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  • Kaladin

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    About Kaladin

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    1. Right. Firstly i want address the difficulty of DS4. It seems that its not possible survive till the end, unless you have SM or RF+BK buffs. I've spoken to people of HARDCORE guild, and mostly all agree that DS4 should be tuned down. The mobs hit way too hard, even in first spawn. (120-150 with 700 def) Twice now I've died in DS4 with 5 people party , if DS4 is so hard, that i'd like to know what DS6 is like. I mean cursed dragon hits me for 160 dmg, which is understandable, as that is a boss, but kalima mobs in DS4 ? Anyway, you might want to consider tuning it down a bit (and DS5 swell i suspect) Blood castle is pretty well tuned, but DS is not. Secondly, i wanted to ask if feather/crest drop is intended to be as low as it is. People from HARDCORE told me that they've found 1 crest/feather over 4 days with nonstop kill. Others said that they've been afk there with fast kill for 3 days, still no crests or feathers. At this point i think more feathers have dropped from IT , then from Icarus. (don't get me wrong, i know drop should be low for a low exp server, but 5 member party finding 1 feather/crest in 4 days seems a bit too low, especially as 2nd wing mix rate is not 100% guaranteed.) Anyway, that is my feedback ,and i'd love to hear other peoples opinions / feedback. Cheers!
    2. Not sure if in webzen servers its the same, coz i cant find data on google, but thunderhawk , 2nd mg set, has more deffencive stats then valliant set 5th mg set. This shouldnt be right as valiant drops from a lot stronger mobs then thunderhawk. Anyway, just thought id bring this to your attention . sorry if this has been reported already. https://imgur.com/a/yxaLvvF http://muonline.webzen.com/guides/32/189/items/set-items
    3. im not sure if you are aware, but pvp and non pvp invasions don't work as intended. "PvP Invasions: Free PK near Goldens (no penalty for killing), while killed player is respawning close to the golden" i am not sure about the penalty, but you definitely don't re spawn near the place you were killed. "Non PvP Invasions: Not possible to kill players during this Invasions, as long as there are still Goldens alive on that map, and 8 seconds after." Yes, you can very easy kill other players, right next to the golden mobs in fact, i've been killed many times during the hunt in "non-pvp invasion" Can you confirm that this is a bug ? or is this something that was left in information from Phoenix#1 and was forgotten to edit ?
    4. i disagree, i like the way potions are now. ppl who sleep less are rewarded more.
    5. In slower servers, a 2nd sub-server is only a good idea , if the first server is full, and there are still people who wana get in and play. Even then, if its possible, its better to extend the player cap on the main server, rather then inflate the economy. (double all the events, goldens, boss kills, rabbits, etc.)
    6. Hey, i used to play your servers some time ago, and im thinking of getting back into mu, but i would like to play on server that is gona open soon/fresh server. So , i was wondering do you plan on opening a new server any time soon ? anything below 300xp would be perfect. Cheers.
    7. im not saying dl is bad, im saying SMG is way too strong.
    8. That might be so, but still, with a 20s handicap, he did more dmg, with vendor wep and 20 lvls under me. It should not be this way.
    9. Yesterday i found a budge dragon in elbeland, and i started hitting it, i hit it for 20s with firescream, and then this Str mg comes, and with fireslash kills it. This MG was 20 lvls below me, with vendor weapon and DW wings. How is it possible that str mg can out dps dl with firescream who had a 20s lead ? This is not balanced at all. And instead of making 2 topics, ill throw this in as well. When you are in a spot, killing mobs, if there is another player between me (dl) and the monster im hitting, firescream does no dmg at all, like if the player is soaking all the dmg, and mobs dont even get any numbers on them. Not sure if this is a bug, but other classes dont seem to have this problem and its really annoying.
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