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  • KamiCat

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    About KamiCat

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    1. Am in top 10 when it comes to CC points on the entire server so trust me, am doing just fine. But I still believe that team ups for events where the purpose of the entire thing is to be chaos all vs all are just not right. I know discord exists so its impossible to eliminate, but the least that could be done is disable chat for anyone that is carrying the CC entrance item on them, as well disabling chat in the period before the actual CC Initiates inside for people that are inside.
    2. Character Name:- Anestarion Suggestion Type:- Disabling Chat during Chaos Castle event Server:- Phoenix Content :- Suggestion is simple, remove the ability to use Chat in-game during Chaos Castle event and before it begins once inside the Chaos Castle itself. How it will bring Value:- People in same guilds will be unable to form "gank" teams that gank up on other people, and when only same guild members are left in chaos castle, monopolize who is going to win and who isn't and who's going to get the rewards. Guild monopolization of event rewards on the server is already bad enough as it is so this could actually make at least one event more fair to everyone, rather than a very specific number of few people that form teams via chatting with one another during the event. The purpose of Chaos Castle is like the name implies, Chaos, it shouldn't be an event where people are allowed to communicate with one another and form teams to decide who wins and who doesn't, the winner should be decided by who is the last man standing, and not who a team from specific guild decides that should win.
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