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Everything posted by Azir
thats not even whole conversation pussycat show all then ask for something.
yes domi, we learned that from u !
dont do last minute gaion Onix, because many people need to make it in last hour... ooor badabing can do long runs to not let u inside gaion.
So because of the bug on in deep Loren basically now - STARK will not be able to repair gates and statues + collect tax and zen and Infinity will not be able to join on Castle Siege on Sunday, correct? Or admin will just fix issue for Infinity only, but will not fix the issue for STARK and give us what we have won?
Admin, just a question, why badabing cant win CS but they hold castle FLAGS and STARK cant enter in our Throne room to collect the zen pls?
Yes, just like other spells got reduced speed (fire burst is attacking slower) or increased CD(teleport) - to balance all the classes - MASS TP / TP Ally should be also changed to have something that will make balance in team fights again. Ty admin for always finding the way to make fair play in OldSquad!
Why u get DC-ed if u enter with 2 characters from same IP in CC? or crywolf? or any event ? Maybe because admins want the player to play 1 char per event - real Play to win.. not Fake to win.. l2beFair stepsis dawiela .
admin is not banning ppl in IT5 anymore - so now its fair for all - play the way u want
Here my dear u see 2 accounts on 1 PC right ? or are u blind ? on my brother's pc there are 2 more with his mobile data wifi... and at events we dont come as 4 cuz we dont abuse with VPN- we come as 2 ppl on 2 chars gg wp
1st of all make check before u acuse again ... u proove nothing mr"stupid" GHOSTRIDER and Luckster are in 1 acc - i cant play both at the same time in 2 different cc..... lame ... go hide plz also abusing will be when i m 2 GR 54 rr and 380 lvl farming CC 6 with Luckster.... dude that was what dawizZ was doing before the 2nd GR so i just enter to stop him and won - so i have that points for just being better
sure my kid - go on and proove at least once when u acusing someone at something? ok ? Dawinoob we dont cry... we dont abuse ... but when admin not ban u for crossing the rules - then we will do same like what u do... So yeah i took VIP on Ghostrider and Luckster (its in 1 account both) and made most cc wins when nobody enters in cc6 free wins 8x times per day thats how Luckster is on 1st place there - just like u did with Kiim - u remember? you have told me i will never win cc6 again ... cuz of ur NEW ELF TANK strategy so i did my own DL TANK strategy to fk u up and i won. u lost. looser - now all what u can do is TANK SM and run on CC 7 to abuse that there.. and to win PVP artifacts for ur weak BK cuz he cant win solo funny dude - plz stfu
its okay maybe ur grandparrents are playing afk on ur alts on 2nd wifi and 2nd PCs . ok np
Suggestions for IT5 : remove the rules and let everyone free to play the event how they like ... winning or losing or afk and no bans for all = fair play. Suggestions for Quests : remove IT5 from the quests... if its not balanced.. Suggestions for CC and CS : allow everyone to play as many characters and they want but without need of VPN ok? = 30 vs 30 every sunday (alts for buff and main chars) = fair play + balance for all and lets see who will be better team again Have a lovely day, week, year!
look lets make it like this boyz... Shall I continue spaming with more video and screen proofs of how bad abusers and cheaters to the OldSquad Rules Badabing/Infinity are? Can you also share a video of me doing something with VPN pls - i bet u cant bring proofs on that simply because i dont have VPN and i like fair play! So admin if u want ur dear badabungers to stay in game - teach them how to play - dont protect them when they abuse/cheat .
Ooo wait there is even more proofs o.O check how 2 real players and brothers winning vs VPN + Antigame abusers in IT5 woody and luckster vs the badabungers D I S M E
Check here in chat how dawidk admits on his abusing himself alone
Now lets go to see the CS VPN abusers (reminder CS should be 1 char per 1 player - the biggest event in the game). check video at 00:09:49 / 00:15:07 / 00:29:30 / 00:35:10 / 00:36:17 / 01:13:43 / 01:17:46 / Who do we have here? RedDemon even abusing SM teleport on 1sec CD(dont know his main) + Riko(dont know his main) + Sooo(dont know his main) + McDona(McDonaldsXx) + NEGAN(dont know his alt) + dragLord(dont know his main) + Khatlean(LordOppai) ,.... maybe i miss someone or i put in wrong order main+alt.. but u see them afk and they about to die they move (sometimes) nice way to cheat and get extra points in CS statues ggwp make VPN great again !
oh lool what is this ? another time he plays 2 chars in 1 cc 7 but this time he loses on both 😮 GG WP dawi abuser top 1!
lol another VPN abuser... visible he plays only on 1 char when i go to him - cant play both same time = gg wp Dawizz farming pvp artifacts for ur bk - but cant beat my brother's BK so he just run with both chars
Another VPN abusers...
TUPAC + TheBoss again...
TUPAC - Badabing...
btw still not explained how a DL can run and Attack at the same time? hmmm
btw still not explained how a DL can run and Attack at the same time? or seams like admin protect their friends cheaters? Proove me i m wrong.
Still no answer from Admin on question - WHY we cant use screen recorder for video and getting DC-ed. And what else as a program to use to record cheating and abusing in game?