ADMIN Posted June 23, 2017 Group: Administrators Content Count: 3,953 Reputation: 2,213 Joined: 12/30/2015 Status: Offline Device: Windows Report Share Posted June 23, 2017 What is Black Jack Event? It's an Event made by staff and it has the same mechanics as the real Black Jack with playing cards. There are 2 stages: Qualification and Main Event. *"Double" option implemented, please scroll down for info. Event time: The event will be held 1-2 times per week, between 16:00-00:59. The qualifiers will spawn randomly inside this time interval. Qualification: There will be a qualification stage where only 20 players will be registered for the Main Event. GM that holds the event will spawn Event Qualifiers in 4 maps: Noria, Lorencia, Elbeland and Devias.The number of Event Qualifiers spawned means the total number of the slots for the Event.There will be 5 Event Qualifiers on each map.The Event Qualifiers are spawned ONLY on SAFE-ZONES (towns). The only thing that you need to do in order to qualify for the Event is to find an Event Qualifier and click on it! After you'll click on it you will be automatically moved to the Event Zone and you'll have to wait until the Qualification is over.The Event Qualifier that you clicked will also disappear. *Note: The qualifiers do have a global cooldown of 1 second, meaning that if someone (even in different town) clicked on a qualifier, no one can click another one for 1 second. ATTENTION: If you'll try to register at the Event with more than 1 char / IP the Event Qualifier will reject your registration on the 2nd Character. Main Event: Players will be moved automatically to a unique position into the square from the Event Zone based on the qualification. Players will automatically get a 'chain' effect on their characters which will make them unable to move from their position until they are eliminated or the event is over. Players will be automatically skinned into a golden budge dragon so there will be more space and their names will be clearly visible. After the player is eliminated he will get his consolation reward and the chain effect + the golden budge skin will be gone. But they will get a transparency status so they can stay and watch without disturbing the event. When everything is set up, GM will explain the game to players that don't know it or he will redirect them to read this topic. How is the game? Very simple.GM will choose random players from the participants.Then he will throw our special Event Box for 2 times. Jewel of Life is like ACE - at the player choice, it can be either number 1 or number 11.The main objective of the player is to make a score of 21 or as close as possible to 21.If you make a score bigger than 21 you are eliminated.The + of Stardust dropped will count as the score.You can ask the GM to stop after 1/2/3/4 throws, whatever you want to keep as your final score.First 3 players that reach 21 or the closest score to 21 will be the winners.If there will be more players qualified for last 3 places there will be an extra round just for them at the end to choose the last 3 winners. *Values for Stardust [ONLY FOR BJ] -> +1=+10=+11=+12=+13 all being equal to 10. Jewel of Life = ACE = 1 or 11 *HOT: We have implemented the "Double" option. What is "Double" ? Double is a new feature that you can use when playing BlackJack. You can say "Double" at your turn, only after the first 2 boxes were thrown. You will get one more box(only one, you can't get more) and that's your score. Why should you use "Double" ? Let's say that 3 players are already having a score of 21 and