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  • dawi

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    dawi last won the day on August 11 2024

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    1. The irony... First it was bad language, now insults. Nevermind. I am done with this since it looks like these guys can post whatever the hell they feel like in-game and somehow skirt along the edges. Honestly, at this point I truly dont care anymore. If you want to mute - again, Skippy started the insult train- go ahead and mute me. Peace & good luck.
    2. If you have no clue what you are talking about, then don't. Context: He spent a few minutes trying to kill me on spot in Vulcan beforehand and berated me for being "ref-Sum"-lol and then carried on with the insults. You think you are all so sly at painting yourselves as the "good guy", or the "real victim", acting like a 4yo trying to hide behind a finger. I don't need to pretend. Just like you don't need to respond to my "provocations". Do you have no self-control ? Getting you all riled up is easier work than taking candy from a toddler. Grow up.
    3. Here you go you dear Master Baiter, you. Check who started it... again... Might I recommend: Simon & Garfunkel - Sound of Silence https://imgur.com/a/CnEA1aP
    4. I bet he's mad his "girl" Kamala lost to be in such a lovely mood. https://imgur.com/a/cYmnmgD
    5. This server has become insults on /post and /cry on forum. I am tired of this shit.
    6. You absolute bellend- you can enter same CC from same IP on 2 chars. Get a little more creative with your name insults. So far, yours fits best: Rusty-slave Stoia-noob.
    7. @Azir, Rustislave Stoianoob, here, just for you: I dawi, sometimes join 2xCC at the same time, or join 1xCC with 2xChars at the same time. Happy? Now, go jump from the height of your lack of self-awareness to the depths of your intelligence. I think that should do the job. You are genuinely the most pathetic player this server has ever seen. And yes, far worse than Mamed ever dreamed of being.
    8. Stoianoob, do you live just to cry here? It looks like nobody listens to anything you have to say, so you just spam the forum with your shitty posts. Get a life dude. You severely lack any common sense or discernment. You cry CC, you cry CS, you cry PK, you cry KS, you cry QQ, you use 1Q23W... List is too long to continue. You will be remembered as OldSquad Crybaby.
    9. That is literally the most moronic argument ever. Anything you spend time doing and becoming better at creates valid emotions. So for you to say that just shows you're an absolute unit. And by "unit" I mean moron.
    10. Sorry, I forgot to add: Suck a brick kiddo!
    11. Let me help you: Transcript: Lanaya: Supreme no Lanaya: Supreme Lanaya: dude SupremE: ? Lanaya: where the fuck are you running? (He immediately ran to Noria after stealing everything) Lanaya: I said my drop goes to Unli Lanaya: the SM who didn’t have party SupremE: what u want men? Lanaya: you get nothing with me from now <post>Lanaya: Supreme you’re an ass SupremE:ok Keep stealing people's rewards you human trash. Context: I left my reward from BC8 which was OB3, Demon and jwls to player named UnliSabaw who is neither guild, nor friend (ask him) because he came as the 6th person in BC. He had no party. I destroyed the statue and let one of the party members take the weapon so I can walk all the way back to the start so Unli could take my reward, whatever it was. Instead of letting him take it, SupremE grabbed his own reward then walked all the way down and stole Unli(my) reward and acted stupid about it even though I told him to leave it several times before BC started and when came down at the end. So you know what? I will gladly take a one-week or one month mute because you are worth it. You are a piece of shit. The people that matter, I can talk to via discord. Byeee
    12. I guess they do not sell mirrors wherever you live
    13. Cry me a river, build a boat and row over it.
    14. I commend you on taking the time to write this. With all due respect, If only these suggestions didn't come now when it seems we are slightly on top. Didn't really see you guys being very concerned or complaining when you were dominating the server 2-3 months back. You did exactly what you accuse us of doing. And this is a recurring theme: when it works in your favor, silence; when we benefit from it cry on forum....not taking a stab here, just saying it as it is 💯 Also, I don't see you guys complaining about the ridiculous vRF and ice elf buffs since they largely benefit your alliance- whatever it is this week. If we got 10x vRF as mains you would complain about that too.. Events do sound like fun, yes. /post griefing is also a good idea. The people that started eRF to ks you guys, was mainly due to your ridiculous bullying of the server and then "hiding" your chars either in Kar2 or K7 to clear your 40/ 100kills. It is hard to make the game fully fair for everyone when not everybody plays the same way.
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