The main problem of the server , which is the root cause of the fast pace, is that the experience didn't decrease after each rr , unlike what was written in the info. (Now, the resets comes also with minuses, and they are the fact that you need to make the level 0-400 again, but with a lower exp for each reset you do) Can't find it now , but i'm pretty sure I read that it was suppose to be -6% / reset.
Because of this there was never the dillema : should I reset , or should I keep lvl for CS , because if you'd reseted after CS , you'd just hit 400 in 5-6 days.
Also , due to this it was pretty easy to come back to events , hitting ~350 in 2 days and ~380 in 4 days, so the new players never had any chance at invation or events.
Another huge problem was the big anti-game at the start of the server in IT and the lack of players diversity. Therefore , those big prizes helped a lot to create a very big gap in items ( especially harmony options)