you have 11(7+4 / 8+3 etc) and you say "Double" and a 10 is dropping. Now you have 21, but saying "Double" grants your winning, since you were the only one who said "Double". If more players are having an equal score by saying "Double", they will go for round 2. But there's a risk too ! By saying "double" at the casino, you risk the double amount of money, but here you haven't invested any money, so if you say "Double" and you lose, you won't get any consolation reward. Your participation still counts, but you only get 2 OSP for a lost double. If you are in the last 5, you can still use this feature, since saying "Double" in 5 persons will let you hit only one box, so there's a risk too, but here if you lose the round, you won't lose nothing from your prize, but your score will have priority. *[Genesis] OSG Events have different rewards from Inception's OSGM ---> Prizes: 1st Place: 25 OSP + OSGM Default Reward 2nd Place: 20 OSP + OSGM Default Reward 3rd Place: 15 OSP + OSGM Default Reward 4th Place: 11 OSP + OSGM Default Reward 5th Place: 8 OSP + OSGM Default Reward Consolations (all participants except first 5 places): 5 OSP + OSGM Default Reward About OSP -----> mocking, xELITEx and Gion 2 1 "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gion Posted June 30, 2017 Group: Administrators Content Count: 2,448 Reputation: 571 Joined: 03/02/2016 Status: Offline Device: Windows Report Share Posted June 30, 2017 The first Black Jack event was held by me, since ADMIN couldn.t stay online. The first place: Lucky, won a DD seed 2nd place: Klean, reward 1 perfect sphere 3rd place: Ciello, reward 10b 10s The consolation reward was a pack of 10 JOL. Remember: the rewards were chosen randomly by me, ADMIN can change the rewards, starting from next time. Thank you all for coming ! ADMIN and putUinnaWood 1 1 I wanna ask you some shit, but you might tell me a lie But, ayy, I barely care I no longer live in my feelings, shit, I'm barely there I can never live in New York 'cause I can't carry there They say I can't live in my city 'cause it's crazy there I'm like "Shit, that's everywhere" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ADMIN Posted July 7, 2017 Group: Administrators Content Count: 3,953 Reputation: 2,213 Joined: 12/30/2015 Status: Offline Device: Windows Author Report Share Posted July 7, 2017 2nd edition of Black Jack event : The first place: Lucky, won 1 OldBox5 + 2 OldBox4 2nd place : RippErDK, won 3 OldBox4 3rd place : Xtra, won 2 OldBox4 The consolation reward was 3 Boks of Kundun + 5 + OSP points : Lucky - 50 OSP RippErDK - 35 OSP Xtra - 20 OSP magikguy - 5 OSP Deelis - 5 OSP ErvaPuraEE - 5 OSP Klean - 5 OSP Ciello - 5 OSP ISHIELDl - 5 OSP Mihaitza - 5 OSP Full - 5 OSP Bright - 5 OSP tatatat - 5 OSP PuiDeDraC - 5 OSP ISHIELDI - 5 OSP Lesinatu - 5 OSP Highskill - 5 OSP TerroBlad3 - 5 OSP NoXxuSM - 5 OSP Wild - 5 OSP WereWolf - 5 OSP MichaeL21 - 5 OSP Thanks for coming ! "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ADMIN Posted July 14, 2017 Group: Administrators Content Count: 3,953 Reputation: 2,213 Joined: 12/30/2015 Status: Offline Device: Windows Author Report Share Posted July 14, 2017 3rd edition of Black Jack Event : 1st place: TheMask, won 1 OldBox5 + 2 OldBox4 2nd place : Ciello, won 3 OldBox4 3rd place : SamKiller, won 2 OldBox4 The consolation reward was 3 Boks of Kundun + 5 + OSP Points : TheMask - 50 OSP Ciello - 35 OSP SamKiller - 20 OSP Diana - 5 OSP Klean - 5 OSP RippErDK - 5 OSP Deelis - 5 OSP X4NDE - 5 OSP AEthelfled - 5 OSP Chip - 5 OSP Kvoth - 5 OSP DeBuff - 5 OSP Superman - 5 OSP