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  • dawi

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    dawi last won the day on June 28

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    1. Duuude, thank you for these screenshots, you made my day... I was actually regretting not taking them myself. Your school teacher must have not insulted you growing up either because you never attended school, or because they straight up hit you over the head with a ruler- that would explain a lot. If you think those words are so mean - I called 2 bozos by their chosen names, actions and posts. Git gud noob. Stop dying to tank SM and twisting slash. Muppet and Puppet dying like a bunch of potatoes. dawi-
    2. The fact that you die from twisting slash when my BK is combo BK (still working on it obviously. it was PVM up until a week ago), only shows you are a raging potato. Speaks nothing of Twisting Slash skill itself. You also die to tank SM- read the statement above again.
    3. So what are you actually saying here apart from you looking more like a moron than you already did? - haven't mentioned your mom in anything as far as I can remember. I am sure she would be disappointed to see how you've turned out. If Emp-ERROR decided to be a weasel about our understanding (I wouldn't bug him in CC6 if he can stand back for 2-3 HOFs so we dont fight over them, which I held my end of the bargain, but it is going to change soon. I let him take all CC6 he attended and have done so for the last several months), which is why I don't respect him one bit. With regards to the item I gave him, I gave him a DK H + DD HP Zen I believe, which was my OJ fail and mine to give to whomever I please. Given we were on "good" terms at the time, I don't see it as an issue. Ask Damn who gave him his first W3 (Clean) for free. Ask Katana (he left) who gave him Ref SSs, DD HP ring etc before it was cool. These are just 2 examples. The list is very long and it goes on, I give items out all the time. Just because I had understandings with some of the people in your guild, doesnt give you the right to say zip. Who are you, the items and discussions police?! Go get a real job you muppet. You are a pathetic excuse of a man who dies to a Tank SM, out of all things. It is rare to see such jealousy in an adult, so thank you for admitting you are inferior and appreciate you paying your respects while allowing me to live rent-free inside your empty skull. With 0 respect, dawi- P.S> Since you are considering it brag-worthy to being friends with Mamed, for the ones that know him, everything I wrote above is redundant. You being friends with that pathetic creature explains you entirely. And since you have called yourself as such, and I don't need to, you truly are FkingCunt.
    4. If you beat DL with summoner on non-gens map 1-1 without eRF buff etc, then that is one moob DL.
    5. Knightmare, the village idiot has arrived to the defense of his butt-buddies.
    6. Fără supărare, ți-a dat cu eroare la mansardă ?
    7. Respectabilule Endorspin, If you are such a benevolent and lovely person, it does not behove you to lash out and call me a ladyboy on /post, as well as say that the only reason I offered to help Monkey financially was in order for him to let me suck his banana- creative, but degrading to your pristine character nonetheless. (I let that one slide and didn't take a lovely selfie with you on it). Mind your language and mind your business. mmk? In the meantime, sleep safely in the presence of the OldSquad city guards. They are doing a fabulous job at keeping the cities safe. dawi-
    8. I hate it that I keep getting dragged here to respond to a closed topic, but out of respect, I will tell you: Gion has all the evidence needed. Krize, I respect you and I don't remember calling YOU uneducated. It's fine to be annoyed with me right now. All good. Please ask Gion for any clarification on the Monkey situation and see if what I am saying is untruthful or mere suspicion. I will repeat what i said earlier- I shared a lot of stuff with Monkey and he went out of his way to kill my chars simply because, at a flip of a switch, with no prior warning or anything. I pleaded with the guy to stop for roughly 3 weeks to which he said he didn't care. From your ally it is expected. From a "friend" it is not. I don't know the full extent of the mechanics between the Cry and normal server. I know it was mentioned EE doesn't work on the normal server, regardless of sharing same-idea formula as eRF- it was not mentioned eRF wont wont work on the normal server, so it would make sense to keep buff active when switching between the two. Why is it on me to explain all this when it was made abundantly clear it never worked? dawi-
    9. 1- Gion confirmed EE buff didn't work to begin with 2- eRF we used it exact same way as HC use it from Lorencia circle 3- we have been top 3 on our 2 parties for more than 6 months. We "scammed" nobody of their PVMs or OB5s. 3a - HC now trying hard with 5/7 buffs on their chars to try and prove something that was not there to begin with. 4- I didn't take screens of the game conversations. You seem very desperate to get something to stick. Good luck dude, really. I'm out. dawi-
