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  • darkyo

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    darkyo last won the day on October 14 2018

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    1. Hi. The new formula its 3%+(ene/11)% ?
    2. I think this guy don't understand the mechanics of this game or he doesn't want to understand if you make mg dl rf at lvl 1 you dont have advantages because you need to wait other classes to be same level so with will be no gap between chars if there is gap between chars when the xp stage will raise the bigger char will suck the xp from party .... i just gave you a tip so just stop now you will not go competitive you're here just to cry that you want mg/dl/rf lvl 1 without not even thinking for the effort that takes to make this server ....
    3. Hope this time the test server will match the official server
    4. Hello ! We are expecting at the end of the month new db ?
    5. I think you dont get the point diee because you're low player that wants to have a great char. All the chars are balanced as good at it can be from last editions. I think now that you dont understand that this is a team game not a solo so yes u cannot have a char who will be great in all aspects then everybody will make that char because all will want the same . Like an exemple: Elf-> buffer cs/ crywolf event (you need this) Bk-> good late same as on official (mostly 2nd char because you cannot farm) Mg->god in early (something normal) Sm-> mana shield and kite + best stamper Sum-> good late + buffs/debuff ( i think is best char in late because of debuffs) Dl-> good in all stages of game + (5 pers more in guild + no moving when register) Rf-> bad early ( erf for buffing team) + buffer at cs it gives vit not like ebk hp pool this means you bypass the 1500 limit on chars for vitality+god late mostly with wep and set As you can see you need all chars to play every char is special and they are well balanced . But like always you want just to cry ...
    6. Chuck you're a low player dont deny this and don't replay to the post
    7. Please somebody call ken and twocheeks no more squadron on server this is a shame .... never use this guild name again ...
    8. 1. Server 1 main same 2.Sub-server non-pvp for afk (no events at all ) in this maps the xp and drop to be the same because if u raise xp then everybody will come there and so on they will keep 1 chars for events and inv on main server and switch servers as invasion or event start so its useless . (mostly for alts farm/mats/starters(exc items low tier can be droped a littler higher for new players or alts because u cannot use them for hrs) Thankyou !
    9. The problem is not about okla is n1 on pvp the problem is and i repeat myself is that rf on agi is too op why are u throwing rocks on each other with no reason .... rf got an def buff this is all and the dmg and def on rf will scale until the end of the server but on stage i am sure admin will change something or he will see that was on bug on server so just wait for next patch and things will come back ...
    10. The real problem is that rf got a buff for def and had an big impact on game because def is not only pvm is pvp too this is the only problem thats why is so op now . Arf was killer all the time everybody knows this but with that buff u cannot kill him now this is the only problem . If the defence will be set back at AGI/7 u will see how fast a rf will fall
    11. Max ref is 60% and max dd is same 60% u dont know to many thing about server drom what i see this means that full ene sum + ref it will be same 60% (+set is same 60% it dont adds more than 60% )
    12. On this server seeds are lvl4 not 5 so the impact from socket will not be high
    13. The test server dont share same stats/dmg/build like the normal server u can check very easy ...
    14. Yes true i think the rate for op w3 is too big ... already 4 w3 FO from what i know
    15. [UPDATED] RF Defence gain formula is now AGI/5 from AGI/7 (so he can be able to survive in maps like rest of chars). 15000 = 3000 def and bonus def set 13 ++ 20% total def + set 500-600 def 3600 + 760 bonus = 4360 now 15000 = 2140 def and bonus def set 13 ++20% total def +set 500-600 def 2740 + 548 bonus =2688 before The problem with arf is not about dmg is about hes def and range u cannot kill him, on the other server arf was good too on dmg but with low def so u can kill him 50% of times before he came near you
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