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teamer reacted to a post in a topic: Missing Credits/Bought items by itself
I visited this event ~20 times (on main server, not test) and never seen bosses too
Same thoughts was after first weeks on this server )))
Exilia reacted to a post in a topic: Doppelganger Event
teamer reacted to a post in a topic: Global Maintenance 16.05.2019 - 20:35
Trâu reacted to a post in a topic: Doppelganger Event
First what i want to say - thanks for improving rewards. I ve visited 2 times after patch. First time with 2 other players, second time - i was alone (others refused, reward - a few scrolls for each, not satisfied other players). Event description : But it was easy for me, i can complete this event alone with my SM and EE (both 400lvl+). For example 1 monster who pass, was invisible for my SM. Hanma (my bk) was afk at start, i thought mb i ll get extra reward for +1 char (its not working). Drop from monsters - nothing interesting - zens , and few times i saw devil eye / gold medal. Bosses ? Never seen any bosses in this event. Strongest monster - Darklord illusion, but its not a boss, am i right ? I killed many Darklords, but no any silver chests appeared, Best of all, this event takes place alone, because then the whole reward, all the scrolls+elixirs - just for yourself. And do not have to share at all. Rewards better than was, but mostly players anyway will not visit this event. I can understand players - they hunt condor feathers (IT), farm exp and ancientsT (CC-DS), farm bundled jewels and TOCA (imperial), farm exp and very good items (old bok in BC), that is why ordinary players consider it not a very interesting reward - a 3 hour buff. Probably, this event will be attended mainly by those who are preparing for the CS event. But if administration wants to make this event more popular for ordinary players - need more changes. ps. I have some questions. - Bosses, there are they ? I know how they looks (on other servers), and i dont seen any. - How players can know - what s the lvl of event they will participate ? No any info about entry lvls for this event Only reward description in server info topic. I hope my feedback will be useful
Killerwho reacted to a post in a topic: Doppelganger Event
Not tested this event after patch yet. I will try to do it tomorrow, if i will find + 2 party members for event.
teamer reacted to a post in a topic: Doppelganger Event
I dont know why players keep silence about useles event. They sell tickets cheaper than any other regular event invite, but no one (except salam and me) dont tell about this. I hope something will change )
BC\DS\IT inv ? That s easy to find or buy on market/from players. I think that there is no need to interfere in this process. Let the players interract with others for searching bc-ds-it parts
Personal opinion I saw tha ticket cost 1 jwl only, and cant believe - is it mistake ? But not only 1 player sell this ticket so cheap. Player can spent days for searching 5 pieces of sign dimensions and all efforts cost 1 bless and no one buy it ? I visited this event, and understand why its so unpopular and tickets cost nothing even considering that they are very difficult to find. 10 minutes non afk gameplay (mu helper not work on this event) for reward like 50 stats for 30 min only ? Really ? no exc no anc no exp no zens no afk no jwls no huge rewards (like condor) no unique features (drop from pumpkins) no competions no credits reward (weekly) Me and most players have no motivation with this reward - spend 10 minute active gameplay for 30 min buff. Elixir buff should be much longer or stronger, mb full day but till death or mb add something unique in reward (creations jwls). Just my personal opinion, nothing more.
I cant find hotkey button for quick selling items from inv. When i open npc shop - i sell every item manually putting to shop. Its very boring and annoying. I tried different buttons, but unsuccessfully. In newer mu versions, i just press right mouse button. Its very important and very useful info for all, because players often use npc shop for selling items (need zens for rr). Thanks in advance.
How can you verify this ? Forum s account not linked with ingame account I voted only once (i swear), but if would i wanted - i could vote many times. Vpn, change browser, internet cafe with many various pc - it is easy for many players, especially those who are interested and want something
Sad I know who most wants and is interested in alliances. Hardcore players like me, who played in any serv with same way - they gain lvls, meanwhile alt chars in ally guilds farming anc 24/7 and selling it, earning thousand of credits\wcoins. I m bored of this, thats why i voted NO in second poll. I want competitive spirit, challenge between players on this unique server. The server settings prevented the usual pattern, forcing to recruit alts into the main guild, or farm ancients by main heroes (and lose exp), making guild weaker for rivals. Now it will be possible to throw alts into other guilds and negotiate with the strongest rivals, saving each other time and effort. I am sure that there will be rivals, but now there will be less competition. We will see.
I would be grateful if someone would say why EE stops raising zen after some time in afk. Is it helper"s problems ?
Thanks for reply. A situation happened to me when probably anyone would have doubted the correctness of what is happening. For example : If you lose 3 times out of 3 in an online casino, with chances of 90% EACH TIME, and once even at 100%, I am sure that your words about probabilities will not satisfy you be you in my place. No any words about chaos weapon Wings lvl 1: 1-90% (90% max rate). Wings lvl 2: 1-90% (90% max rate). Wings lvl 3: 1-40% (40% max rate). I m playing in MU more than 10 years, so i m ok with gambling. Its first time when i stopped playing on server (best server what i ve played), because my mind tells me that it shouldn't be like that. And It does not matter where it is - the game in MU, another game or the like occurs in real life. What is the basis of your statement ? is it just thoughts ? I am ready to test, but problems with calculations could arise due to some conditions that are not and will not be on the test server. This is a common situation when developers, in their sandboxes, everything is fine, and in combat conditions there are problems / bugs. I have suspicions about which I said, if you help dispel them to me - I will be overly grateful to you. Thank you for the detailed answer.
This game client is a reworking of the original. No wonder that the client can and contains bugs or mechanics that may not work correctly. Why bugs or problems can not be with chaos machine ? Or its not part of the game that have bugs ? Moreover, client developers worked with the chaos machine (increasing the chances of a VIP player, decreasing chances for wings crafting etc) Chaos machines have hidden chances of success. That's why even having a 100% chance of success to create chaow weapon, i got a fail. Its fact, not imagination. I tried to use rare mechanics 3 times (not vip acc, improve from 9 to 10) and was confused by results. I asked about other players - has anyone ever tried to improve items from 9 to 10 who tried this - silence. Ok. I can accept the fact that I was just very unlucky, but on the basis of what ? No one came to the topic, who would say "I am not a VIP, I tried to do the same thing 20 times and ~ 15 times it was successful." Sad
Hello. I know that most players use credits to upgrade items up to +12. But I want to ask - has anyone tried to improve items (+ 10 / + 11 / + 12 ...) using a chaos machine? I tried only three times (2 wings and staff with perfect options). All three times the chaos machine showed that the chance of success was 90% and all three times I received 10% (failure). Two times were in a row. In addition, I failed 3 times in a row with an 80% chance of success (ds tickets), and even 1 time there was a failure with 100% success when I tried to make chaos a weapon. Am I the only one unsuccessful on this server or are there brothers in misfortune ?