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    Pro tips to become a better player


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    I'll start this guide that aims to bring you many tips which many of you don't really know or you were never interested about, that will help you to become a better and a competitive player.

    1. Character Race & Builds

    Choosing a character race and type is mostly based on what you like or you think it's fun for you. But when we think about the consequences of what you choose we can be sure that will affect your entire 'run' here.
    All classes/types have advantages and disadvantages in many different situations.

    If you want to focus more on PvM (Leveling / Top / KS) then you should clearly go for:
    - EMG
    - ARF
    If you want to focus more on Hunt (Goldens / Bosses / Mini-Bosses / Events) then you should clearly go for  :
    - AE
    - SUM

    If you want to focus more on Solo-PvP (Duels / Arena Tournaments / CC / PK) then you should clearly go for :
    - VRF
    - SDL
    - ABK
    - SBK
    - SMG

    If you want to focus more on Team-PvP (CS / Illusion Temple / Gens Battles) then you should clearly go for :
    - VBK
    - VDL
    - ERF
    - EDL
    - EBK
    - ASM
    - EE

    If you want an all-rounder (not exceeding at anything but being good at any of this things) then go for ESM.

    This are just recommendations, that doesn't mean that SMG can not be very good on Hunt or SUM at Solo-PvP, etc., this are mostly decided by builds and gear (and a bit of skill).

    About the builds part, I won't speak about individual builds because there will never be 'the best build' for a character type. Some builds help you more in some situations while others help you more in other situations, some builds are being very good for early / mid game while others on late game, some builds can be better for solo-pvp while others can be better for CS, etc.

    You can read all Character and Formulas from servers info sections and try to make your unique build (or follow other forum guides about characters).

    2. Consumables & Extra Items

    This subject is very sensitive and most of the time it is making the difference between players.

    What are this consumables?
    Consumables are items which you can 'consume' with right-click and they will buff your character.

    There are many consumables in our Servers:

    - Ale:
    It can be found on many shops like Lorencia Barmaid, Noria Elf Lala, etc.
    It will increase your attack speed with 20 for 1 minute.

    - Antidote:
    It can be found on many shops like Lorencia Barmaid, Noria Elf Lala, etc.
    It will decrease the duration of Ice effects on your character (exception of Ice Arrow, Chain Drive and Crystal of Destruction).

    - SD Potion:
    It can be created by mixing 3x Large Healing Potion on Goblin.
    It will restore a part from your SD (on fights).

    - Potion of Soul:
    It can be created by mixing Jewels of Soul on Goblin. 
    It will increase your AG recovery speed with 8, attack speed with 20 and resistance to Ice and Lightning for 1 minute.
    You can only have 30 Potions of Souls at a time (anything over 30 will disappear on move).

    - Jack O'Lantern Blessings: 
    It can be found in Pumpkin of Luck which is dropping on all maps.
    It will increase your attack speed with 10 for 30 minutes.
    It doesn't stack with other Jack O'Lantern items.

    - Jack O'Lantern Wrath:
    It can be found in Pumpkin of Luck which is dropping on all maps.
    It will increase your attack power with 25 for 30 minutes.
    It doesn't stack with other Jack O'Lantern items.

    - Jack O'Lantern Cry:
    It can be found in Pumpkin of Luck which is dropping on all maps.
    It will increase your defense with 100 for 30 minutes.
    It doesn't stack with other Jack O'Lantern items.

    - Jack O'Lantern Food:
    It can be found in Pumpkin of Luck which is dropping on all maps.
    It will increase your HP with 500 for 30 minutes.
    It doesn't stack with other Jack O'Lantern items.

    - Jack O'Lantern Drink:
    It can be found in Pumpkin of Luck which is dropping on all maps.
    It will increase your mana with 500 for 30 minutes.
    It doesn't stack with other Jack O'Lantern items.

    - Scroll of Quickness:
    It can be found on Double Goer Event (from any chest).
    It will increase your attack speed with 15 for 30 minutes.
    It is stackable with other Scrolls.

    - Scroll of Defense:
    It can be found on Double Goer Event (from any chest).
    It will increase your defense with 60 for 30 minutes.
    It is stackable with other Scrolls.

    - Scroll of Wrath:
    It can be found on Double Goer Event (from any chest).
    It will increase your attack power with 30 for 30 minutes.
    It is stackable with other Scrolls.

