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  • Spawn

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    Everything posted by Spawn

    1. why 10 ? 1 is not enough in this case ? https://imgur.com/a/zMZoSUa 1 full screen and the picture has changed completely
    2. My dumb friend. Its a reason a reason why context and full conversation is important, here i didn't add no one word or letter, its pure ur words but ofc not all, like u love
    3. Give me 1 example where i told i'm RACIST towards u. I said that my words were addressed directly to you. You again inverse and making up words Again bull shit, where i say what i have full reason to be racist ? I responsed to ur words " can t believe you stay and cry here like a woman" I don't care about Mute, i hate rats like u, who made shit, talk shit and after come on forum with BEST story about "i lvling, didnt touch no one, but this bad guy just start to blame me without reason, i swear, he start first, look at the proof"
    4. where is full conversation? why u made screen in middle of conversation and call it PROOF ? And where in this conversation my "racist towards Romania" ??? i write 1 world about romania ? or u did it ? Frog lover, the more you write, the more I am convinced of your stupidity.
    5. Don't start a trash conversation if u can't prove or logical end it, i can prove my words, u have only "bla bla bla, cry, racist etc."
    6. we had same conversation early where i prove what you did like rat, first provoke and after run on posting forum only what suits you
    7. 4 posts from you since Monday and I'm crying? 4 post u made after u provoke me and u choice only good for u part from hole conversation and post here ? I'm not saying that I didn't use bad words i use it in u or ppls who blame me in those time, but didn't call me racist without reason
    8. Roby already did it, i made this post for Gion, coz he requires compliance with the rules
    9. I answer u exactly with ur text just replace tsigan with Moldovean. So, can u show me difference ?) why u can call me Moldovan but i can't call u tsigan ? or u associate ur "neam" with something wrong ? P.S. We having a lot of Romanian people here, but no one didn't report me, cause they saw context, and understand what i address my message ONLY to u
    10. Domnule ''cetatsean'' , nu o da in definitii de google , se vede foarte clar din printuri ca esti rasist in joc , mai nou se pare ca esti si pe forum . Cel mai tare mi se pare ca ai inteligenta desavarsita sa zici ca esti doar cu mine rasist si ca nu faci referire la o intreaga etnie/rasa , pai ba inteligentule (daca as fi ''Moldovean'), sunt eu singurul ''Moldovean'' de pe pamant? Esti prost?! Jignesti un intreg neam bai fane din grajd , iar in legatura cu lectura, atat ''itsi'' zic , mai bine prost ca mine decat destept ca tine . P.S. Provocat , neprovocat , nu ''itsi'' da dreptul sa fii rasist , nu iti poti stapanii emotiile pe joc si trebuie sa recurgi la astfel de replici ? Suporta consecinta ca un barbat ,nu mai plange ca o femeie . Cry is free tsigan
    11. https://imgur.com/a/R0KYlGN all post of this tsigan its like this, start to provoke, after that made random screens with only my bad msg, and report. @DeepHouse i repeat, use google, read some books or ask ur mom about tsigan definition. necărturarule
    12. https://imgur.com/a/zMZoSUa don't be mad
    13. Try to write email to WebZen and Elon Musk, i think Admin here don't have competence to resolve it
    14. How much time we need to play in this broken patch ? I tired for trash PVP where all server put a ton of HP for survive from piece of shit RF and combo BK. What a stupid habit to made a trash balance and avoid any fix of it ? 30 ppls fight and no one cant kill no one, only broken RF or BK can do something and stunned/iced guy can die, but wait, we have SM witch infinity Teleport... Fix need ! Fix Teleport Ally SM RF decrease 50% PvM RF decrease 50-70% Attack Success Rate(PvP) to avoid build witch 3-8k agi and ton of DMG (they will invest 15-20k in agi and decrease one shot ability) BK - Rise def witch 30-40% and decrease combo DMG witch 30-40% if they will have enough def to survive without a ton of HP they invest in dps. explain: BK have 110-120+k HP if any other class put stats for kill him, they die just from ref, but if u put stats from survive ref, u cant kill him (no enough DPS) and here i don't say anything about their combo.
    15. Trash balance is a reason, not anti-game #GIVE_WEB_ZEN_STANDARD_SETTINGS_BACK
    16. https://imgur.com/a/dIM8tvp 5inchViet - cici to avoid possible "I cannot find this character anymore"
    17. Spawn

      Happy Christmas

      can i have back my FENRIR ?
    19. You're too drunk right now https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newbie https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/noob
    20. eh, little girl can just cry and blame other ppl
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