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  • putUinnaWood

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    1. Haha
      putUinnaWood got a reaction from Legion in Bought SILVER VIP TOO   
      Yo, this is a serious problem, why my topic was moved into spam zone, but @iQons topic was not?
      We have the EXACT same problem
    2. Haha
      putUinnaWood got a reaction from Killerwho in Bought SILVER VIP TOO   
      So I bought silver VIP today and GUESS WHAT ? I AM NOT BETTER AT PVP
      I think it's only ADMINs fault and I want a refund. 
      I want to mention that I have bought the silver one, not the bronze.
    3. Like
      putUinnaWood got a reaction from Killerwho in Bought SILVER VIP TOO   
      Yo, this is a serious problem, why my topic was moved into spam zone, but @iQons topic was not?
      We have the EXACT same problem
    4. Like
      putUinnaWood got a reaction from Gion in Bought SILVER VIP TOO   
      So I bought silver VIP today and GUESS WHAT ? I AM NOT BETTER AT PVP
      I think it's only ADMINs fault and I want a refund. 
      I want to mention that I have bought the silver one, not the bronze.
    5. Haha
      putUinnaWood got a reaction from ADMIN in Bought SILVER VIP TOO   
      So I bought silver VIP today and GUESS WHAT ? I AM NOT BETTER AT PVP
      I think it's only ADMINs fault and I want a refund. 
      I want to mention that I have bought the silver one, not the bronze.
    6. Like
      putUinnaWood reacted to Minos in Test server commands   
      Items + Monster codes: https://mega.nz/#!YxwWWITD!7smMkIZo-hiTpXfNOBDfOqjLzwcGB5wiQ40Cb_DKfvc
      I came here to specifically post the excellent option codes which I found on RageZone and mufilecity .
      Weapons, pendants:
      Armor, shields, rings:
      And the commands below come from here: 
      PS What are the commands for Ancient items? The regular ones don't work.
    7. Thanks
      putUinnaWood reacted to Gion in OldSquad Coins (New Currency)   
      I have to agree with Minos, your idea is nice tho, but as an argument I can tell you that we want our "season" to last longer, only for players sake, and this implementation will be like a barrier for our "goal" 
      We will think about those PVM points
    8. Like
      putUinnaWood reacted to Gion in About drop rate, economy, uniria, etc.   
      Ok, firstly, thank you for these suggestions, we are looking forward to see this kind of attitude from players and we are looking forward to reward this kind of players(as you might already noticed) 
      2: As you said, everything is a double edged sword, you might take care of an aspect of the game, and assuming some decisions could make other things slip. 
      3: At the beginning of every data base, we are calculating things such as jwls drop rate, which exp should this data base have, things like these, and we are doing this kind of calculations based on previous experience and on players suggestions(and ofc a series of tests)
      4: I have to assume that eventhough OldSquad has its own paid employees, some of these calculations might increase or decrease exponentially due to some unpredictible things that sometimes are occuring during the gameplay (an example of this kind of unpredictible event is half of GROM being banned - and lots and lots of items being deleted; or an exploit; etc). We are working hard to prevent bad things, we are thinking a lot about things, but as you can see, shit happens, and some results might be different even from our expectations. 
      I want to thank you again for your suggestions, we are taking them into account, please continue the discussions as I have never posted. I did this post just for you guys to understand better some aspects from administration POV and to understand that we are making changes "via" your suggestions. 
    9. Like
      putUinnaWood reacted to Gion in Russian Roulette Event   
      Russian Roulette Event in 10 minutes
    10. Like
      putUinnaWood reacted to Gion in OSGM Events Notes   
      Here are some notes to be aware of when coming to OSGM Events. I will add or delete notes as we proceed with the events.
         -Please write anything in chat when it is your turn, so we can know that you are online. If you don't answer to the call, a countout to 10 will start. It the countount reaches "10" and you answer after, you will still be eliminated. You remain in game only if you answer before we reach 10.
      There are trolls at the events too, which are letting me to reach 9 and then answering. No problem with that. We allow only ONE countount, so fell free to let me count 'til 9. But if there's a second time when you don't answer to my call, you will be eliminated automatically, without any countout, so do it carefully, trolls.
         -At Game of War Event when a Jewel of Life shows up, I am always asking the respective player if he wants to cancel a round. But if there is no answer I will proceed like the life didn't exist, so please STOP telling me that your opponent had like 12 and you had life and you didn't use it. It is your fault, not answering to the question. We are not waiting 2 years for each undecided player to write something.
         -At BlackJack Event if you have "21" from the first 2 boxes, you can still "double" if you want to reach "21 double". This is just a hint, not a rule.
      If I am asking a player to make a decision and the player does not answer, the decision will be automatically "Stand", no matter if the player wins or loses, no matter if he has the higher score or anything. It will be "Stand".
      Thank you for understanding. If there is still something unclear, I will let this topic open for questions.
    11. Like
      putUinnaWood reacted to weew in Photoshop / Paint GUILD BATTLE !!!!   
      the best paint skill will get from me credits !!
    12. Like
      putUinnaWood reacted to weew in Photoshop / Paint GUILD BATTLE !!!!   
      meh ...
    13. Like
      putUinnaWood reacted to weew in Photoshop / Paint GUILD BATTLE !!!!   
      Come and prove the best guild xD
    14. Like
      putUinnaWood got a reaction from Gion in What you listening to right now?   
    15. Thanks
      putUinnaWood reacted to Gion in LF Wings Making Expert   
      Good question, Pinned & Locked
    16. Thanks
      putUinnaWood reacted to Gion in LF Wings Making Expert   
      Some hint: try to up your level of ancient items to +10 +11 +12
    17. Thanks
      putUinnaWood reacted to Gion in Russian Roulette Event   
      What is Russian Roulette Event?
      It's an Event made by staff and it's very similar to Russian Roulette in real life, as mechanics.
      There are 2 stages: Qualification and Main Event.
      Event time:
      The event will be held 1-2 times per week, between 16:00-00:59.
      The qualifiers will spawn randomly inside this time interval.
      There will be a qualification stage where only 20 players will be registered for the Main Event.
      GM that holds the event will spawn Event Qualifiers in 4 maps: Noria, Lorencia, Elbeland and Devias.The number of Event Qualifiers spawned means the total number of the slots for the Event.There will be 5 Event Qualifiers on each map.The Event Qualifiers are spawned ONLY on SAFE-ZONES (towns).