    - Scroll of Wizardry:
    It can be found on Double Goer Event (from any chest).
    It will increase your wizardry power with 30 for 30 minutes.
    It is stackable with other Scrolls.

    - Scroll of Health:
    It can be found on Double Goer Event (from any chest).
    It will increase your HP with 200 for 30 minutes.
    It is stackable with other Scrolls.

    - Scroll of Mana:
    It can be found on Double Goer Event (from any chest).
    It will increase your mana with 300 for 30 minutes.
    It is stackable with other Scrolls.

    - Elixir of Strength:
    It can be found on Double Goer Event (from last chest).
    It will increase your strength with 50 for 30 minutes.
    It doesn't stack with other Elixirs.

    - Elixir of Agility:
    It can be found on Double Goer Event (from last chest).
    It will increase your agility with 50 for 30 minutes.
    It doesn't stack with other Elixirs.

    - Elixir of Vitality:
    It can be found on Double Goer Event (from last chest).
    It will increase your vitality with 50 for 30 minutes.
    It doesn't stack with other Elixirs.

    - Elixir of Energy:
    It can be found on Double Goer Event (from last chest).
    It will increase your energy with 50 for 30 minutes.
    It doesn't stack with other Elixirs.

    - Scroll of Battle:
    It can be found on Double Goer Event (from any chest but low chance).
    It will increase your critical damage with 20% for 30 minutes.
    It doesn't stack with Scroll of Strength.

    - Scroll of Strength:
    It can be found on Double Goer Event (from any chest but low chance).
    It will increase your excellent damage rate with 20% for 30 minutes.
    It doesn't stack with Scroll of Battle.

    - Normal Fruits:
    They can be created by mixing 1 Jewel of Chaos and 1 Jewel of Creation at Goblin.
    There are 5 types of fruits (AGI,ENE,STR,VIT,CMD).
    Each of them will increase the stats that they represent with 1-3 points when you consume them.
    The stats are permanent but there is a maximum of 110~127 points at level 400 (differs from char to char) that can be added with this fruits.

    - Reset Fruits:
    There are 5 types of reset fruits (AGI,ENE,STR,VIT,CMD).
    STR, ENE and CMD can be found on Box of Kundun + 1 and Old Box 2.
    AGI and VIT can be found on Box of Kundun + 2 and Old Box 1.
    They can be dropped from +1 to +10 (+1 = 10 points, +10 = 170 points).
    Each of them will decrease the stats that they represent when you consume them (so you can re-add on other stat).

    - Magic Backpack:
    It can be found on Karutan2 from any mobs with a very low chance.
    It will permanently extend your inventory when you consume it.
    You can extend inventory only 2 times (2 Magic Backpacks).

    Extra Items - Items which can be equipped and will bring you extra buffs / stats:

    - IMP:
    It can be found in Box of Heaven which is dropping at any mobs over level 40 and also from mobs with a low chance.
    It is a pet that will increase your attack power & wizardry power with 30%.

    - Guardian Angel:
    It can be found in Box of Heaven which is dropping at any mobs over level 40 and also from mobs with a medium chance.
    It is a pet that will increase your damage absorb with 20% and HP with 50.

    - Dinorant:
    It can be created by mixing 10x Horn of Uniria at Goblin.
    It is a pet that will increase your damage with 15% and damage absorb with 10%.

    - Demon:
    It can be found in BC 7,8 and IT 1,2 as chance of reward for winners.
    It is a pet that will increase your attack power, curse power & wizardry power with 40% and attack speed with 10.

    - Spirit of Guardian:
    It can be found in BC 7,8 and IT 1,2 as chance of reward for winners.
    It is a pet that will reduce the damage from monsters with 30% and increase your HP with 50.

    - Fenrir+Protect (Blue):
    It can be created by mixing Broken Horn on Goblin (which must also be mixed by smaller comps).
    It is a pet that will reduce the final damage that you take with 10%.

    - Fenrir+Destroy (Black):
    It can be created by mixing Broken Horn on Goblin (which must also be mixed by smaller comps).
    It is a pet that will increase the final damage that you make with 10%.

    - Ring of Wizzard:
    It can be found on the Orcs that are spawning with White Wizzards with a low chance.
    It is a ring that will increase your attack power with 10%, wizardry power with 10% and attack speed with 10.
    It only have 30 durability and it can't be repaired.It also can't be traded.

    © OldSquad.ro - Compatibility with other servers isn't assured!

    You can also bring your own 'pro tips' which can be approved and added to the guide.


    "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs

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