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  • dNice

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    dNice last won the day on April 15 2020

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    About dNice

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    1. I totally agree, I'm in the same situation, I have a lot of pvp artifacts, I haven't even counted them, I also have the rare set from ob, I don't have space at all, I can't even participate in events anymore because I don't have space enough for life potions, I tried to sell them at the shop..it doesn't work..either make them tradeable or convertable
    2. I have the same problem, I tried all the options, I put the patch and in vain, I have this problem since there were problems with LiveGuard, I have never had problems until now
    3. dNice

      Salut, ai reusit sa rezolvi ceva ?

    4. dNice

      Salut, ma poti ajuta si pe mine te rog? , de ieri decand au fost probleme cu LiveGuard nu imi mai merge jocul, am downloadat si Patch-ul postat pe forum, l-am copiat in client dar tot nu imi merge, nu am nici o eroare nimic, apas dublu click sa intru in joc si nu se intampla nimic

      1. dNice


        Salut, ai reusit sa rezolvi ceva? 

    5. Another suggestion is, Budge Dragon and White Wizzard, to appear in other places, many other places, becouse there are players who have already learned the places where they appear and are waiting in these places, the dragons appear next to them, and they kill them, the litlle ones no longer catch anything
    6. Another suggestion is to do CS, limiting members in the guild, if you do not have 20 members in the guild, you can not register with CS, becouse if you look now on the site, there are 5 ghost guilds, just to eliminate othor guilds.
    7. Another suggestion is to make sure that, the more reset you have, the fewer inputs you have at events, CC example, we have every 3 entries a day, but each time CC is won by those with 6-7-8 resets, and we, with 3-4 resets, we are going in CC for lose, everytime, no chance to win, never, it should be done as follows : 3 reset= 4 inputs, 5 resets=3 inputs, 7 resets=2 inputs, 10 and 30 resets= 1 inputs.
    8. Another proposition is, AE its to strong, example : AE 3 resets kill BK 3 resets Hybrid Agiliti+vitaliti ( Tank ) this its not normaly .
    9. Another proposition. My opinion its, The rabbits invasion should have 30 rabbits on the map and another map should be added, becouse the 18 rabbits, do not reach for 500 players online, all the rabbits are caught by 10 players in 5 minutes and done, the litlle ones can not catch anything
    10. I have a small proposition, the reset threshold,when the first character on the server reaches 10 reset, should go down until another 10-15 characters reaches 10 resets, again the same threshold to 15 resets, again the same threshold to 20 resets, and so, becouse there are verry large differences between characters, and all server event are won by those with 6-7-10 resets, and we, the ones with 2-3 resets, do not get anything, threshold will give the server a certain balance, thx, srry for my bad english. My nick in game: dNice
    11. I have a small proposition, the reset threshold, when the first character on the server reaches 10 resets, should go down until another 10-15 characters reaches 10 resets, again the same threshold to 15 resets, again the same threshold to 20 resets and so, because there are very large differences between characters, and all server events are won by those with 6-7-10 reset, and we, the ones with 2-3 reset, do not get anything threshold will give the server a certain balance. Nick in game : dNice
    12. its not about the pass Trau, its something wrong with web, my account its apearing automating at another players.
    13. now, he stoll all my credits....i will be back with prints
    14. Hi, i have same problems here. Someone entered on my account and put on market all my jewels with 1 mil zen.
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