    10. Damn, I really hate responding to this because I said I wouldn't, but good God @WhoKnows, i.e. Zaoo, the-thief-and-scammer-in-chief himself, you are thicker than a bowl of oatmeal. If I was hell-bent on cheating I wouldn't have admitted to anything because all Monkey had was a picture of an elf in Crywolf with nothing else attached to it- I didn't have anything to hide so I said what I said. You personally are the embodiment of a keyboard warrior. If you don't like the globally applied rules, rewards and punishments go start your own server. IIt is understandable what Monkey did because he got shafted, so he can lie at will. But neither one of you saw every single chat that was exchanged between he and I to be fair judges of this. Unlike your guild, I didn't scam anybody, I didn't steal items, credits etc /clearinv from other players' accounts and I didn't bully anyone day in and day out. On the contrary. You clearly haven't been burdened by an overabundance of education, so shut up, sit down and eat your cookies. No regards, dawi-
    11. I do not hide my game nickname on forum posts because I have the spine to stand by what I say. Banana is not me. If Admin changed anything it most likely is to remove any confusion. Gion has already confirmed it several times the game is working as it should and it has been so for the entire time. How many times do I need to explain it again and again I took the buffs whether they worked or not?? How is that breaking or abusing the game?? Are you genuinely that damn thick? We are going to continue using the other buffs just like we have, because if nothing else, it is our confidence. It has been confirmed the EE does not work, but yes, we have done them for ~a month and we will continue doing them. There is no abuse. Just like everyone else we have good days and bad days; good gaion runs and bad ones. We go as 3-4 people on occasions because of our differing life schedules. But apart from that, this is one event we are decent at, buffs or no buffs. You guys simply seem to not be capable of accepting defeat and so you switch to being the Good Samaritan of the server when the reality is very disappointing. Please don't talk about how you care for the server when the only people you care about is your alliance. Ask the people that are willing to admit within your alliance if I was not personally helping them with items, quests and my own time when they were starting out and throughout even though they are part of your alliance. The only thing that's hardcore in your guild is your hatred. (Obviously several exceptions. Some in this chat. People whom I respect.) Monkey, I will not indulge you. I have proven my character to you and you shat on it the very next day. dawi- P.S.- I am not writing on this post anymore. I said all I had to say. Keep at it fellas.
    12. Easy to take text out of context to create a pretext, eh, Monkey? I wish you had grown a spine to admit to your shit rather than throw your feces and hope they stick to someone (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Up3Y5WUWy-k) I also said using Potion of Bless and Soul, they display their "buff" whether they work or not. That said, we do a few more things while inside gaion which we are not sure they work or not, but we do them regardless (Gion is welcome to watch live stream of how we do our runs). The same principle applied to elf and RF. The elf can apply buffs on the normal servers too and they will appear at status. You guys are so desperate to see heads roll, it is as if your real life is in shambles and need to get a "win" anywhere you can, especially if you see others share in your misery. This road leads to depression. I will repeat what I said before: IF I AM GUILTY, I WILL TAKE MY BAN. If not, this is not YOUR server to demand punishments and rules as you see fit, nor is it mine. If this doesn't please you, start your own server. Regards, dawi-
    13. Gion can you please conduct your tests and bring this conundrum to a conclusion? It looks like most people here are quick to throw a stone in their binary thinking, yet at the very first chance of docking someone they will not hesitate to do so. Like I said, if my actions are deemed as abuse, I will take my ban and leave so people can have their pixels-peace back. But if indeed what I did was simply copy what we saw others do, including the forever-denying-Monkey (when we followed him in Crywolf after he was killing ppl at Selupan with twisting slash in <2seconds while fully buffed and saw him buffing himself from RF and Elf), then I would expect people to swallow their words and get off their high horses back to reality. We have been top Gaion team(s) for at least 5 months now and there was no elf, no RF or anything else. I saw HC team run RF buff and so did I. I saw others have the green glow of elf buff so I followed suit. Instead of typing out of jealousy, how about give someone the benefit of the doubt? - or are you guys not capable of such virtues? Regards, dawi- (Edit) HC players seem to think that if someone is better at something in this game than they are, there must be a way those people are cheating the system, as they (HC) are the epitome of gaming prowess.
    14. No offense Monkey, you give yourself way too much credit mate. Since you insist on keeping this very personal. I only pleaded with you & borderline begged you to stop being an ass. Yes, I indeed asked for you to give me some build pointers. That about it.
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