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    Feedback for Inception - Sprint 2


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    In this topic you can leave you feedback for the next Sprint (2).

    This is the only occasion (until the 3rd Sprint) where we can do some changes related to Inception IF your proposals are good enough and doable in a timely manner.

    "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs

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    Ok, this is about to be the longest post I’ve ever done it my life. So, buckle up.

    Now that I’ve played a few editions on this server I think I can provide some feedback that might make the game fairer.

    I’d like to start by pointing out some things that I think make players quit sooner than expected. (Made me and all of my friends at one point.)

    Basically, this server is runned by 2 main guilds. (Same people every edition, some players leave 1 to join the other). Maybe this wouldn’t be a problem if the server had more guilds to choose from. But right now, these 2 guilds make the game unplayable and unfun for everybody else.

    They found ways to ruin every single event, so not only u have to deal with them being way higher level (because they know all the tricks and secrets), u also have to deal with them win trading and ruining events so they can get more items for their guild.

    I joined both of these guilds on past edition to try and fix this problem and it made my experience worst. They are both extremely toxic.

    So, you are left with 2 choices. 1. Either you are “lucky” enough to join them as soon as server starts, which is pretty much impossible because they all know each other from prior years and make same guilds over and over again. Or 2. You create your own but don’t expect to win any events.

    If a player can’t do any event. The game is not fun. If you are not able to compete for anything, then u just quit and find a new game, which is what happens mainly in my opinion.

    My solution for this would be: make guilds smaller. You don’t need 25 people bullying new players out of the game every single edition. They are ruthless and will bully new comers until they no longer want to play. It’d be better if guilds were smaller so at least they have to compete with each other, because right now there is no real competition.

    I’m talking about 10 players per guild, maybe even 5 if possible. So instead of 25 players killing newbies until they quit, u would have a bunch of smaller guilds actually trying to compete and get items.

    Players on those 2 old guilds don’t even have to be active to get good items. They just sit AFK all day and wait for their guild to get good items for them, because they basically have rules that nothing gets sold outside. Only they benefit from this, new players never have a chance and market never get good items.

    Chaos Castle:

    2 main guilds ruin this event as well. They group in corners and gangbang new players to get best items for their guild. This is just pointless. I’ve seen them group in CC1 so they can then share a pair of berseker boots? Like bruh… come on. Play this event as it’s supposed to be played.

    My solution for this would be: either make everybody inside cc have the same character model or remove the weapon completely so everybody is just a character with armor. Yes, people can still team up but at least it’s harder to know who is who.

    Blood Castle:

    Make party damage count. I don’t know if it’s like that right now but it feels like it’s not. Right now, it’s just 1 pro player getting the statue every time while the rest of his party is AFK.

    5 active players around same RR should be able to beat 1 player. Hard to tell if it works because 1 player always win.

    Same should be for all other events GGD, BQ, etc.

    Gold Invasions:

    Enable the kill restriction (gap) on PVP invasion for newbies. up until maybe box +3?

    I see so many pros from these 2 guilds killing every newbie for items they don’t even need.

    They find new players killing Gold Knights or Tantalos and instead of helping them finish it they kill them and then bully them by whispering all kinds of things. That was my warm welcome when I started playing on this server, still remember how unfun that was and made me quit right away.

    I know there are non-pvp invasions but sometimes pvp ones are the ones u catch. I feel like if a newbie has a golden almost dead to like 10%. A 50RR MAX LVL FO SET player shouldn’t be able to kill him and just steal his item. It does nothing to pro players but new players just want to quit if they can’t get any item.

    Box +4 +5 then yes you probably have to fight for those.

    Kanturu Event/Nightmare:

    Make it 1 ip every 2 days?

    Last inception it was just the same player doing that event over and over again. Getting all the items for him/alts then all guild members. So, they didn’t even had to try. They get rewarded just for being on that guild. No chance for new players and no room for competition.

    Either that or make item inside knightmare non-tradeable. so, it forces players to do the event if they want good items, not the same player doing all the work for his entire guild.

