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    Events Guide


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    1. Rabbits Invasion:-
    Every 8 hours (04:45, 12:45, 20:45) Server time
    18 rabbits per map on 5 maps: Noria, Lorencia, Dungeon (1-3), Elbeland (1-3), Devias (1-4).
    40% chance to get: 1 Bless / 1 Soul / 1 Chaos.
    60% chance to get: 5.000.000 Zen.

    Make sure you play whit camera zoomed out (F10) and whit sound in game cause when it doesnt appear on your screen so you can hear the rabbit near you.

    2. White Wizards Invasion:-
    Every 6 hours (00:30, 06:30, 12:30, 18:30) Server time
    They will spawn on 5 maps: Dungeon, Devias, Noria, Lorencia and Elbeland.
    WW drops 3 random Jewels (Bless/Soul/Life) + 15% chance to get Old Box 1 and 8% chance to get Old Box 2 between the Jewels.
    Orcs have 10% chance to drop Ring of Wizard, 10% chance to drop 1x Bless/Soul and 80% chance to drop 5.000.000 Zen.

    Make sure you play whit camera zoomed out (F10) and whit sound in game cause when it doesnt appear on your screen you can hear the WW near you.

    You can also camp an ALT char in some cords of the map some seconds before the invasion comes up and search for it faster.

    3. Blood Castle:-
    Every 3 hours (01:15, 04:15, 07:15, 10:15, 13:15, 16:15, 19:15, 22:15) Server Time
    The rewards of blood castle by getting the statue are extremely good , so make sure you have strong party to fight for the statue, usually the STR mg’s + DL’s +AE’s deal the most damage to it, also need good position near the statue for max DMG.

    4. Devil Square:-
    Every 3 hours (02:15, 05:15, 08:15, 11:15, 14:15, 17:15, 20:15, 23:15) Server time
    An event where you can get most of rare spells from season 4 that you wont get in a normal drop at spot, good for selling and making some jewels / credits , and in DS6and7 you have chance for box of ancients + Sphere’s.

    It is a priority to join at 5minutes so you can guarantee a spot for your party or if you alone u can meet someone to make party.

    5. Goldens Invasion:-
    Every 4 hours, random minutes (03:xx, 07:xx, 11:xx, 15:xx, 19:xx, 23:xx) Server time

    This is also an invasion where u can park your ALT char if you are focusing in budge at Lorencia, Devias, Noria or Elbeland , to search it faster, and also make sure you zoom out (f10) and sound in game ON to hear the goldens around you, whit sound everything is easier !

    6. Kanturu Event:-
    The Event starts every 24 hours after the Nightmare is killed.
    A PVP event where u really need a party / guild to fight for it, to join this event you must farm Moonstone Rings in Relics, make sure you farm enough for your party and guild to join together and fight the hands and defeat the Nightmare for the great reward.

    If you get in and there is your party/guild and some enemy, you can kill them when the mob spawn so they wont be able to join again before the mobs die or the hands, it will give you time too your guild to come back at gate and enter after hand die. and pvp again to guarantee ur spot inside, after the 2 hand dies, its your last chance to get in to fight the 2hands and go directly too nightmare after.

    7. Medusa (BOSS):-
    Every 12 hours, at 10:45 and 22:45.
    This boss spawns in Swamp of peace, you need to search it on each exit to find it, its very hard to kill it so make sure your guild help you out, cause there is a lot more people fighting for the reward !

    8. Cursed Dragon (BOSS):-
    The Dragon is spawning 2 times per day on Elbeland at Random Hour / Minute as following:
    1 time between 00:00 and 11:59.
    1 time between 12:00 and 23:59.

    This boss has a lot of HP, it has a decent drop once you kill it, expect some PVP around it for the reward cause it will be hard to get it !

    9. CryWolf Event:-
    2 times per week (Wednesday and Sunday at 21:50).

    Here you need ELF’s to handle the Altar by clicking on it, the event is based on defending the Elfs, in each exit you will find Dark Elfs that drop’s a good amount of Zen or chance for weapons, after clearing the dark Elfs the Balgass will appear in the upper exit at 7minutes, its hard to kill him but the reward is worth !

    10. Imperial Guardian:-
    Everyone from party must have event invitation (Gaion Order - obtained from 5x Suspicious Scrap of Paper) in order to enter event.
    To join this event you need Gaion ticket which u can obtain by picking Suspicious Scrap of Paper in spot, every party member needs one ticket to join.

    Bosses are rewarding 3 Jewels (B/S/Life) + 20% chance for Talisman of Chaos Assembly & 80% chance for the 4th Jewel.
    Optional objective: Kill the Statues and get 1~3 extra Jewels that anyone from party can pick.
    Sunday's Final Boss also has a 100% chance to drop Talisman of Chaos Assembly apart from the 3 jewels.

    Each day you complete a Gaion event u will get a “Ticket” part to combine each day to be able to join Sunday.

    11. Doppelganger Event:-
    To join this event you need to pick up materials named Sign Of Dimensions, once you pick 5 of them you are able to join this event and kill mobs for 15minutes whitout them getting into your spawn, after the 15m you will be rewarded whit Buffs and Great potions.

    12. Illusion Temple:-
    2 times per day (09:30 and 21:30) Server time

    This event has great rewards for the team who wins it, its a 5v5 game whit a minimum of 4 players to join to start it, the objective of this event is that you need to search for the statue at the upper spot or bottom spot, when you find it you will click on it and wait few seconds for the ball to drop, you pick it and u need to return to ur base to deliver it, once you get in base you click on the NPC near it to deliver, it will take a couple seconds and enemy will try to kill you, make sure your party is protecting you !


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    this sucks....u should detail every event.....wtf is this?

    for instance...i dont know how to use spells in IT...cant find a good guide....

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    Hello , instead of complaining , maybe just put out ur doubt and question so it can be answered , have some manners.

    To use IT spells u need to click shift+right click , if u use this command in enemy whit the stun skill it will chain them , if u just shield skill u can click anywhere using the command.

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    • Group:  Members
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    On 5/10/2021 at 2:29 AM, MuGuide said:

    Hello , instead of complaining , maybe just put out ur doubt and question so it can be answered , have some manners.

    To use IT spells u need to click shift+right click , if u use this command in enemy whit the stun skill it will chain them , if u just shield skill u can click anywhere using the command.

     shift+right click  on enemy wont chain him (bad command), there must be another combination


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