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  • Spawn

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    Everything posted by Spawn

    1. https://imgur.com/a/dIM8tvp 5inchViet - cici to avoid possible "I cannot find this character anymore"
    2. Spawn

      Happy Christmas

      can i have back my FENRIR ?
    4. You're too drunk right now https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newbie https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/noob
    5. eh, little girl can just cry and blame other ppl
    6. https://imgur.com/a/BVJyHoF start of our second conversation from screen 6 to 8 P.S. I feel sorry for your mother...🤣🤣🤣
    7. in France faggot(pidarass) its complement ? now i understand why u stay there and of course I am always honest, in my report its full chat log, in ur "report" u choice just parts where u don't use any bad word That is an attempt to deceive admin
    8. https://imgur.com/a/P7gxnCH i know what this nerd will do that )) https://imgur.com/a/8mDmPAA P.S. OBLITERATE = RobyBalboa = Mafy = eRoby P.S.2. We need to start BANING for attempts to deceive the admins
    9. quiet ? yes i'm quite quiet, but can start to answer with same "card" if u touch me first. So i repeat, it's provoked
    10. https://imgur.com/a/BFl3lr1 I think we need to rise in rank this man, he make our server so popular, and rise again a "forgotten culture" how about Moderator ? P.S. Sarcasm
    11. https://imgur.com/a/wsaWNQw provoked like here yes . I dont mind , it`s ok , we re not gonna be crybabies like them, girls emotionally abused on internet . Idk who is this owner of the report, but the one who was talking otto is me and i dont intend to report it by any means . If gions decides tho that should be punished , mute both and we gucci , so they can be in peace spiritually.
    12. cry its free for ur masters p.s. not full chat log, provoked
    13. Exactly what i say early, u with all ur guild its just a weak players who can do something ONLY with broken chars, else u are completely NOTHING. U was ZERO before RF buff and u will be ZERO after RF nerf
    14. Its funny to see words about domination from ppls who can do something just with @ADMIN help with broken RFs, crying all day in post about their "power" MB someone don't have good PC to play well, but all what u have its only broken chars and racist mind.
    15. please don't flatter yourself, you and ur racist friend are zero, and will be great if you will take perma mute. But RF its rly a shit truble and we still not have any commentary about it
    16. Like always a lot of trashtalk and nothing more for the subject
    17. enjoy, p.s. if u join test server, u can have all what u want and play same...with urself, but didnt spend ur time, its lifehack )
    18. Since, im happy to play a good game and lost it, where you can play with each character with pleasure not just be another target for RF or PT buffer. Personally, I won't go to CS anymore until RF is fixed, I hope my clanmates will follow my example if we want to play and not be a target
    19. What matter how many RFs we have ? we have a much more ppls who wanna play in this game too, and what its the problem for u if RF will save same DPS but split her in 20 hits? not in one ?
    20. So if u so "pro" why u didn't coordinate same with another chars ? why u stay with 5-7 RF on one point ? because that work a most better i think ? why HC become back just after RF get buff from admin ? Don't try to be smartest here Alex, you no have real arguments to argue that situation
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