    Medusa and Selupan:

    Medusa and Selupan are fine but maybe make 1 non-pvp. Otherwise, the strong ones will always dominate.

    One of them should be non-pvp maybe once a week. random time and random day.


    Should give a bonus loot. Right now, killing it does nothing. I did more dmg once and felt like I wasted my time.

    Maybe make the killer (Most dmg) get 1 piece of horn. Killing the bigger boss on CW should be rewarding.

    Last but not least, toxicness and rudeness on this server it’s too much and it should not be allowed. People are given too many chances to be toxic and curse at every person on this server. 1 Racist comment should be = banned forever. You don’t want to build a community around these types of people. And all it takes it’s 1 bad comment for somebody to quit the game.

    While I’m well aware that these types of players are probably the ones keeping the server alive by joining every edition to do the same guilds/fights, I’m confident they are also the ones keeping the game from progressing any further or getting new players.

    It’s hard to recommend this game to a friend when u know they will just not have a good experience mainly because of player base. Even I find it hard logging on some days and seeing /post full of racist and crazy remarks. And while the things said are not directed to me, nobody wants to be on a place full of people saying that kind of stuff.

    That’s all I can think off. I think this server has the potential to be great. Only need to get rid of a few bad apples and maybe new players will come and join the fun.

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    I agree with everything this fine man is saying

    50 minutes ago, The cute guy said:

    Ok, this is about to be the longest post I’ve ever done it my life. So, buckle up.

    Now that I’ve played a few editions on this server I think I can provide some feedback that might make the game fairer.

    I’d like to start by pointing out some things that I think make players quit sooner than expected. (Made me and all of my friends at one point.)

    Basically, this server is runned by 2 main guilds. (Same people every edition, some players leave 1 to join the other). Maybe this wouldn’t be a problem if the server had more guilds to choose from. But right now, these 2 guilds make the game unplayable and unfun for everybody else.

    They found ways to ruin every single event, so not only u have to deal with them being way higher level (because they know all the tricks and secrets), u also have to deal with them win trading and ruining events so they can get more items for their guild.

    I joined both of these guilds on past edition to try and fix this problem and it made my experience worst. They are both extremely toxic.

    So, you are left with 2 choices. 1. Either you are “lucky” enough to join them as soon as server starts, which is pretty much impossible because they all know each other from prior years and make same guilds over and over again. Or 2. You create your own but don’t expect to win any events.

    If a player can’t do any event. The game is not fun. If you are not able to compete for anything, then u just quit and find a new game, which is what happens mainly in my opinion.

    My solution for this would be: make guilds smaller. You don’t need 25 people bullying new players out of the game every single edition. They are ruthless and will bully new comers until they no longer want to play. It’d be better if guilds were smaller so at least they have to compete with each other, because right now there is no real competition.

    I’m talking about 10 players per guild, maybe even 5 if possible. So instead of 25 players killing newbies until they quit, u would have a bunch of smaller guilds actually trying to compete and get items.

    Players on those 2 old guilds don’t even have to be active to get good items. They just sit AFK all day and wait for their guild to get good items for them, because they basically have rules that nothing gets sold outside. Only they benefit from this, new players never have a chance and market never get good items.

    Chaos Castle:

    2 main guilds ruin this event as well. They group in corners and gangbang new players to get best items for their guild. This is just pointless. I’ve seen them group in CC1 so they can then share a pair of berseker boots? Like bruh… come on. Play this event as it’s supposed to be played.

    My solution for this would be: either make everybody inside cc have the same character model or remove the weapon completely so everybody is just a character with armor. Yes, people can still team up but at least it’s harder to know who is who.

    Blood Castle:

    Make party damage count. I don’t know if it’s like that right now but it feels like it’s not. Right now, it’s just 1 pro player getting the statue every time while the rest of his party is AFK.

    5 active players around same RR should be able to beat 1 player. Hard to tell if it works because 1 player always win.

