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  • Princess PornStar

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    Princess PornStar last won the day on February 2 2021

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    About Princess PornStar

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    1. I dont have skill to play BK but like i said earlier i cant say BK is worst class till i see Legion or Zutto
    2. Your posts show that u have no idea about BK.
    3. The only balance problem here is SM with Ice Strom skill and this is something that should be reduced Imo. Are you telling me BK is so weak that he can only defeat Elf? Nonsense ! Wanna tell me on this stage Zutto could kill only Elfs ? "BK with 10k vit" "BK with 13k vit" This shows that you have no idea about playing this class @Legioncan u see it ? xD High stats serv and BK with 10k hp
    4. I am convinced that ADMIN burned your bow on purpose for fear of your domination of the entire server. PS: Tocas honey, Tocas !
    5. Hello bro, If we are talking about low lvl bc/ds IMO If you are in 2 or 3 people inside, it is better for everyone to stay solo and make party only for quest reward (if BC) Personally, in a higher event I would give you a party because I don't think it had a negative effect on my experience or my character. Unfortunately, u must know that a small part of this beautiful community are greedy morons and all they can apart from talking is ruining the game and the fun of the game for new players. Cheers amigo
    6. 1st - sure, lets set 40% for flame, 40% for toca, 15% for scrolls and 5% for jewels 2nd - stupid idea imo, u have budges and ob1/ob2 for fram rings or pendants 3rd - /qchcange should work over 30rr imo
    7. " I bought an item that I thought it's other item " You thought ? Next time dont think, just look before clicking (u even need click twice...LOL)
    8. Congratulations to Admin and his team for setting up the server. Everything is great for me. I just wanted to suggest two things: 1st - It seems to me that the race should be removed from OGSM. It is not normal for the same person to win a completely random contest again and agian and again. 2nd - I suggest you make something like an auction or a gambler for JoCreations. Atm JoC are useless and auction/gambler can help with economy. PS: What u think to add 380 weap to drop from Selupan/Medusa with like 5% rate ?
    9. This community has a lot of loud dogs, but when it comes time to speak, they can only bury their head in the sand. Adult and responsible guys
    10. Dear Zutto, You are ordinary garbage. You wanted to be so smart, you used the Polish ip because you knew I was on a bad relationship with Snook and his team. How a shit man you are ? Who do you think you are to wipe your dirty face with Polish ? Ppl like u are like cancer for this earth. You were a professor of BK here for many, now u are coward and a clown. Now that you are not playing anymore and have more free time, I advise you to read history books. You live in a country that has given its values to Muslims and u hid under the Polish flag, like a rat Im not Chuku's lawyer but all this attack on him is just ridiculous. You call him a thief, you say he has always been a thief and you gave him passwords. U're so stupid... Maybe you've been overthinking how to dump your shit on someone else ? You robbed his friend, he repaid you and you start the drama ? Moron, u have gaps in the logical thinking. Chuku, you are not my friend, but I hope you will act like a real guy and solve the situation with Hardwell, FKinGCunT and Rusuletzzz someday. Can you return creedits in any time ? Dont say, just do it PS: Boyager wtf ? Poor Brazilian ? Who are you to say such shit ? If you judge people by their wallet you are so poor. I always respected u as a leader, for me u were best GM. You surprised me negatively my friend. PS2: Hardwell, FKing this community will lose without u. This db need players like u dont fuck us, just come back @Edit: Please do not offend my name and my friends Death, AirWaves, Cerberus and BugBless without any evidence. If I'm well informed then we are not interested in that kind of shit. Not now, not before, never ! Thx
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