for soccer? My job is going to keep me busy and Purple has more free time than me right now.

    2. Hey, everyone! I'm here now writing to give you some news: there's a new alliance on the block. Considering the current political status of the server - GROM + HonoR being predominantly polish, DACIA + TRACIA being predominantly romanian - we've decided, with some help from our friend @@ADMIN, that we should create a international english speaking alliance, and here it is! The idea was pretty simple: GROM are dominating the server due to their insane party. DACIA+TRACIA have the numbers. And in most servers it always ends up being: one guild wins CS, other gets strong in a few weeks, wins CS, blabla repeat between two alliances and makes the server fairly boring. We don't want that here! Yes, winning CS gives you certain advantages. But those aren't really that relevant. It's fun to play in a server where you have access to LoT. Yeah, of course it is. But it's better to play in a good environment. And that's exactly what we want to do. We're going to contest CS - we're most likely losing this week because, let's be realistic, GROM are insanely strong - but in one week they'll hit 10rr, Stage 2 will begin one week later, and we'll have one week to get closed to them, shorting the advantage. Take an analogy: Guilds are supposed to be like countries, they have their own rules, their cultures, etc. Alliances are supposed to be like federations. They grab difference people with difference cultures and different rules and find a way to make them work. And that's exactly and I and Resh (and BK4EVER from DUELZ) have tried to do, so here are the rules that will be applicable to both guilds: Rule #1: Don't be a dick. Both guilds are looking to have reasonable friendly people, so, since this is a rule in both guilds, it's a rule in the alliance. We don't want people to be dicks to anyone, not just people inside alliance or inside guild. We want people to be decent and understanding. There's obviously then no KSing alliance members or PKing alliance members. That's being a dick! Rule #2: Trading in alliance is allowed but you can't announce sales on alliance chat. If someone from alliance does /post Selling Bananas, and another member replies, they can negotiate, nothing has to be free. But the seller chooses the price. If he wants cheap, he sells cheap, if he wants normal price, he sells normal price. The buyer just has to accept or reject. Creating drama over market stuff is unnecessary. Rule #3: There's no absolute alliance-party priority. Yes, you should try asking if anyone needs/has guild in alliance before you try on /post, alliance must help itself get stronger. But you don't have to kick a party member who doesn't below in the alliance to allow a alliance member, that would be violating rule #1. If anyone breaks any of those rules, Resh and I ask for a screenshot of evidence to avoid having terrible arguments where everyone gets upset due to lack of evidence. And even though rules are rules, we assume everyone in both guilds is mature enough to talk through the shit that happens so that we can find a way-half-point. Oh, one last point. (Un)fortunately, even though we're making an alliance and merging some guilds, DEADCATS holds its third rule. We still only accept people in the guild if they're vouched by someone who's in the guild. We've been extremely successful so far in creating a guild where everyone gets along really well and talks to each other without any problems and we want to keep it like that, because we strongly believe that it's not strength that makes a good guild good, but community. And it's not winning that holds a guild together, but community. So, if you want to join the alliance, and, in this case specifically, join DEADCATS, you'll need to check our memberlist and see if you know someone there, or talk to one of our members to ask for feedback inside our chat and we'll decide. I'm (sort of) sorry! Hope I'm not forgetting anything, I'm extremely sleepy....... PS: Sorry Thenkai for saying I was going to sleep around 1h30 ago.... I planned on doing it, but came back on computer for "one minute" and decided to write this post......
    3. Jesus


      Eheheh glad to know, always room for one more! Thank you!
    4. Jesus


      We can make room for you! I've heard you're a nice guy!
    5. Jesus


      Thanks guys, good to know
    6. Jesus


      Hello, some of you you might already know me, I died for your sins around 2000 years ago, or perhaps I didn't, who really knows, right? Well... now I'm back and I made a guild! We are the DEADCATS. Now you are probably asking yourself, "So, what's so special about this guild?" Ask yourself no longer!! I'm here to explain you all about DEADCATS! We've been playing MU for a while, all of us have had a couple guilds, and we've seen it all: - Megalomaniac leaders; - Those dudes who are there only to ask for items; - The ones who leave you for better parties; - Assholes; - People who only want parties. - Snakessssssssss! And, we're here to change that! So, how are we gonna fix all those problems? Three solutions! Rule #1: Don't be a dick. - This one is pretty simple! Just be a nice guy! I'll make a guide about it later! Rule #2: Everyone is equivalent. - This means everything in guild is shared! I know this wont be 100% in practice, but it's the thought that counts! No selling expensive items, no selling cheap items, but of course, people will be more likely to give you stuff if you also contribute, so let's hope this practice fuels itself. Rule #3: You can only get in guild if someone from guild says you're a cool guy. - Yeah, guys... Rule #3 means we're not really recruiting, even though we are recruiting! The only way to get into guild is if you know someone in the guild or if someone in the guild says you're a cool guy. This "vouch" requirement is our way to guarantee everyone in guild is a nice person. We have no minimum reset requirement, no anything-other requirement. We just need members who are nice guys. About CS? We'll eventually worry about that, when we think we can handle that. For now, we are just worrying about creating a good guild environment! If everyone in guild is equal, everyone in guild has equal responsibility for whoever they get in guild and for how the guild turns out. I will not contest any vouches, so I expect everyone to be conscious about who they vouch in the guild. I used "we" all the way through the post while talking about the guild because I'm only the guy who does thingies, the guild was made by: Jesus Choice TrigglyPuf Kaidzen Urekmazino Wups and at last but not least... Soulka Link to current members: https://mu.oldsquad.ro/details/guild/4445414443415453/DEFAULT See you guys ingame! PS: Why are we called DEADCATS? No idea, all our other name suggestions were terrible...
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