      The only thing that you need to do in order to qualify for the Event is to find an Event Qualifier and click on it!
      After you'll click on it you will be automatically moved to the Event Zone and you'll have to wait until the Qualification is over.The Event Qualifier on which you have clicked on will also disappear.
      *Note: The qualifiers do have a global cooldown of 1 second, meaning that if someone (even in different town) clicked on a qualifier, no one can click another one for 1 second.
      ATTENTION: If you'll try to register at the Event with more than 1 char / IP the Event Qualifier will reject your registration of the 2nd  Character!
      Main Event:
      Players will be moved automatically to a unique position into the square from the Event Zone based on the qualification.
      Players will automatically get a 'chain' effect on their characters which will make them unable to move from their position until they are eliminated or the event is over.
      Players will be automatically skinned into a golden budge dragon so there will be more space and their names will be clearly visible.
      After the player is eliminated he will get his consolation reward and the chain effect + the golden budge skin will be gone. But they will get a transparency status so they can stay and watch without disturbing the event.
      When everything is set up, GM will explain the game to players that don't know it or he will redirect them to read this topic. 
      How is the game?
      Very simple, GM will ask random players from the square one by one (in whatever order he wants) to choose a direction (LEFT/RIGHT).
      Then he will drop our special Event Box.The + of the item that is dropped will dictate how many players GM will count starting from the chosen direction (LEFT/RIGHT).The player where the count stops is the player that will be eliminated from the game.
      Example: GM asks Player1 to choose. Player1 is choosing RIGHT.GM will throw an Event Box on the ground.The Box dropped Stardust + 12.GM starts to count from 1 to 12 starting from the RIGHT(CLOCKWISE) side of where Player1 is. At the number 12 where the count stopped there was let.s say Player10. Player10 has been eliminated and the game continues.