Goldilocks - 5 OSP FreakyRF - 5 OSP DominusDL - 5 OSP ErvaPuraEE - 5 OSP GENERIK - 5 OSP Thanks for coming ! "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ADMIN Posted July 21, 2017 Group: Administrators Content Count: 3,953 Reputation: 2,213 Joined: 12/30/2015 Status: Offline Device: Windows Author Report Share Posted July 21, 2017 4th edition of Black Jack Event : 1st place: zile, won 1 OldBox5 + 2 OldBox4 2nd place : Ciello, won 3 OldBox4 3rd place : tatatat, won 2 OldBox4 The consolation reward was 3 Boks of Kundun + 5 + OSP Points : zile - 50 OSP Ciello - 35 OSP tatatat - 20 OSP Savage - 5 OSP Share - 5 OSP Deelis - 5 OSP Muddy - 5 OSP Illpenyou - 5 OSP AlezJaja - 5 OSP MySuM - 5 OSP tarkan - 5 OSP Komarenko - 5 OSP T0nYkuL - 5 OSP HejPiekna - 5 OSP DLpro - 5 OSP "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeepHouse Posted August 4, 2017 Group: Members Content Count: 112 Reputation: 23 Joined: 07/25/2017 Status: Offline Device: Windows Report Share Posted August 4, 2017 Black Jack Event 04/08/2017 1st place MichaeL21 -reward 2 talisman of chaos +50 os points 2 nd place ThunderBR -reward 1 talisman of chaos + 35 os points 3 rd Deelis -reward 20 joh + 20 os points Consolation prizes 2 bok + 5 and 5 os points for : Sonic Arioch Ciello tatatat Hagen Dizia degre Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ADMIN Posted August 11, 2017 Group: Administrators Content Count: 3,953 Reputation: 2,213 Joined: 12/30/2015 Status: Offline Device: Windows Author Report Share Posted August 11, 2017 (edited) 7th edition of Black Jack Event : 1st place: Juan23, won 1 OldBox5 + 3 OldBox4 2nd place : marvel10, won 4 OldBox4 3rd place : AbraDaB, won 3 OldBox4 The consolation reward was 3 Boks of Kundun + 5 + OSP Points : Juan23 - 50 OSP marvel10 - 35 OSP AbraDaB - 20 OSP Deelis - 5 OSP AlezJaja - 5 OSP Ciello - 5 OSP Dizia - 5 OSP tatatat - 5 OSP MichaeL21 - 5 OSP MetsisDL - 5 OSP Puffs -20 - 5 OSP Vengeance - 5 OSP Congrats all and thanks for coming ! -Added to ranking Edited August 12, 2017 by Gion added "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Endorphin Posted August 18, 2017 Group: Legends Content Count: 507 Reputation: 101 Joined: 05/10/2016 Status: Offline Device: Windows Report Share Posted August 18, 2017 8th edition of Black Jack Event ! 1st place: MOBIUS - reward: condor flame+condor feather+10b+10s + 50 OS points 2nd place: Deelis - reward: 30b+30s + 35 OS points 3rd place: Ciello - reward: 20b+20s + 20 OS points consolation rewards 1 bc ticket(10) + 2 bok(+5) + 5 OS points for : Pasiterek Violence AbraDaB marvel10 Vengeance PuiDeDraC MichaeL21 TITAN Ambitionz GrandMR Shido Shinya congrats all !! I always tell the truth, even when I lie. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ADMIN Posted August 25, 2017 Group: Administrators Content Count: 3,953 Reputation: 2,213 Joined: 12/30/2015 Status: Offline Device: Windows Author Report Share Posted August 25, 2017 9th edition of Black Jack Event : 1st place: knatx, won 2 OldBox5 + 2 OldBox4 2nd place : marvel10, won 1 OldBox5 + 2 OldBox4 3rd place : Arioch, won 3 OldBox4 The consolation reward was 3 Boks of Kundun + 5 + OSP Points : knatx - 50 OSP marvel10 - 35 OSP Arioch - 20 OSP Noturno - 5 OSP FastUP - 5 OSP Deelis - 5 OSP MichaeL21 - 5 OSP Full - 5 OSP Pasiterek - 5 OSP Blackmill - 5 OSP kadyuDL - 5 OSP Ciello - 5 OSP Parad0x - 5 OSP albastrel - 5 OSP Amastacia - 5 OSP BloodySM - 5 OSP Congrats all and thanks for coming ! "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ADMIN Posted September 1, 2017 Group: Administrators Content