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    1. https://imgur.com/a/PAgJftY https://imgur.com/a/dKUSujK https://imgur.com/a/2I4gzTn https://imgur.com/a/HeDo6Ce https://imgur.com/a/GGb0gOl This isnt even the first time this has happened. Since the Inception ended this person just insults people almost daily and even makes racist remarks. He logs in, stats insulting and some people engaged with it and said stuff back. Im not reporting them, cause they have every right to retaliate for that kind of behaviour. I do not want to see this kind of toxicity. This server can be better when you have good enemies but this person here does not deserve to be here. Today racism continued: https://imgur.com/a/dool70x Edit: added new post to first post.
    2. Respectabilule Endorspin, If you are such a benevolent and lovely person, it does not behove you to lash out and call me a ladyboy on /post, as well as say that the only reason I offered to help Monkey financially was in order for him to let me suck his banana- creative, but degrading to your pristine character nonetheless. (I let that one slide and didn't take a lovely selfie with you on it). Mind your language and mind your business. mmk? In the meantime, sleep safely in the presence of the OldSquad city guards. They are doing a fabulous job at keeping the cities safe. dawi-
    3. still being racist ..and now even calling admin noob..pretty sad keyboard worrior. https://imgur.com/a/7DxqfZz
    4. https://imgur.com/a/eKOEyI6 Images speak for themselves. No other comments
    5. He obviously asking for report https://ibb.co/2PzmqmC https://ibb.co/mDHgYGt https://ibb.co/HHtyDNC
    6. https://imgur.com/6Rd9SF1https://imgur.com/6Rd9SF1https://imgur.com/6Rd9SF1 Here is the provocateur who complains that he is being threatened. And he do this all the time!!!!! But this time is my turn to report this noob who swearing all the time and talk shits!!! https://imgur.com/a/RXzYC2Q
    7. Hi, most people who start playing Oldsquad get the displeasure of meeting MrBlue early on in their journey, when they are low rr and easy prey for this bully. My experience has been exactly the same. I waited until my characters got a littlebit stronger to fight back and this is the result. I didn't care about the constant barrage of insults he's throwing my way every day since I started fighting back but I think death threats is a bit too far. I didn't find a tag that would cover death threats so I used the bad language tag, but I think threatening to kill someone in real life is a whole different ballpark than just bad language... He plays on multiple characters - MrBlue, NotAfraid, Matilda, Pedal4eto, Gei4eto, Mom4eto https://postimg.cc/w3rH3pDT
    8. Images speak for themselves https://imgur.com/a/XqdpBkh LaterEdit: Since the character was created on 10/05/2024, it's clearly that this is a player who has some personal issues with GION, and that the account was created solely with the purpose of insulting the staff along with spamming on /post with bad language. Therefore, I propose that for these kind of offenses, the login IP to be searched in the logs and all the accounts that were logged in from that IP to be banned at least 7 days for Staff Insults / Bad Language on /post. This way we discourage the others to adopt the same behavior online and also to think 3 times before posting bad language on /post (which can affect other's gaming experience).
    9. Hello, I would like to report the player MrBlue (alt characters: NotAfraid, Matilda, pedal4eto, at least that I know of). Background: We have occassionally killed each other in Kalima 6 to get spots, and he has always threatened and flamed me hard for it. A few days ago my guild and his guild entered an alliance. We agreed not to kill each other and I did not. Shortly after, he killed me on Schrikers spot with one of his alts. I asked him no to do it, as we are in an alliance but he insisted that this particular spot belongs to him and I have no right to take it, even if it is free. I didn't agree to that and the flame continued. Some screenshots are attached. https://imgur.com/a/rCJ8i0d https://imgur.com/a/jDsgw9j https://imgur.com/a/02JgXk9 This is not his first time, he often flames in guild chat, global chat and in pm with similar intensity. Best regards Virulent/Everam
    10. https://postimg.cc/gallery/vdwL7Zf/c63efafb
    11. gion listen lately there is a lot of racism and a lot of antisemitism on your server towards Jews I'm not a policeman and I don't care but if you don't stop it and you don't care about the people on the server just cancel the issue of racism and everything and we can talk freely it doesn't make sense that people don't accept Ban or they are friends Yours I don't know what to tell you but I will tell you something like this if Stormie takes ban for dirty mexicans then that means a lot And I'll tell you, there are really many Israelis here who play and talk all day about the holocaust, the ghetto, and how much they hate us, and I really don't care. I'm interested in justice. I've never opened a thread about him talking like this and that, but now it bothers me that they opened a thread about dirty Mexicans and that they talk through alts and they don't mind getting banned and we are not afraid so we speak from main so if STORMIE TAKE BAN I OUT AND THIS DB BE DIE it's your choice either to abolish racism or all the same people who speak FROM ALTS TAKE BAN ON MAIN about racism towards Jews and Israelis Thank you from the bottom of my heart BOSS/LIDOR/ONEWAR
    12. Hello, I'm being harassed by Emperror. He plays 6 accounts at once and keeps killing me, then insults me. Please check Emperror, GHOSTRIDER, AMA30HKA ,Skippy, Thief, AlmightySM. Thank you. https://postimg.cc/dD9jvJzy
    13. offending on post using wrong pronouns https://imgur.com/a/v8ju9bw
    14. i dont want to see chats like this in game where kids can play too.. https://imgur.com/a/yh3t4Lr
    15. https://postimg.cc/gallery/rd2pmXw/309b46f1 Gion, tell me what happens if I use these words on you? Ok, I know the answer. I get permanent ban. I don't understand why these guys will only receive warnings and if someone uses the same words on you, they will receive a permanent ban. Just look on Dominic post, how low ppl can be and they will nothing happend coz " these are the rules". Thank you in advance for nothing!
    16. Everyone meet AlexMG aka Farmerboy. He learned that he has no skills so he found a better area to "fight". Bait out something worthy of report and go fast type in forum. As we can all see he has 70% of report posts in forum... I understand these pictures may be outdated as i dont run to cry here for every post but just wanted to make sure next time he comes to post its not all one sided. I talk to Alex in his own language. No-one else reported me here but him. If he calls me "b*tch" or talks bad about my family member, what kind of respect can one have towards him. Such a noob from him to come here post about me saying to him "bish" and "ussy ass". Like he knows what i mean by bish... He became so fragile in game but Ive seen so much worse at posts and simple no answer usually solves it. Ill present some screens that i took sometime during game but usually too lazy to even bother anyone to report them. I think this needs to be addressed as he clearly "loves the sport of reporting" https://imgur.com/IIuBZhu https://imgur.com/n7LGUWC https://imgur.com/HXLTH6Y https://imgur.com/bDr6axC https://imgur.com/OFDDuRG https://imgur.com/z0fnPPk https://imgur.com/zJY4oJI Here he brings out again that old topic, knowing i been repeatedly told him that my mother is dead and has no meaning in this game, still he likes to bring that up. That how he acts if he got nothing else to say. https://imgur.com/lon8Oic BTW its only a few pictures i taken of him - "just in case". There has been way worse come out of his to /post or PM. No proof, no happen i understand but atleast i got some to present that he is not "innocent" to report here on others....
    17. One more guy here who is racist, this is not something that should be tolerated. Everyone should be free to enjoy this game and not depending on their nationality or ethnicity https://postimg.cc/cKJLCP1p
    18. ItsBritney cursing about mother and Prada about nationality https://postimg.cc/hQGj84zK https://postimg.cc/SJJRJsbr
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