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    1. Today
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    3. Hey, Me and a few of my friend are not able to play the game as we get disconnected after 5 second of open the game We did all the (!!!!ATTENTION IF GAME IS NOT WORKING) Fix and noting worked. I check all over the forum and noting. We are in different countries and even used a vpn to test but still noting.
    4. https://imgur.com/a/b3ljwWz translate: otto f**k your mother, where are you? Son of a bi**h
    5. drops from Karutan 1/2 mobs upwards. You can only use elf buffs at siege though.
    6. Last week
    7. How do i get a orb of greater defense ? i don’t see a shop where you can buy it and tried to kill monsters in several locations but no or of greater defense . Any suggestion or help on how to get it ?
    8. Hi hi, I have a bit of a problem — when I have the game running, Google Chrome stops working. All websites start showing the error STATUS_PRIVILEGED_INSTRUCTION. I think it’s caused by PSGameGuard, which is likely trying to inspect running processes. But it didn’t happen during the last Inception season, so I assume something must have changed. Thank you for any advice.
    9. Until he s not gonna start from nowhere the trashtalk and racism , it s fine for me
    10. Np for me mate, i can skip any interactions with this "guy". But i will answer him same if he will start any trash talk, any insults, doesn't matter its big or small.
    11. SantaCame, EtherLord, RedDemon, Shimotsuki - muted for 8 hours. I think that Almighty is only reciting songs, which is fine by me. Locked.
    12. This topic is not heathy for any of you, at the first glance I see future mutes for both of you. I could offer the possibility for you to close this topic and move on trying to at least not use racial slurs anymore? Your decision, @Spawn @DeepHouse
    13. Kind reminder that your report might get muted more people than just your target, including yourself. That's available for all the reports. Let me know how would you like to proceed. There's a 12 hours mute for everyone involved anyway (kOlea, RobyNebunu, Damn), that's not how to use the global chat.
    14. RedDemon's mute from moments ago boosted with 6 hours. Locked.
    15. RedDemon - muted for 48 hours. Locked.
    16. https://imgur.com/a/C62gMCI i dont know who is that, i dont know what i did to him, but i m sure he deserve mute
    17. Your ''plan'' is as stupid as you , increase DEF ? No mate , RF need to have low def and big damage . Or we should make RF stamper maybe idk . I think he did exactly the right thing with the update, RF can t be a thing anymore in Arena , duels, battle map mass fights (if AOE spam rf can t approach any target) . But he is still decent in Castle Siege , and medusa/selupan . He still has the highest damage (even with the nerf) , but his def and hp now allow to be killed way more easy than before. Right focus on rf`s --> easy kill .
    18. Did u read what i wrote ? oh i forgot u can't read with your end 3 classes. i REPEEAT for necărturar I didn't agree with this fix, they must be change RF but not in this way
    19. You sure you read the patch notes? And even if you would be right, rf has range 3, melle class, no fenrir so no movements speed. Range classes have range 5 , summ vs rf no sd both , till i get to you with my range 3 , you should be able to kill me . Everyone was happy at first after the update (yyeey RF is fucked, haha roby) till we changed the playstyle on rf, now the cry begun again . [UPDATED] Reduced RF PvP Damage by 4%, reduced PvM Damage by 25% & increased PvP damage received by 6%. [UPDATED] Reduced RF HP gain from Vitality from 2 HP / per VIT point to 1.8 HP / per VIT point.
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