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  • putUinnaWood

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    Everything posted by putUinnaWood

    1. this is why u clean decks and hate on other player =)))) rules say insult toward player so u are old man? look this is something that should get u mute: this is how all start i just enter game they start dickride: time 23 50 Damn who is Lucifer best friend start bark https://imgur.com/a/OUHYDhZ and this is Lucifer at 23 56 helping his mate https://imgur.com/a/Iry0ayV this is if u come barking about he is not insulting me: https://imgur.com/a/2gm4WHL enjoy mutes and get better
    2. this sluts sure are motivated or else they know they cant do shit anyway
    3. good whore u? rats what i like to chase tell them more and drop location 👃 👉
    4. is not step up bro is that everyone look for loot and only 1 guilld win all for 1 year and is not only cs is all the game that is fcked if all players want to join only 1 guild that collect all the loot make max 15 in guild and no ally and make 20 or 25 if players ask again but now server need max 15 in guild
    5. what u argue here total bullshit this mfkers ban me in IT after 2 consecutive wins when i am on quest. 3time i go they put me in teams with alts i relog fast and lost minim 24h for 5 warns bc i know they will warn me and surprise surprise they alredy baneed me. i know the words dont matter but why u still report? hawk tuah
    6. call u where u not around daddyyyyyyyyyy ciciiiiiii?????????? need to ask pain if his game globe work tired of this forum
    7. i hope all know in romania we read cici like tchitchi
    8. cici🧟‍♂️ (mafy🧟‍♂️ and PUDGE🧟‍♂️ friend) funny ash. pick up the globe and ask almighty🧟‍♂️ about the only db we play together. and now its this one =))))))))))))) 🧟‍♂️gang
    9. mafy dead out now - https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/1982-what-you-listening-to-right-now/page/2/#comment-40955 subscribe for more cici got smoked by pain. i show u this not a grudge so i leave him out the wood and smoke PUDGE
    10. mafy dead for real. his ass a ghost. this a stupid question if u ask me who i smoke
    11. ++no bro u use my ppl name to scam my ppl i told u i bet u out soon now look what happen
    12. i cant think but u the ONE who cant gather brain cells to make a report
    13. wtf all this topic is because u dont like bk kill all with ts and u want to get killed by combo? :)) bc it u say any other should defeat bk is crasy
    14. Character name that is submitting it (for the potential reward). Rizzen macabre/anitza/anne
    15. is easy too see that i was general speak, bitches an traitors can be anyone, never said in that conversation that is u but u feel like it and start swear and dont play victim little boy u ask ure friends to swear us and then u expect to talk nice with u? crasy and we can see ure tryhard to try to touch us
    16. stand back goofy boy https://imgur.com/a/C7AjBDs this players team up always to trash talk and try to start and hope we finally belive now they real men and we don't have evidence of they lies. guess what, u still rats
    17. another one to see character's of ziggzaoo https://imgur.com/a/t8SWRmD i dont want to make report for him to be baned im not no dirty snitch like other dead bitches =)) this is for defense and also ure friends that guild u and be on ure dick occasionaly can see too what u belive we and they are this one is only for insulting and making a bad image of all who kiss his ass and even they know this
    18. if u read carefuly like u say is easy too see who i call bitchass
    19. i scroll 1 time and i dont hide it bc i know you will drity post me again like u do last times
    20. if u forget look in my ss they start swear i swear back and you ss what i say to them not to u show first screen when i swear to u why show what u scroll? last time u dirty mute me u screen first swear i give to u now why ss end of chat?
    21. talking to kickass who provoke me u just ask them to provoke and u ss what i say in normal chat, send screenshot before you and youre friends start provoke me
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