    Same should be for all other events GGD, BQ, etc.

    Gold Invasions:

    Enable the kill restriction (gap) on PVP invasion for newbies. up until maybe box +3?

    I see so many pros from these 2 guilds killing every newbie for items they don’t even need.

    They find new players killing Gold Knights or Tantalos and instead of helping them finish it they kill them and then bully them by whispering all kinds of things. That was my warm welcome when I started playing on this server, still remember how unfun that was and made me quit right away.

    I know there are non-pvp invasions but sometimes pvp ones are the ones u catch. I feel like if a newbie has a golden almost dead to like 10%. A 50RR MAX LVL FO SET player shouldn’t be able to kill him and just steal his item. It does nothing to pro players but new players just want to quit if they can’t get any item.

    Box +4 +5 then yes you probably have to fight for those.

    Kanturu Event/Nightmare:

    Make it 1 ip every 2 days?

    Last inception it was just the same player doing that event over and over again. Getting all the items for him/alts then all guild members. So, they didn’t even had to try. They get rewarded just for being on that guild. No chance for new players and no room for competition.

    Either that or make item inside knightmare non-tradeable. so, it forces players to do the event if they want good items, not the same player doing all the work for his entire guild.

    Medusa and Selupan:

    Medusa and Selupan are fine but maybe make 1 non-pvp. Otherwise, the strong ones will always dominate.

    One of them should be non-pvp maybe once a week. random time and random day.


    Should give a bonus loot. Right now, killing it does nothing. I did more dmg once and felt like I wasted my time.

    Maybe make the killer (Most dmg) get 1 piece of horn. Killing the bigger boss on CW should be rewarding.

    Last but not least, toxicness and rudeness on this server it’s too much and it should not be allowed. People are given too many chances to be toxic and curse at every person on this server. 1 Racist comment should be = banned forever. You don’t want to build a community around these types of people. And all it takes it’s 1 bad comment for somebody to quit the game.

    While I’m well aware that these types of players are probably the ones keeping the server alive by joining every edition to do the same guilds/fights, I’m confident they are also the ones keeping the game from progressing any further or getting new players.

    It’s hard to recommend this game to a friend when u know they will just not have a good experience mainly because of player base. Even I find it hard logging on some days and seeing /post full of racist and crazy remarks. And while the things said are not directed to me, nobody wants to be on a place full of people saying that kind of stuff.

    That’s all I can think off. I think this server has the potential to be great. Only need to get rid of a few bad apples and maybe new players will come and join the fun.


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    Perhaps there should be a rule where you can attend, let`s say Selupan, only once every ~36h(after participation cool down on a boss for a certain amount of time). To avoid same person getting the boss 24/7.


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    I would suggest changing a bit the current drops from OldBoxes to make them more relevant and satisfying. Right now some of the OBs have drops that are almost useless at the stage the boxes are released or they completely lose relevance later in game.

    A few examples:
    OB1 - Kalima ticket - almost completely useless at every stage of the game.
    OB3 - 10b / 10s  - not really relevant at the stage where people have 10rr +
    OB3 - crest / feather - with the current changes, and feather / crest dropping in karutan1, by the time OB3 is released crest/feather would be almost worthless.
    OB4 - ancient tier1 - it's a fine drop but probably better for OB3. OB4 is hard to get and ancients quickly lose relevance on the server, because they are accessible from many other sources.
    OB5 - feather of condor - by the time OB5 is realesed feather can be crafted easily and most people already have w3, so it is no longer a relevant reward from a box that is so hard to get. Condor Feather would be a better drop for OB4.