Count: 3,953 Reputation: 2,213 Joined: 12/30/2015 Status: Offline Device: Windows Author Report Share Posted September 1, 2017 10th edition of Black Jack Event : 1st place: raubik, won 3 OldBox5 + 2 OldBox4 2nd place : Beren, won 2 OldBox5 + 2 OldBox4 3rd place : Blackmill, won 1 OldBox5 + 2 OldBox4 The consolation reward was 3 Boks of Kundun + 5 + OSP Points : raubik - 50 OSP Beren - 35 OSP Blackmill - 20 OSP Arioch - 5 OSP PasiKonik - 5 OSP MichaeL21 - 5 OSP Ciello - 5 OSP marvel10 - 5 OSP NightKing - 5 OSP FreyaPL - 5 OSP Deelis - 5 OSP Full - 5 OSP T0nYkuL - 5 OSP RageBunny - 5 OSP Congrats all and thanks for coming ! "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ADMIN Posted September 9, 2017 Group: Administrators Content Count: 3,953 Reputation: 2,213 Joined: 12/30/2015 Status: Offline Device: Windows Author Report Share Posted September 9, 2017 11th edition of Black Jack Event : 1st place: TikTakTik, won 2 Old Box5 + 2 Old Box4 2nd place : AbraDaB, won 1 Old Box5 + 2 Old Box4 3rd place : GipsyGirl, won 3 Old Box4 The consolation reward was 3 Boks of Kundun + 5 + OSP Points : TikTakTik - 50 OSP AbraDaB - 35 OSP GipsyGirl - 20 OSP Arioch - 5 OSP PasiKonik - 5 OSP Coddy - 5 OSP Ciello - 5 OSP tarkan - 5 OSP Error404 - 5 OSP DarkQueen - 5 OSP Congrats all and thanks for coming ! "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ADMIN Posted November 2, 2017 Group: Administrators Content Count: 3,953 Reputation: 2,213 Joined: 12/30/2015 Status: Offline Device: Windows Author Report Share Posted November 2, 2017 Edition of Black Jack [From 31 October] : 1st place: Medalik, won 20b 20s 1 BoK + 5 2nd place : Mountain, won 10b 10s 1 BoK + 4 3rd place : Sunchaser, won 4 BoK + 4 and 3 BoK + 5 The consolation reward was 2 Box of Kundun + 4 and 1 Box of Kundun + 5. + OSP Points : Medalik - 50 OSP Mountain - 35 OSP Sunchaser - 20 OSP Dancer - 5 OSP GoHaz3l - 5 OSP RageBunny - 5 OSP Beren - 5 OSP Energia - 5 OSP Bestie - 5 OSP Freddy - 5 OSP Cristall - 5 OSP Chingrid - 5 OSP Caty - 5 OSP Prime - 5 OSP SEXMACHINE - 5 OSP 32767ene - 5 OSP rolexutz - 5 OSP Escobar - 5 OSP Congrats all and thanks for coming ! "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ADMIN Posted April 27, 2018 Group: Administrators Content Count: 3,953 Reputation: 2,213 Joined: 12/30/2015 Status: Offline Device: Windows Author Report Share Posted April 27, 2018 Updated with OSGM v2 info. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gion Posted December 1, 2018 Group: Administrators Content Count: 2,448 Reputation: 571 Joined: 03/02/2016 Status: Offline Device: Windows Report Share Posted December 1, 2018 Updated I wanna ask you some shit, but you might tell me a lie But, ayy, I barely care I no longer live in my feelings, shit, I'm barely there I can never live in New York 'cause I can't carry there They say I can't live in my city 'cause it's crazy there I'm like "Shit, that's everywhere" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gion Posted May 8, 2019 Group: Administrators Content Count: 2,448 Reputation: 571 Joined: 03/02/2016 Status: Offline Device: Windows Report Share Posted May 8, 2019 "Double" Feature modified, to match the new system update. I wanna ask you some shit, but you might tell me a lie But, ayy, I barely care I no longer live in my feelings, shit, I'm barely there I can never live in New York 'cause I can't carry there They say I can't live in my city 'cause it's crazy there I'm like "Shit, that's everywhere" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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