      From time to time a Jewel of Life can be dropped.It will add + 1 Life to the player which his turn was when it dropped.
      New feature added: Immune 
      We will provide for our players a "shield", as we looking at your future, and we don't want you to get "killed" ^^
      This feature is only for the last 5 players:
      Before each drop, I will ask if someone wants to be "Immune" for the respective drop. If you choose "Immune" and the count is on you, you won't be eliminated. It's just like you have a life, but you have to activate it. There can be more players which are immune on a single round, but choose carefully, you can be Immune ONLY ONCE per Event.
      *[Genesis] OSG Events have different rewards than OSGM from Inception ---> https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/5362-osg-events/

      1st Place: 25 OSP + OSGM Default Reward
      2nd Place: 20 OSP + OSGM Default Reward
      3rd Place: 15 OSP + OSGM Default Reward
      4th Place: 11 OSP + OSGM Default Reward
      5th Place: 8 OSP + OSGM Default Reward

      Consolations (all participants except first 5 places): 5 OSP + OSGM Default Reward
      About OSP ------> 
    18. Like
      putUinnaWood reacted to ADMIN in Game of War   
      What is Game of War?
      It's an Event made by staff and it's very similar to the cards game with the same name.
      There are 2 stages: Qualification and Main Event.
      Event time:
      The event will be held 1-2 times per week, between 16:00-00:59.
      The qualifiers will spawn randomly inside this time interval.
      There will be a qualification stage where only 16 players will be registered for the Main Event.
      GM that holds the event will spawn Event Qualifiers in 4 maps: Noria, Lorencia, Elbeland and Devias.The number of Event Qualifiers spawned means the total number of the slots for the Event.There will be 4 Event Qualifiers on each map.The Event Qualifiers are spawned ONLY on SAFE-ZONES (towns).

      The only thing that you need to do in order to qualify for the Event is to find an Event Qualifier and click on it!
      After you'll click on it you will be automatically moved to the Event Zone and you'll have to wait until the Qualification is over.The Event Qualifier that you clicked will also disappear.
      *Note: The qualifiers do have a global cooldown of 1 second, meaning that if someone (even in different town) clicked on a qualifier, no one can click another one for 1 second.
      ATTENTION: If you'll try to register at the Event with more than 1 char / IP the Event Qualifier will reject your registration on the 2nd Character.
      Main Event:
      Players will be moved automatically to a unique position into the square from the Event Zone based on the qualification.
      Players will automatically get a 'chain' effect on their characters which will make them unable to move from their position until they are eliminated or the event is over.
      Players will be automatically skinned into a golden budge dragon so there will be more space and their names will be clearly visible.
      After the player is eliminated he will get his consolation reward and the chain effect + the golden budge skin will be gone. But they will get a transparency status so they can stay and watch without disturbing the event.
      When everything is set up, GM will explain the game to players that don't know it or he will redirect them to read this topic.
      How is the game?
      Very simple, GM will generate a bracket with single-elimination and the 16 participants using this generator: http://www.challonge.com
      Then players will "fight"1v1 based on the matches generated. The losers are eliminated and they will get their consolations.
      The "fight" contains a Best out of 3 between the players where the GM will drop 1  box/player on each round. The + of the Stardust dropped means the number of points the player has. The objective of the game is to get more points than your opponent so you can win the round. The first one to win 2 games is the winner of the match and goes higher in the event.
      When a Jewel of Life is dropped for a player, the round is canceled (restarted) and from that moment the player that got the Life can use it on any other round (as a joker) to cancel the round if he feels that he can lose it -lives are usable only vs current opponent.
      [Genesis] OSG Events have different rewards than OSGM from Inception ---> https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/5362-osg-events/
      1st Place: 25 OSP + OSGM Default Reward
      2nd Place: 20 OSP + OSGM Default Reward
      3rd Place: 15 OSP + OSGM Default Reward
      4th Place: 11 OSP + OSGM Default Reward

      Consolations (all participants except first 4 places): 5 OSP + OSGM Default Reward
      About OSP ------> 
    19. Hype
      putUinnaWood reacted to Gion in Black Jack Event   
      The first Black Jack event was held by me, since ADMIN couldn.t stay online.
      The first place: Lucky, won a DD seed
      2nd place: Klean, reward 1 perfect sphere
      3rd place: Ciello, reward 10b 10s
      The consolation reward was a pack of 10 JOL.
      Remember: the rewards were chosen randomly by me, ADMIN can change the rewards, starting from next time.
      Thank you all for coming !
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