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    Hello everyone,

    Character name that is submitting - iPwn

    Suggestion type - server

    Suggestion content - Our market goes mostly through post, and  an in web market. It works, but it is nowhere as good as original store market.

    While i like the idea of web market, it just doesn't work well, people mostly putting up items for insane prices, and most of the items end up not sold and it is also slow to use.

    I suggest to allowing us to use 3rd client for market purposes only, it wouldn't be able to earn xp.

    How the suggestion can bring value -  In game market is much easier to use and is very fluid.  Market should have option to sell items in few currencies zen, bless, souls (maybe even creds if it is possible) and should have option to /offstore.  We have a lot of active players here, that could create an amazing market in one of the main (or all) cities, that would bring cities back to life and make shopping/selling so much easier for all of us, also i believe it would encourage new players to play when they see stuff that they can buy , because all they see now in towns is just players going for repots mostly.



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    Without knowing if this can even be implemented in a good way. Ingame "markets" is very fun and brings a lot of feel to the game. Going shopping in lorencia vs web and lorencia wins :D 

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    exactly, it just gives whole different feel than browsing a website  :) 

    I've seen this implemented in similar way on another server that had acc on pc limit- they just made another subserver that had no mobs and was for market purposes only. However if there was a way to make third acc not earn xp, it would be much better.

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    My thoughts are this would work well in a very small server.
    But we have quite a large community here. 
    I spend quite a lot of time buying and selling things, ain't no way I am going to spend 3 or 4 times as long browsing a bunch of stores trying to find items I want rather than the exceptionally well made search in the online market. 

    It also stops people from getting scammed as easy as they can very easily compare all current prices on an item they want side by side, rather than potentially not finding the cheaper items in the in game market. 
    In game there is also no way to easily tell which items are new and which are not. 

    All in all, in game systems are just too inefficient. 


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    On 4/9/2022 at 6:18 AM, EnkEgg said:

    My thoughts are this would work well in a very small server.
    But we have quite a large community here. 
    I spend quite a lot of time buying and selling things, ain't no way I am going to spend 3 or 4 times as long browsing a bunch of stores trying to find items I want rather than the exceptionally well made search in the online market. 

    It also stops people from getting scammed as easy as they can very easily compare all current prices on an item they want side by side, rather than potentially not finding the cheaper items in the in game market. 
    In game there is also no way to easily tell which items are new and which are not. 

    All in all, in game systems are just too inefficient. 

    This pretty much is a big reason of my opinion as well.

    There are 2 cases with your option: 

    1. Keep both Market and have such in-game "market", which is bad since it will just split the trades / sellers and it will make it harder to find something you need.
    2. Have only the in-game Market which I am personally against.

    Why such idea was never given a chance from us:
    1. It creates a big source of fake-online which we are totally against.
    2. It renders our jewel bank and other features from web useless and force people to always keep their resources ingame.
    3. It disables the credits market between players since the in-game store can only use WCoin (which we don't use), credits is a web-only resource.
    4. It wastes extra server resources to have all the "bots" online ingame (and it is a case only because we have thousands of lines of custom scripts that are running for all characters logged ingame).
    5. As EnkEgg said, it is ultra inconvenient and inefficient compared to our Market. It forces you to buy/sell only when you are at PC, while on Market you can buy/sell from Phone and other moments when you're not home / at PC.

    All in all I'm personally totally against such idea, but I appreciate that you built your suggestion and we're looking forward more suggestions that we (may) use.

    I'll leave this topic open, just in case you want to add something.

    "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs

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