    Changes I would propose: 

    OB1 - Ring Exc (higher % for 2 opts than in Star and some small % for 3 opts introduced after stage1) /  Wings lvl1 (0-9) (no change here) / Demon / low % for Magic Backpack

    OB2 - Pend Exc  (higher % for 2 opts than in Star and some small % for 3 opts introduced after stage1) / 10 entry DS or BC ticket / Jewel Bundle (10b or 10s) / low % for ancient box or just random ancient item

    OB3 - Jewel Bundle (10c or 10 crea) / PoH / low % for Wings lvl2 +L + chance for opt / Ancient tier1

    OB4 - Jewel Bundle (20crea / 20gems / 20c) / TOCa / Flame of Condor / Feather of Condor / low % for Old Jewel

    OB5 - Best seeds in sphere / 30 harmony / Broken Horn / higher chance for Old Jewel / low % for 380 exc weapon +1 / 2 opt


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    I agree with these 2points in all fairness and I play Genesis server :

    1)"So, you are left with 2 choices. 1. Either you are “lucky” enough to join them as soon as server starts, which is pretty much impossible because they all know each other from prior years and make same guilds over and over again. Or 2. You create your own but don’t expect to win any events. If a player can’t do any event. The game is not fun. "

    2)" Medusa and Selupan: Medusa and Selupan are fine but maybe make 1 non-pvp. Otherwise, the strong ones will always dominate.One of them should be non-pvp maybe once a week. random time and random day." 

    If you don't know anyone and you want to play this server with your 3,4 friends, you have no chance to win any event with this big guilds and everytime the same players taking everything. 

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    One more suggestion regarding CS rewards. 

    On last sprint GM Boxes as CS rewards were introduced far too early in the game. 

    There were people running with exc Bone Blades+3 opts and  380 set items before K5 goldes were even released. When you see someone with 380 exc weapon at the stage when you can't even get exc AA (because it is not available in game) it feels pointless to play.

    I would suggest making the GM Box reward available only after 2nd stage (10rr). You can think of some other reward in the early stage instead, but I think winning CS gives you enough advantage early in the game even without exc 380 weapons.

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    20 hours ago, The cute guy said:

    Ok, this is about to be the longest post I’ve ever done it my life. So, buckle up.

    Now that I’ve played a few editions on this server I think I can provide some feedback that might make the game fairer.

    I’d like to start by pointing out some things that I think make players quit sooner than expected. (Made me and all of my friends at one point.)

    Basically, this server is runned by 2 main guilds. (Same people every edition, some players leave 1 to join the other). Maybe this wouldn’t be a problem if the server had more guilds to choose from. But right now, these 2 guilds make the game unplayable and unfun for everybody else.

    They found ways to ruin every single event, so not only u have to deal with them being way higher level (because they know all the tricks and secrets), u also have to deal with them win trading and ruining events so they can get more items for their guild.

    I joined both of these guilds on past edition to try and fix this problem and it made my experience worst. They are both extremely toxic.

    So, you are left with 2 choices. 1. Either you are “lucky” enough to join them as soon as server starts, which is pretty much impossible because they all know each other from prior years and make same guilds over and over again. Or 2. You create your own but don’t expect to win any events.

    If a player can’t do any event. The game is not fun. If you are not able to compete for anything, then u just quit and find a new game, which is what happens mainly in my opinion.

    My solution for this would be: make guilds smaller. You don’t need 25 people bullying new players out of the game every single edition. They are ruthless and will bully new comers until they no longer want to play. It’d be better if guilds were smaller so at least they have to compete with each other, because right now there is no real competition.

    I’m talking about 10 players per guild, maybe even 5 if possible. So instead of 25 players killing newbies until they quit, u would have a bunch of smaller guilds actually trying to compete and get items.

    Players on those 2 old guilds don’t even have to be active to get good items. They just sit AFK all day and wait for their guild to get good items for them, because they basically have rules that nothing gets sold outside. Only they benefit from this, new players never have a chance and market never get good items.

    this has been discussed so many times in every other DB that i guess we have reached a point that there is nothing to do on this , if u make guild smaller , ally is made , if the ally is made , 3rd guild will be made as ally even tho it cant have more than 1guild+1ally and wont be killed and will follow same rules and all play in discord voice. So yeah put the big boy pants and handle the toxicity , wheres the fun whitout toxicity also :evilgrin:

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