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  • Ciello

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    Ciello last won the day on August 29 2017

    Ciello had the most liked content!

    About Ciello

    • Birthday 04/09/1991

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    1. Trying that, seems to be working. Thank you.
    2. Randomly, without me changing anything, my bot will now run off to the left away from my party. It usually comes back eventually, but not always and just keeps casting spells as though things are in range. It's not just a visual glitch as other party members have seen it on their end too and I have tried setting my hunt and loot ranges to almost nothing. I have also tried removing all added drops and zen, it still happens. Any suggestions?
    3. I'm available, my guys might be depending on the time.
    4. How will the showcase teams be chosen and will everyone be able to practice on Test Server before the event goes live?
    5. Thanks for all of the events you did for us RedBuLL!
    6. Okay, I guess my issue is not upping the option. Had tried +13 ancient items and was still failing. Thanks guys.
    7. Okay, so I have tried to make Condor Feathers several times, but the highest I have ever gotten %wise is 30% and they fail every time. Is there some trick to this or just keep going until you eventually succeed?
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